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"UNDERSTANDING THE TIMES 2009" Conference Album (DVDs or CDs)
(Presented by Jan Markell and Olive Tree Ministries)
Includes all seven messages by Eric Barger, Gary Kah, Dr. Ron Rhodes and host, Jan Markell
En Route to Global Occupation
Gary Kah's groundbreaking book remains the benchmark by which others exposing the New World Order are judged. Every student of current events and Bible prophecy needs to carefully read this book!
The Emergent Church: Undefining Christianity
In this book, Pastor Bob Dewaay walks the reader through the origins and pitfalls associated with the Emergent Church Movement, in particular, their faulty eschatology.
The Death of Discernment:
How The Shack Became the #1 Bestseller in Christianity
Learn about the unbiblical, unorthodox theology contained in this runaway bestseller and how it threatens to deceive untold numbers of both Christians and seekers in our midst.
(Eric Barger's most sought after video teaching ever!)

The MOST Dangerous Cult
This DVD explains theological Liberalism, how this insidious philosophy rose to power, how it has destroyed the once-great mainline denominations and above all, what the Scripture proclaims about it. One of our most important teachings which clearly exposes the most dangerous of the cults which operates right inside the Church.
The Errors of the Emergent Church
In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.
Bringing Twilight Out Into the Son
"Blockbuster books and hit movies confuse evil with good."
Twilight is adversely affecting millions, which is why we encourage you to order Eric Barger's informative new booklet, Bringing Twilight out into the Son today. Request several copies to give to friends and family. Having a few on hand for the Twilight fans you encounter could make a dramatic eternal difference. This booklet is now in its 3rd printing!
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April 13, 2010
Choosing Evolution Over The Bible
Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. - I Corinthians 1:25 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. - I Corinthians 2:5 You may have seen the headline in assorted Christian news services this morning (April 13, 2010) that a prominent Reformed scholar, Professor Bruce Waltke, resigned his position last week at Reformed Theological Seminary(Orlando) because of the turmoil surrounding his recently magnified belief in evolution. The video that led to Professor Waltke's resignation from RTS was released on March 24 as a part of a series called Science and the Sacred, facilitated through the Biologos Foundation*. Waltke is a world-renowned Old Testament scholar who worked on the translation committees for both the New American Standard and New International Version Bibles. He is also the past president of the Evangelical Theological Society. On March 29th RTS Chancellor, Ric Cannada, requested that Waltke and Biologos remove the video from the Internet, which they did. At that time however, Waltke reaffirmed his stated pro-evolutionary views to the leadership at Biologos. RTS Chancellor Cannada weighed his options and then, in a gracious statement, said, "As I came to understand the situation better, I ultimately accepted Bruce's resignation believing it best for RTS and also best for Bruce" ( Though avoiding and downplaying the idea that Waltke was "forced out," as news accounts have reported, I believe there is little doubt that what Cannada and RTS are saying is that evolution has no place in an institution that truly champions the Bible. To this I say, "Praise the Lord!" My hat is off to the leaders at RTS who had the courage to appear to the world as Neanderthal-like in what appears to be (and what I surely hope is) their defense of the Bible. It matters little if this was a reformed institution, one that is Wesleyan-leaning, or any assortment of other peripheral theologies. These days it's just a rarity that we hear of anyone's resignation/termination from a Christian institution of higher learning over issues such as evolution. Frankly, the case of Professor Waltke is just another instance of intellectualism being favored over the Word of God. I for one am grateful that some institution somewhere saw fit to resist following the growing throng of those bent on making Scripture conform to science - all the while claiming they are within the boundaries of real Christianity. The authority of the Word of God must never be made subject to the scientific but imperfect thoughts and theories of man. Christians who read and believe the Bible and its God know this. Those who only claim to be Christians and who trust man's abilities and intellect over the Scriptures do not. The question is, will we make unwavering stands for God's Word - even when the world ridicules and mocks? We're on eternally solid ground if we will. I Peter 1:25 instructs us that "...the word of the Lord endureth for ever" and Jesus said "Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away" (Luke 21:33). Now that's a solid place to set up camp! More destructive stuff funded by the John Templeton Foundation As I mentioned, Bruce Waltke made the remarks that caused this uproar during a workshop with the Biologos Foundation. Guess who funds them? The John Templeton Foundation( The Templeton Foundation has funded studies promoting open theism and evolution on numerous occasions. In fact, this appears to be one prime reason as to why they exist. When it comes to understanding the prominence that evolutionists and the proponents of open theism are enjoying inside the Church, one just has to follow the money. There is surely plenty of cash being provided to bolster these and other unbiblical causes today. It is no secret what the agenda of the John Templeton Foundation is. The heading on their website's home page says it all: "Supporting Science - Investing in the Big Questions." Nowhere in the Foundation's mission statement ( is God, the Bible or faith of any kind even mentioned. However, since the John Templeton Foundation regularly grants large sums to help synthesize science and religion, and since they sport the richest single grant/prize in the world (1,000,000 pounds sterling - more $$$ than the Nobel Prize), it has become a popular cash cow for many in the neo-evangelical, intellectual crowd. Those who claimed Christianity yet sought to downplay Scripture in favor of science had a powerful ally in the late Sir John Templeton. This support continues unabated with today's leadership of the John Templeton Foundation, which is led by the founder's son, Dr. John "Jack" Templeton, Jr. Sir John Templeton was intent on the merger of science and the Bible, with scientific intellectualism being the deciding barometer - not the Bible. How grateful I am that many Christian intellectuals have chosen to believe the Word of God first before science. However, this view isn't accepted well in academia because one must first believe the Bible to determine things this way. Truth be told, I fear far too many inside our theological institutions are secretly bowing down to the altar of what is accepted in worldly education and worshiping the idol of intellect. True, lifting the Bible up as the first and last determiner of truth doesn't win one six- and seven-figure grants. But is that what marks the success of the Christian educator? Call me backward, but I've always thought that our Christian allegiance must first be to the Scriptures and then secondarily to intellect, science, and the wisdom of man and that they must be made subject to the rigors of the Word of God. I guess I'm just too uneducated. Thank God. Another Disturbing Note to Nazarenes We have received many emails and calls thanking me for last weeks article, " The Seductive Poison of Apostasy." I am grateful for the encouragement and support. However, I more than anyone, wish the information shared in that article, and so many others I have written, was of a more positive nature. With that said, here are some related facts concerning today's report. To the dismay of biblical Nazarenes, there are three prominent Nazarenes listed as team members on the Biologos Foundation website. Darrell Falk - Biologos President - professor at Point Loma Nazarene College since 1988 Karl Giberson - Biologos Vice President - professor at Eastern Nazarene College since 1984 Lowell Hall - Biologos Book Club Director - professor at Eastern Nazarene College since 1967 ----------------------------- * Biologos Foundation ( Note that the "flash" page heading on their website features perhaps the best-known open theist in the world, Pastor Greg Boyd. There is also a piece there by Bruce Waltke titled, "Why Must the Church Accept Evolution?"
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Understanding The Times Conference
DVD and CD sets - now available! |
(Presented by Jan Markell and Olive Tree Ministries)
Message Titles Include:
Eric Barger * Discernment or Deception: Which Will You Choose? * Is Your Church Emergent, "New Age" or Christian?
Gary Kah * Astounding Developments in the Global Society * The Coming Globalization: Obama, the Middle East, Interfaithism and the Vatican
Dr. Ron Rhodes * Why Perilous Times are Now in Overdrive * It's Out of This World: The Glory of Heaven
Jan Markell & Panel * Questions and Answers
One of Everything Special

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Order online, call 214-289-5244 or mail your request to: Take A Stand! Ministries PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
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