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The Rise, Fall, and REDEMPTION of America
There is much talk about America, our Founding Fathers, who we are as a people and of course, where we are going as a nation. The DVD "The Rise, Fall and Redemption of America" pinpoints all of this and addresses the issue of how God deals with nations and peoples. Will we walk with Him, honor His Word, worship His Son and stand with His forevermore chosen people, Israel or will we sit idly by and watch as His hand of blessing and protection slowly lifts off of us?
With July 4th approaching, many are open to reexamine who we are and what the driving force of this nation has been for over two centuries. Will we have answers for those seeking the truth in these troubed end-days?
Shadow Government
Leading researchers, authors and minds like Grant Jeffrey, Dr. Katherine Albrecht, Edward G. Griffin, Daniel Estulin, Gary Kah, Chuck Missler, Joan Veon, Brad O'Leary and many others take you through the incredible and hidden world of Surveillance, Rights and Freedoms, Global Government and Bible Prophecy.
Eric Barger's live seminar dissects the complicated world of Islam and documents the life and revelations of its prophet, Muhammad, the Koran, the Muslim "Jesus" and looks at the origin and identity of Allah, "the moon god."
Reading directly from the Koran and other Muslim sources, Eric also looks at Islamic claims that it is a "peaceful" religion, the call for "Jihad," the 9/11 terrorists and the pronounced Islamic intent to "cover the planet for Allah."

The Death of Discernment:
How The Shack Became the #1 Bestseller in Christianity
Learn about the unbiblical, unorthodox theology contained in this runaway bestseller and how it threatens to deceive untold numbers of both Christians and seekers in our midst.
(Eric Barger's most sought after video teaching ever!)

The Errors of the Emergent Church
Emergent philosophy has invaded nearly every once-safe denomination. In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.
Bringing Twilight Out Into the Son
"Blockbuster books and hit movies confuse evil with good."
Twilight is adversely affecting millions, which is why we encourage you to order Eric Barger's informative new booklet, Bringing Twilight out into the Son today. Request several copies to give to friends and family. Having a few on hand for the Twilight fans you encounter could make a dramatic eternal difference. This booklet is now in its 3rd printing!
July 2, 2010
What You Know and What You Didn't Know... About Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries
You may already know what we do...
- For nearly 27 years now, our ministry has been an uncompromising voice of truth proclaiming the fact that Jesus is the only answer and heralding His soon return. We have defended the Bible, its teaching and its rele-vance to men and will continue to do so with every fiber of our being.
- I continue to travel some 200+ days each year across the US and Canada presenting the "Take A Stand!" seminar series in conferences and local churches. This mix of teaching and evangelism has been the main staple of our ministry from the very beginning.
- The many books, booklets, DVDs, and CDs we've produced have been a source of inspiration, information, and challenge reaching people on every continent.
- has become a trusted resource where people can access research and commentary concerning apologetics, the cults, the occult, Bible prophecy, world religions, and current events.
- Recently, we've experienced unparalleled growth, literally tripling the outreach of the Take a Stand! Report newsletters in the past 15 months alone! Also, every week or two our ministry email updates circulate around the world and are being read by thousands of people in over 20 countries.
Here's what you probably don't know about us.
- We are a part of and help fund a growing ministry that each day evangelizes, educates, and is the primary source of food for 230 children at a Christian school in Haiti. I am actually a board member of this US-based ministry helping direct and fund this effort.
- Every month we support the work of a Native American Bible college which trains and equips pastors and missionaries who are touching the world for Jesus Christ.
- For years, I have been a part of an established apologetics group that is leading Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and other cultists out of the darkness with the truth of the authentic Jesus Christ.
- We give financial support and lend direction to a growing ministry, reaching out to one of the hardest people groups to reach in our culture - over-the-road truckers. We've watched as painstakingly this ministry has borne fruit and won soul after soul to the Lord in parking lots and truck stops across the western U.S.
- On a personal note, besides handling the bulk of our office administration, filling requests for materials, and being my primary prayer warrior, my wife Melanie is the key "go to" person for her father and mother who are both experiencing mounting end-of-life health issues and all of the accompanying scenarios and needs.
Here are the facts.
Historically, a very small percentage of the people we minister to actually provide any financial support. You may already be a regular contributor to our work. However, if you are not, I am asking you to begin pray-ing for us and to also pray about becoming a monthly supporter of Take A Stand! Ministries.
As many who have been receiving our newsletters know, when this letter was sent to our postal mailing list recently it was the first letter concerning finances that we've sent since the middle of last year. We just don't send out an endless string of aggressive fundraising letters, nor do I include high-pressure appeals with a so-called "crisis of the month," playing for a mere emotional response. I do not want to become distracted from our godly mission by constantly talking about money, but it wouldn't be fair to the ongoing mission of our ministry if I didn't present these needs. I believe you'll agree that to awake each day to an increasing weight of expenses and not share them with our friends and supporters would be counterproductive to the very cause of the ministry and to my family and their needs as well.
Here's where we are.
We need an increase in monthly giving and some substantial one-time gifts right now.
- We need to immediately replace all three of our aging industrial-strength printers used to produce the newsletter, my books, and other printed materials.
- We also must replace at least two of the three aging minivans we use for the ministry. One of these vans currently has over 360,000 miles on it.
- Plus, we need to retire about $8,000 in other expenses and supplies, including repairs on both the main laptop computer and the video projector I use when traveling.
- On a personal level, Melanie and I need to acquire health insurance, for as of now we have none. Though this will cost several hundred dollars a month, we feel it is the intelligent and practical thing to do because just one day in the hospital
- let alone an extended stay for either of us - would severely hurt and possibly even cripple both the ministry and our family.
We greatly appreciate your consideration and your partnership and prayers for us as we move to strengthen Take A Stand! Ministries to take on the challenges of the coming months and years. Thank you!

The New Twilight Movie - "Eclipse" - is out. What will you tell people? How will you respond?
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New Videos on our YouTube Channel
New uploads include info on:
- The Emergent Church
- Islam
- "The Shack"
- Universalism in the Church
- Bible Prophecy and the Occult
- Discernment or Deception
- Brit Hume and Tiger Woods
Click Here
We depend upon the gifts and offerings of those who believe in our mission. Thanks for considering a gift now.
One of Everything Special

Great for home use, Christian and home school study, Bible studies, small groups, Sunday School, church libraries and anyone just wanting a collection of ALL of Eric's DVDs, his most current Books plus others and an assortment of his teaching CDs.
Order online, call 214-289-5244 or mail your request to: Take A Stand! Ministries PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
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