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For Immediate Release

December 1, 2010

Contact:  Jennifer Karmel

 Garner Economics, LLC

[email protected]

Primus Builders and Garner Economics Form Partnership for Food Processing Site Certification

Design/Build firm Primus Builders and site location specialist Garner Economics have announced a significant partnership, which will create one of the most extensive site certification initiatives ever for communities seeking to attract companies in the food and beverage industry.

According to Tony Pitrone,  Vice President of Atlanta-based Primus, and Jay Garner, President of Garner Economics, the rationale behind the certification program is to help communities succeed by giving them a competitive edge in pursuing food & beverage companies.

 "Speed to market continues to be an important factor with our clients in selecting sites or buildings. When we evaluate a community for one of our food clients, we analyze hundreds of variables that our clients consider important in the selection process. By having a Primus/Garner Certified Food Site, you are ahead of your many competitors in showing food and beverage clients that your site meets the rigorous criteria that many companies are reviewing in their siting process," commented Pitrone and Garner.

The Primus/Garner Food Processing Site Certification includes a concise database record for hundreds of valuable criteria and variables necessary to support the critical business decisions of a food industry manufacturer considering a potential location.

The certification process begins with a comprehensive labor analysis by Garner Economics economist Tom Tveidt, focused on the workforce requirements of the food and beverage industry. This presents solid information to help persuade the community's prospective clients of the value of the site. Both Primus and Garner technical experts  will conduct field analysis of the site(s) to analyze its location and value for companies engaged in the food and beverage industry. A building layout from Primus engineers is also included, so that a prospective client can see how a building may be defined on the site(s) analyzed.  Ultimately, the community will be provided a report with the Primus/Garner Food Site Certification label (see below), or in some cases,  an action plan detailing specific measures needed  to achieve the Certification.
To learn more about the Primus/Garner Food Processing Site Certification, contact Jay Garner at 770.716.9544, or view our informational flyer by clicking here.


Certified Food Site logo
The Certifed Food Site label is given to communities to use in its marketing efforts to show food companies that the site has achieved the Primus/Garner Food Site Certification

About Primus: Primus Builders is one of the leading Design/Build resources in the Food and Beverage industry. Primus has successfully completed a broad range of complex food processing and greenfield assignments in which they embrace their clients' business and operational goals to implement a single project agenda. They are experts in the specialized requirements needed to design and construct fully-cooked and fresh food facilities, compliant with USDA and FDA requirements, while fully implementing the AMI principles of sanitary facility and equipment design. They also focus on sustainable design and construction, and are a member of the U.S. Green Building Council. To learn more about our work in the food and beverage industry, click here.

About Garner Economics:  Garner Economics, LLC provides innovative economic development solutions in a competitive global market. Garner Economics offers site selection (primarily in the food and beverage industry), analytical research, industry targeting, strategic planning and organizational development with a wealth of expertise to companies, communities, and organizations globally. Garner Economics is based in Atlanta, GA, and has representative offices in both Europe and Asia. To learn more about our company, click here.


Garner Economics, LLC

Jay Garner, CEcD, CCE


715 Birkdale Drive

Atlanta (Fayetteville), GA 30215

770.716.9544 (office)

404.518.8911 (mobile)

[email protected]


Primus Builders, Inc.

Tony Pitrone

Vice President

8294 Highway 92, Suite 210

Atlanta (Woodstock), GA 30189

770.928.7120 ext. 237 (office)

678.427.5153 (mobile)

[email protected]