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  September, 2010  

Welcome to the September issue of Freeman's E-Newsletter!

We have done a lot of work preparing our new print catalog. Because of that project, we have A LOT (as in hundreds) of new images that are now online. Plus, we've done a bit of housekeeping. More on that later.

Check out our great deal on 20 oz cloth at the bottom.

Our next series of videos is still in pre-production. As always, you'll hear about all new video releases through our newsletter first. Stay tuned.

Updated Tuf Repair Video
What started as a simple requirement for a catalog picture turned into additional footage for our Freeman TUF Repair & Buildup Materials video. We took a laminate tool, damaged it, and then performed a repair with Tuf-Fil White.

Tuf-Fil & Tuf-Carv

Tuf Speaking of our Tuf line, we've added a couple of items to our Miapoxy website:

Tuf-Fil White - the hardest and most durable of the Tuf product line, ideal for repairing laminate tooling.

Tuf-Carv - One of the softer Tuf products. Very easy to sand and machine.

Exclusive Videos
Video Still Full As a subscriber, you have access to videos that aren't available anywhere else online. In fact, many new videos will be posted here before they are available via DVD. Just follow the links below.

Available Now: 

In Development:
  • An expansion of our Vacuum Bagging videos (separating basic & advanced applications)
  • Vacuum Infusion Applications
  • Composite Repair
Tech-Line Q & A
Tech LibraryIn every issue, we bring you the answers to real-world technical questions that have broad applications. Our technical support staff is available during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, by calling 800-321-8511 (Option 5)

Can I change the color of Repro?

All of our Repro products except Repro Slow, Repro Fast, and Repro 10 Tan contain coloring agents and will not accept dyes or tints very well.  The Repro Slow, Repro Fast, and Repro 10 do not have coloring agents and therefore will accept dyes or tints.

Which RenShape Board would you recommend for Foundry Patterns & Core Boxes?

We suggest using RenShape 5169 or RenShape 5179

What can I use to rid the seam lines from the sheetwax in a fiberglass lay-up?

You have a couple of options. You would probably want to go with a harder clay, like the Chavant Y2-Klay, if you are using vacuum to hold the sheet wax in place and need to scrape it smooth. However, you would need to warm it up to soften it. If you prefer to work with a softer clay, you can go with our Plast-Econ modeling clay.

How much coverage do you typically get out of a gallon of the Ren-Shape 5008 Hi-Performance Sealer? And how many coatings do you recommend be applied to the RenShape 5008 Tooling Board to get a good seal?

We recommend a minimum of two (2) coatings.  Additional coatings can be added to get the desired surface finish.  We have sealed boards for a trade show with five (5) coatings.  Typically, you can get a coverage of 400 sq-ft per gallon.

Upon opening the resin side of my urethane, I found tiny crystals in the can.  Is the material still good?

Your material may be beginning to crystallize. If the resin appears solid or grainy (tiny crystals), chances are it has crystallized. If the hardener is gummy, then it, too, has crystallized.
Crystallization is common with urethanes, but can also happen with epoxy resins.
It is usually caused by cold temperatures, age, or contamination. Many times, the material can still be used if warmed to 120�F to 140�F and stirred until the material returns to its proper consistency.

Read all past Tech-Line Q & A in our newsletter archives.
Tech LibraryWe have thousands of technical documents online, including TDS, MSDS and more.

You also have access to the best technical support staff in the industry. Contact Us Today.

Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter. We look forward to the next opportunity to service your material needs.


Freeman Manufacturing & Supply Company

Save 20%
We're offering one of our heaviest tooling fabrics for 20% off our normally low price. Style 197 is a 20 oz. fiberglass fabric with a double plain weave. This offer is only available through our website and you must use the promotion code: 20OFF197 Since this cloth is only stocked in our US warehouse, Canadian orders may be delayed a bit. This offer is limited to available stock. Once it is gone, it is gone.

Go there now!!
Offer Expires: October 31st