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Ministry Update Nov 4, 2009
Greetings everyone and welcome to over 550 new subscribers!
My crazy travel and speaking schedule has kept me from dedicating the time needed to communicate to our subscribers so I am grateful to have a day off to final get a note to you!
Once more, I have literally been coast to coast in the past 30 days and am leaving again for another 18 days of ministry tomorrow. I just praise the Lord for the many open doors He is soverignly preparing before us and how He is divinely connecting us to so many terrific, dedicated, and like-minded servants. I just wish space in these updates allowed me to share every detail of this and every ministry trip but I do want to spotlight Jan Markell's great "Understanding the Times 2009" conference.
With the Lord's help, we touched several thousand people during the two day event held in the Minneapolis area on October 9-10. It was awesome to take part in this cutting-edge event with Jan and authors Gary Kah and Ron Rhodes.
I hope you'll seize the opportunity to order the conference DVDs or CDs that we are offering in this email. Once you see them I know you will want to pass them along to friends and family. The messages we brought were enlightening, challenging and inspirational. Plus, your order helps support our ministry.
Melanie and I appreciate your many emails, letters and of course your financial support through product orders and donations - we couldn't do it without you! (We particularly need extra help right now to cover an unexpected $1800 expense.)
I'll have another update and some new articles and information out to you and up online in the next few days. In the meantime, thanks again for your prayers and for standing with us!
Psalm 37:23 to you!
Eric Signature
Understanding The Times Conference
People came from over 15 states and several nations
Gary Kah, Eric Barger, Ron Rhodes 
 Eric at pulpit Understanding the Times 2009
Eric presenting his message "Discernment or Deception: The Choice is Yours"
Jan and Eric 2009 conference
Eric & Jan Markell
EB Friday
Eric addresses the crowd on Friday night

Jan Markell and speakers during Saturday Q&A


"One of Everything!" Special
20 DVDs, 5 Books, 10 CDs
(a $449 value)
Great for home, Christian and home school study, small groups, Sunday School, church libraries and anyone just wanting a collection of ALL of Eric's DVDs, his most current Books plus others and an assortment of his teaching CDs.
Order online, call 214-289-5244 or mail your request to:
Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485 - Rowlett, TX 75030
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Our DVDs Going Around the World!

Hi there Eric,
The boxes containing my "one of everything" order arrived last week already! Thanks very much!
We've started watching and the DVDs are absolutely brilliant!  We also had the head elder from our church here for lunch on Sunday and showed them the Emerging Church DVD which they've never heard of before - they were stunned!
We, ourselves, have just come out of such a church so we have a bit of experience, however your DVD is and excellent explanation which we will surely show to 100's of people in the future.
Thanks again, and keep well!
Brendan and Lilian
Auckland, New Zealand

Ministry Fruitfulness!  
I am listening to you on Jan Markell's radio program. This is the first time I have listened to this program and this is the first time I have heard of you. Your presentation is excellent. Your arguments make sense to me and I am a 39-year old new Christian who was liberal atheist for all of my life until about year ago, when I started to watch to the some religious programs on TV. I've never gone to church and was raised and educated in the liberal secular system that taught that God didn't exist, religious people are brainwashed and the only reason people become religious is because they are looking for a crutch so that they don't have to rely on themselves or take responsibility for their decisions in life. So, if someone like me who was brought up in this type of environment can come out of it and see the light, it shows me the power of God and to those who keep getting message out - people like you. I still can listen with a skeptical ear to those who preach, and my skeptical ear was very open to your message. You are on the right path and the way you are expressing your message is very compelling. Thank you for what you are doing. Your efforts are going to see results - more and more - as people's eyes begin to open to see and hear what has deceived them.
 ~Bonnie (Oregon)

Thanks for writing and for your encouragement to me. Most of all, I praise the Lord that after all you have experienced in life that you have come to Christ. What a great testimony of God's grace and power!

Please let me know if there is anything we can help you with as you grow and learn to walk with the Lord through His Word and by His Spirit.

God bless you!


UPDATE from Bonnie...
Hi Eric,

Thank you for your reply.  I heard a repeat of the show today and had a coworker listen.  He is one of those people who says he believes in God, but does not live a life that reflects that belief.  I told him I was impressed with your message so he agreed to listen Later on he thanked me for asking him to listen to your message and even said "He's right!"  I could tell it struck a nerve that he was not expecting, and in fact began a discussion about God.  You have awoken another lost soul.  I heard it in his voice.

Thank you again for your work.  I pray that your message reaches many people who have been in denial, asleep at the wheel, or blind to what is happening in the education system, the churches, and our government.  Keep getting the message out.  It's working.  I never thought I'd be the person cheering on this cause, but that was before I discovered that all those "religious people" were right!  I read the Bible and I have so many "ah ha! moments" that jump out at me and give me the guidance in life that a loving father would give.  I know that God exists.  I just feel something that I can't quite explain, but ever since I have come to this realization, I no long feel the need to please everyone just to keep their friendship.  Now I'd rather please God and follow His advice. One by one the people who were negative and kept me from this path no long have my attention.  I see the world so differently now that I believe He is the creator.  I sound like one of those people who I used to think had been brainwashed, but now I see that I was one who was brainwashed before I decided to give God the benefit of the doubt.  Thank God for his patience with me.  Thank God for giving the world a man with your gift.  I know you are going to see the fruits of your labor. 

"He who kneels before God can stand before anyone."  ~Author Unknown

God bless you Eric.



More DVD Fruit!
God Uses Eric Barger's DVD "The End-Time Occult Invasion" Again!!!
I took Eric's DVD with me to Texas to visit family and friends. Anne and her four children, ages 10-15, watched Eric's DVD with me. The 15 yr old cried out now and then with things like, "Oh, Walt Disney is GOOD!" or "I like so-and-so!" But in the end God's Truth through Eric won out! They knew they were listening to the Word of their Heavenly Father, and before the week was over had purged their belongings of everything they could think of that was occultic or even questionable. They delighted in obeying God as they hammered on DVD's and videos to destroy them. We all prayed together to renounce (speak off of them) any and all demonic presence, and they recommitted themselves to God to seek His Righteousness first! They experienced a fresh beginning and a new discernment. The 15 year old took the DVD to his friend who had a large Pokemon collection, but haven't heard how that turned out. Many thanks to God and you Eric and your wife Melanie for this wonderfully Biblical presentation. How rewarding it will be in heaven!!! I hope now, too! Sincerely Yours in Jesus our LORD
Jeanie (Washington)
Frustrated by Deception
Thank you so much for your ministry...I am soooooooo tired of being deceived by so called Christian leaders...all I want is to hear the Truth of God's Word, and it's getting harder and harder to find that in the Church these days.  :(  But thank you for all you do!  God bless you all!  :)
Kim (Missouri)

Eric's note: We receive a LOT of emails reflecting the same thoughts Kim shared here - surely a sign of life in the End-Days.
Contact us at:
Eric Barger & Take A Stand! Ministries
PO Box 1485
Rowlett, TX 75030  USA
Phone: 214-289-5244 
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Copyright, 2009 Eric Barger