week of December 6 - 10, 2010  
the Griffin-Spalding County School System staff e-newsletter  
published by the school & community services department 

the gscs

system-wide straight talk

In This Issue
What shall I call this week?
You are invited
Preview the BOE Meeting

Employees of the Week

Anne Street
Jocunda Reed
for her love and support of students and families
Stephanie Jackson,
Renee Curry, and
Pamela Graydon

PBIS staff members of the week

Hollie Jeffcoat
Hollie and her students did a wonderful job decorating our Welcome Center Christmas tree!

Cowan Road E.

Ketina Greene
2nd grade teacher
Challenges students to think critically by giving them out of the box learning opportunities. Always looking for inspiring ways to generate an enthusiasm for learning. 

Darlene Jones
For meeting and greeting  parents and visitors with a smile on her face when they enter our main office

Futral Road

Renee Lassetter
for her leadership in organizing our Magical Math Night as chair of the Parent and Community Involvement Design Team

Jackson Road
Ryan McLemore
Central office - Finance
For providing assistance with the budget quarterly reporting related to the Title IID grant JRE received this year

Jordan Hill
Kayla Echols
2nd grade teacher
for volunteering to choose a theme, make ornaments, and decorate a very creative Christmas tree at the Welcome Center

Christie O'Neal
for being dedicated and passionate about the teaching and learning environment.  She is the epitome of the Moore Elementary  "TOTY"  based on attitude, pedagogy, enthusiasm and love.  She has a very high standard for students, peers and administrative staff which we all try to implement daily

Moreland Road
Sara Johnson
Media Specialist
for bieng our incredible Media Specialist!  Along with regular duties, she coordinates our Literacy Days competitions & practices, produces our news show each morning, & assists the principal for car rider dismissal everyday!  She always has a very pleasant attitude and eager to assist. 


Ivis Roquemore
For high achievement and  setting high expectations with ELL students at Orrs

Carver Road
Chandra Bell
math teacher
for demonstrating tremendous leadership by organizing the Griffin RESA Middle School Academic Bowl recently held at Carver Road. 20 schools participated, and it was a proud showing of both Carver Road and our school system

Cowan Road M.
Aleasha Suggs
for always providing students and staff with care and kindness

Kennedy Road
Linda Colquitt
for her diligence in her work and maintenance of the facilities at KRMS, so that all who enter the doors can enjoy a clean, welcoming environment

Rehoboth Road
Franklin Daniel
He has made our school look delightful, he is a team player, and a joy to work with.

Griffin High
LTC Jesse Pugh
for his efforts in coordinating GHS JROTC cadets teaching the Junior Achievement curriculum to Anne Street Elementary students

Spalding High
Dixie Johnston
for tireless work in the media center - keeping it open after hours, being taxi service, and having resources available for students and staff

Taylor Street Achievement Center
Ms. Veda Atwater
for being a substitute teacher who embraces our staff and students in a way that lets everyone know that she loves to be here.  She is reliable, professional, and caring.  I suppose her highest praise came from our students when they found out that she wasn't going to be with us daily anymore:  "We thought she was a real teacher."  Thanks for a job-well done, Ms. Atwater.

Mainstay Academy
Cindy Davenport
because she has taken the initiative to cover classrooms when teachers have been absent and done so with a positive attitude and team focus

Garland Knott
Excellent driver - Retiring with 11 years of service to the School System. We'll miss him.

Margie Calhoun
Orrs Elementary Manager
Griffin-Spalding School Nutrition President
for Organizing and Hosting the Annual Nutrition Staff Christmas Party

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What shall I call this week? 

color logo

A message from Dr. Curtis Jones, Superintendent  


We welcome Mr. Michael Kendall on his election to the Griffin-Spalding County Board of Education.  He has hit the ground running preparing to assume his seat by attending the Georgia School Board Association's new school board member orientation in Atlanta. I think this is particularly noteworthy when you consider Mr. Kendall won the runoff on Tuesday evening, and this training started the very next day at 1pm. Congratulations, Mr. Kendall.


We say good-bye to a long-serving board of education member. We wish our best to Mrs. Fannie Delaney as she ends her tenure on our school board. Mrs. Delaney, our current chair, has served with distinction and has helped improve our school system. You are invited to a reception honoring her on Tuesday, December 7, from 4:30 - 5:30pm in the GSCS Learning Center. We look forward to recognizing her for 10 years of contribution and achievement as a board of education member. Thank you, Mrs. Delaney.


A disappointment
I know many of you are wondering if I would make comments about Dr. Andy Matthews in our HR department. When the Communicator was last published it was too early for me to make comments. This week, I'll begin by saying for those of you who had doubts, I'm disappointed - and for a couple of reasons.


I've heard some rumors of the reasons that Dr. Matthews was placed on leave of absence.

  • One was that she or members of her family changed student grades.
  • Another was she was in charge of Title IIA and funds are missing

There is no evidence of either.


It is very disappointing these rumors have widely circulated. I have no idea where these rumors started. So, if someone said either of these to you, they were spreading rumors and telling lies. As we know, lies hurt. For those individuals, whoever you are... shame on you.


Dr. Matthews was placed on administrative leave because she did not follow a directive I gave her.

Please look at this news release. But more than that, I ask you consider this... at the beginning of the school year we identified our system values, and one of them was open communication.


Open communication means both you and I have an obligation to each another. I'm trying to communicate with you through issues of the Communicator and through my open door policy. I want you to have trust and confidence that we are trustworthy and that we're sharing what we can when we can.


I hope that as this situation runs its course I can continue to earn your trust and respect. I accept the possibility that I allowed rumors to start because I didn't communicate earlier. If I had, maybe some wouldn't have started filling in the gaps. We as a community and school system must come together and realize that gap-filling serves no one in any positive way.


In closing, it has been a difficult, tough, and interesting week - election of a new board member, departure of a long-serving board member, and the personnel issue we are dealing with. But as I have said to you before in the middle of every difficulty there lies opportunity, and the Griffin-Spalding County School System will continue to dare to do better!


Have a great weekend.

Daring to do Better!

You are invited 


 You are cordially invited to attend a reception
Fannie Delaney
As she concludes 10 years of service on the
Griffin-Spalding County Board of Education

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
4:30 - 5:30pm
GSCS Learning Center 
Central Office
Griffin-Spalding County School System
Preview the December 7
Board of Education Meeting


Kennedy Road Middle School invites you to watch school events online


The students of the Kennedy Road Middle School Cougar News staff are pleased to announce you can now watch special school events live on the internet!

During basketball season, all home and local away games will be broadcast live on the internet. Those games may be watched using this link: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/kennedy-road-basketball


Game broadcast begins at 5:00.

Other school events, such as school concerts, student of the month celebrations, etc., along with academic materials, can be viewed on this link:

Click here for our non-discrimination statement

Elizabeth Benz, Editor
Griffin-Spalding County School System