Divorced From Church? How Apostasy is Scattering the Sheep
Today, many precious saints have been forced to leave their churches due to truly biblical or doctrinal disputes. If you have, you are NOT alone! With alarming numbers of once-trustworthy denominations and leaders trumpeting varieties of Liberalism and Emergent and other heresies, what is the dedicated Bible-believer to do? Should we stay or must we go? In this important message, Eric Barger utilizes biblical apologetics as he approaches the problem, offers solutions, and outlines reasons to both leave and stay in a congregation.
 The REAL Jesus
vs. The Counterfeits
This timely message holds important apologetic insight to help you identify the many cultic versions of Jesus being promulgated today. Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, The New Age Movement - they ALL have a "Jesus."
Is Your Church New Age, Emergent, or Christian?
This comparison of New Age and Emergent beliefs against the backdrop of biblical Christianity will not only expose the many likenesses shared by New Age and Emergent philosophies but it will also help equip viewers with discernment in understanding and recognizing real, authentic Christianity.
Emergent philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church. 
 The MOST Dangerous Cult
This DVD explains theological Liberalism, how this insidious philosophy rose to power, how it has destroyed the once-great mainline denominations and above all, what the Scripture proclaims about it. One of our most important teachings, which clearly exposes the most dangerous of the cults, which operates right inside the Church.
It was this time of the year in 1983 that we stepped out and answered God's call, surrendering our lives to full-time ministry for Him. I have recounted some of the steps the Lord led us through in both my testimony ("How I Came From Rock to Rock") and also in the message "The MOST Dangerous Cult." Interestingly, our baptism into ministry began by a challenge I brought to a local Seattle Christian radio station concerning a couple of blatantly cultic/New Age teachers to whom they were selling air time. That confrontation led to a completely unexpected offer to host my own radio program (something to which at the time I had absolutely no aspirations) Before we knew it, the Lord had placed us in a position to speak out, teaching and warning of the inherent dangers of the secular rock music culture and the entertainment world. With that, our ministry was born. We weren't sure where the Lord was leading us but Melanie and I simply responded in obedience and stepped out in faith. As we did, "Take A Stand! Ministries" was born.
Now, more than 27 years later, I've participated in hundreds of radio, TV, and print interviews. We've logged over a million miles driving and probably that many again in airplanes as we've crisscrossed North America to conduct thousands of seminars, conferences, and crusades in local churches, Christian schools, hotel ballrooms, and community centers. The topics have changed some over the years but the theme of bold Christian Apologetics and our emphasis on the Lord Jesus and His sure and true Word has remained constant.
As we begin our 28th year, the goals and mission statement of our ministry haven't changed one bit. As it states on our website's home page, "We exist to see the lost saved and the Church changed!" That says it all. I have commented many times that the reason I'd spend over 200 days a year on the road and so many more hours behind the scenes in prayer, research, production, and preparation is that, in the end, it means that souls will be saved for eternity and those with ears to hear inside God's Church will be strengthened, edified, challenged, and changed.
Besides the lives we've been able to touch for the Kingdom of God, the second most significant residual from the many invitations to preach and minister has been the long-lasting friendships and relationships that have come our way. Melanie and I are extremely grateful for so many folks...so many, who have extended their hands to us and with whom we've shared our lives. Thank you, each and every one for the many encouraging conversations, emails, letters and and phone calls that have served to lift us up and with God's help, carry us through the struggles which each of us do experience from time to time. I simply don't know what we would have done without you and I just pray that everyone who has reached out to us over these years will enjoy the richest of God's blessings both now and eternally.
As I compose this letter I am tempted to begin naming those who've come alongside us throughout these years. As nostalgic as it feels though, I'm sure if I begin that I'll miss someone who played an important part. Frankly, as I have begun to list those I'd like to acknowledge by name, the list is so lengthy that there is no way to incorporate it without sounding like the droning of a recipient at an awards ceremony!
With 27 years complete, we're off and running on #28 without a hint of slowing down. I hope you are aware of how this must perturb Satan. I really can't think of anything he would rather do more than to slow ministries like us down. He's well aware that we've led thousands of people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and we've been among his leading opponents, exposing his tricks and deceptions brought against God's Church.
One sure way that you can make certain that Satan doesn't impede our mission is by remembering to intercede for us and also by your financial support. Since we rarely outline a specific need, this seems like an appropriate place to share something that I need your assistance with right now. For some time we have been discussing the need to replace an increasingly less dependable 1995 van used exclusively in the ministry. It is the vehicle I have driven the most over the past 6 years and as the miles increased so did the repair costs. Recently, a really good opportunity arose and we purchased a "new" (2005) van to use as I travel in the midwest and eastern US and Canada. Without trying to explain the details, we got a terrific deal on the vehicle and now have 6 months to pay for it. How awesome it would be if we could just take care of that obligation this month. What a great way to kick off another year of ministry! I believe that many who'll read this note will be impressed by the Lord to donate specifically to this project. Traveling ministries have to have the means to travel and I'm trusting that you'll understand that this was no frivolous purchase but a very practical and needed one. Perhaps just one person reading this may be led of the Lord to step forward and take care of the entire $9,000 cost. If that were to happen, whatever comes in over and above the cost of the vehicle will be used to purchase a new video projector and another high volume printer that we currently need as well. The day is coming when we'll have to replace our other ministry van, also but for now it would be a real shot in the arm of this ministry to see this $9,000 debt retired immediately. You can click here to access our giving page, which leads to a completely encrypted and secure page where you can donate immediately with a debit or credit card. (See below for our address if you prefer using postal mail.) Our source is God but He uses the hands of many to meet the needs of His ministries. Would you help me with this? Thanks so much for your care and concern for us and for the ministry. In particular, thank you for praying for Melanie as she continues to pull double duty as the "point person" for her aging parents as well as serving as the the office manager for our ministry. Please pray for me, too, as I travel literally coast to coast during November, presenting the "TAS" seminar series in churches and as I record another series of radio interviews that will be heard nationally in early 2011. I'll be updating you on the ministry and also the progress toward meeting the needs I've told you of. In the meantime, keep taking your stand for Christ as together we watch and wait for Him. Amen! God bless you!
You may also send your gift to: Take A Stand! Ministries PO Box 1485 Rowlett, TX 75030
Bring Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries to Your Church!Now scheduling seminars and conferences for 2011 and beyond!
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