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Ministry Update Nov 10, 2009  
Has the Whole Church Gone MAD?
Today, more than usual, I have had several troubling emails which indicate the growth of the end-time apostasy around us. As I read these disturbing, heart-wrenching letters I found myself muttering, "Has the whole Church gone MAD?!!" Of course, I know the answer is "no." There is, and always will be, a Remnant who will abide in and hold onto God's Word. However, sometimes the sheer volume of distress calls indicating how widespread the current theological mess is makes one wonder how long before the Lord sends the trumpet call across Heaven.
I know that just these few emails will rally many of you to prayer. These are indeed yet troubling days, but as I said to Melanie today, "This is the reason we're still here after 27 years."
Thanks for your prayerful support. Please continue intercession for us and for the ministry as we reach as many as we can. Pray that we'll be a source of biblical hope and information in the midst of the growing darkness. I ask also that you pray for the needs expressed in these emails as well. They are representative of the dozens we receive each week.
Psalm 37:23...
Eric Signature
Emails Logo

What is wrong with Christians today?

   THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! The stuff on the "Twilight" (books and movies) is great! I am taking it to my pastor. I can't take it anymore. Our college and career leader is taking the kids to see it. I go to conservative Baptist church. My son is in that department. I am the "crazy" all the time and it may affect my son, but I can't take it anymore... ERIC WHAT IS WRONG WITH CHRISTIANS TODAY???? Is it that they don't know their Bible and lose discernment???

~Renee (Michigan)

Emergent Nazarenes
(I am) Desperately fighting the Emergent issue in xxxxxxxx, Ohio, Nazarene Church.  Seemingly I am the only one who thinks anything is going on.  I have confronted my pastor, talked to the gal who is his "right hand" and no one thinks anything is wrong.  I haven't talked to anyone else really in the church except a couple of girlfriends when I decided I was going to leave, but then God said "no" so I didn't.  Its really hard and not getting fed.  What do I do?  I feel like I'm to FIGHT, like Nehemiah, also like Deborah, but I don't have any resources or knowledge here AT ALL!!!  The Lord is enough, but if you have any insight, it'd help greatly.  I serve our women, though not officially -stepped down due to statement by our pastor.  Told him I felt "unprotected" and he said his job is "to provide fertile ground".  I feel like there is "another spirit" at work and I've done tons of research but really feel alone. Any thoughts?
I so appreciate your work in this area, I do understand the persecution and the "alienation".  My husband isn't saved yet, so that requires me even more to rely on God!
I'm in full time ministry, unpaid, so I can't support you that way, but I will certainly pray for you.  Thanks and keep fighting the good fight.  Heb. 12:1-2   Run well, finish well!  Thanks!!
 ~Wendy (Ohio)

Eric's Note: We sent Wendy a set of two DVDs, two CDs and a package of "How to Spot the Emergent Church" brochures to help her warn and minister to those in her church and community.
Rob Bell "Nooma" DVDs and other heresies...

Eric -
We have just found out that one of our youth pastor's favorite authors is Rob Bell.  Ahhhh!  We are going to confront this issue and have researched your site and others.  Do you have any suggestions for hard-hitting information that we can share with our youth pastor?  We also found out that Rob Bell endorses Kabbalist, Lawrence Kushner.  However, we have been unable to find any hard evidence that we could pass on.
Thanks for any info.  Keep up the good fight.
(Name withheld by request)
Eric's Note: I sent several resources and quotes from Bell detailing how far outside orthodox Christianity his views, teaching and recommendations are. 
More "Nooma" Deception
I am just learning about the emerging church movement..My church has started to show the Nooma videos and use some of the names you have mentioned.  I have 3 sons in a Christian college close to home and found out just a few days ago that the Nooma videos are huge on campus and in fact some of the names mentioned in your article have been speakers there.
I am very overwhelmed by  everything.  I watch people in church and EVERYONE seems to be accepting everything.... giving testimonies how everything being taught is making them grow so strong and there are so many very strong Christians in our church. The pastor makes comments that if anyone is not on board with all--- then we are the ones that are in denial and so-forth.  I am confused...not about what is truth but how can I be the only one in a church that can see the untruths in it all, and how do I tell my 19, 20. year old sons that the university is teaching a false gospel.  It is like "mom is crazy" or something.  I will be searching more and studying more on this.
Name withheld
Eric's Answers:
I can't tell you just how many letters like yours I am receiving each month. It is stunning.
We are watching a complete redefinition of biblical, historic Christianity take place. People are acting like lambs on the way to slaughter - which is
just about the best way to describe it.
I am attaching to this email a simple 2 sided 8.5x11 tri-fold pamphlet called "How to spot the Emergent Church." Print as many as you like or request copies at 12 cents each from us. Get it into every hand you can. (It's a PDF file.)
Rob Bell, Brian McLaren, Tony Jones and other Emergents fit perfectly the biblical description of a false prophet. It is our obligation to warn people. This is EXACTLY as Paul warned Timothy it would be in the end days. We can expect people to laugh, ridicule and reject us for standing by the Bible, but we MUST warn them.
God bless you...Psalm 37:23 to you.
Visit Eric Barger and Take A Stand! Ministries at: - Now in our 27th year of "TAKING A STAND!"
Eric's note: I have documented Rob Bell and the "Nooma" series in writing and also in the DVD "The Errors of the Emergent Church." Rob Bell preaches against repentance, endorses books written by Mayan Buddhists (such New Age guru Ken Wilbur), and insists that one of the main problems with Christianity is that so many Christians hold to what he believes to be the antiquated idea that the Bible alone is enough to guide us! Run from Rob Bell and warn everyone you know to do the same.
Understanding The Times Conference
DVD and CD sets - now available! 
Understanding DVD cover.ds
All seven messages by Eric Barger, Gary Kah, Ron Rhodes and conference host, Jan Markell
DVDs - $55

CDs - $30
(prices in US funds, plus shipping)
 Eric at pulpit Understanding the Times 2009
Eric presenting his new message "Discernment or Deception: The Choice is Yours"
Jan and Eric 2009 conference
Eric & Jan Markell
EB Friday
Eric addresses the crowd on Friday night

Jan Markell and speakers during Saturday Q&A


"One of Everything!" Special
20 DVDs, 5 Books, 10 CDs
(a $449 value)
Great for home use, Christian and home school study, Bible studies, small groups, Sunday School, church libraries and anyone just wanting a collection of ALL of Eric's DVDs, his most current Books plus others and an assortment of his teaching CDs.
Order online, call 214-289-5244 or mail your request to:
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
Contact us at:
Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030  USA
Phone: 214-289-5244 
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Copyright, 2009 Eric Barger