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 "UNDERSTANDING THE TIMES 2009" Conference Album (DVDs or CDs)
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(Presented by Jan Markell and Olive Tree Ministries)
Includes all seven messages by Eric Barger, Gary Kah, Dr. Ron Rhodes and host, Jan Markell
The Death of Discernment:
How The Shack Became the #1 Bestseller in Christianity
Discernment DVD
Learn about the unbiblical, unorthodox theology contained in this runaway bestseller and how it threatens to deceive untold numbers of both Christians and seekers in our midst.
(Eric Barger's most sought after video teaching ever!)
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The MOST Dangerous Cult
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The Errors of the Emergent Church
 Emergent DVD 
In this seminar DVD, Eric defines Emergent thinking and terms, concisely exposing the leaders and errors of the Emergent Church.


March 7, 2010
What Apologetics Is...
An interview with Eric Barger by Nathan Jones of Lamb and Lion Ministries
For the average Christian, the word "apologetics" is a very strange and sometimes scary word. Does it mean the act of one who goes around and apologizes for the Christian faith? Can one be an expert in apologetics? So, just what is apologetics, anyway?
Lamb & Lion Ministries interviewed one of today's foremost defenders of the faith, Eric Barger, the founder and director of Take a Stand! Ministries headquartered in the Dallas area...Read More
(NOTE: The Interview is excepted from the Christ in Prophecy TV series "Defending the Faith" with Eric Barger, Dr. David Reagan and Nathan Jones. Click here for info.)
 Eric, Dr. David Reagan, Nathan Jones, and members of the Lamb and Lion Ministries "Christ in Prophecy" TV crew.
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Discerning the Times Conference 2010
Next Saturday, March 13 - Hamilton Ohio - Gary Kah and Eric Barger

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Get to Know Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries
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New Resource from Eric Barger!
Twilight Bklt 
"Blockbuster books and hit movies confuse evil with good."
Twilight is adversely affecting millions, which is why we encourage you to order Eric Barger's informative new booklet, Bringing Twilight out into the Son today. Request several copies to give to friends and family. Having a few on hand for the Twilight fans you encounter could make a dramatic eternal difference. This booklet is now in its 3rd printing!
* Also Read Jan Markell's article on Twilight "WARNING: There's No Power in This Blood!" 
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 New Videos on our YouTube Channel
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New uploads include info on:
- The Emergent Church
- Islam
- "The Shack"
- Universalism in the Church
- Bible Prophecy and the Occult
- Discernment or Deception
- Brit Hume and Tiger Woods
Click Here
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We depend upon the gifts and offerings of those who believe in our mission. Thanks for considering a gift now.
Understanding The Times Conference
DVD and CD sets - now available! 
Understanding DVD cover.ds
(Presented by Jan Markell and Olive Tree Ministries)
Message Titles Include:

Eric Barger
* Discernment or Deception: Which Will You Choose?
* Is Your Church Emergent, "New Age" or Christian?

Gary Kah
* Astounding Developments in the Global Society
* The Coming Globalization: Obama, the Middle East, Interfaithism and the Vatican

Dr. Ron Rhodes
* Why Perilous Times are Now in Overdrive
* It's Out of This World: The Glory of Heaven

Jan Markell & Panel
* Questions and Answers
One of Everything Special

"One of Everything!" Special
20 DVDs, 5 Books, 10 CDs
(a $449 value)
Great for home use, Christian and home school study, Bible studies, small groups, Sunday School, church libraries and anyone just wanting a collection of ALL of Eric's DVDs, his most current Books plus others and an assortment of his teaching CDs.
Order online, call 214-289-5244 or mail your request to:
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
Contact us at:
Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030  USA
Phone: 214-289-5244 
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Copyright, 2010 Eric Barger