Rushton Farm Wild Carrot!
this week's
Rushton Farm Bag
This list may change, but here's our best guess of what you'll be getting in your share this week. 






Hot Peppers


Sweet Peppers






Pick up time is 2 - 7 pm!

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Tomato Tasting Table

Upcoming Events

September 8, PA Young Birders Meet at Rushton Woods Preserve.  More info.

September 22, Run-a-Muck at Heartwood.  More info 

October 20, Harvest Celebration at Rushton Farm.   
Click the manual to read online.
2012 CSA Manual


Digging Rushton Farm  




We've got a blog!  More recipe ideas, musings about the farm and more...join the conversation at Digging Rushton Farm.


Now delivers to Rushton Farm regularly!   


Place your order for sustainably produced grass-fed beef, poultry, and other meats and dairy at Forks Farm.   



Email is our primary means of communicating all CSA matters, so please contact us if your address changes, or if you'd like a family member's address to be added to the CSA mailing list.   


WCT Bird Blog  




Keep up with what's happening at our banding station at Rushton Woods Preserve as well as other activities in our Bird Conservation Program.  Inspiring photos and words from our staff and supporters.

Rushton Farm SignRushton Farm is located within Rushton Woods Preserve on Delchester Road, just south of Goshen Road in Newtown Square, Pennsylvania.  

Ashley, Lisa, Joanna and Fred  
See prior recipes and read past issues of the Wild Carrot.     
Week  of September 4, 2012 ~ Issue no. 14
IN THE BAG tidbits from Fred 

It was just over a year ago that hurricane Irene rolled through the Northeast finishing off one of the soggiest months on record. The wet weather helped to finish off the summer crops and provide a push for the fall vegetables. The last few days of rain have been reminiscent of last year and come at a time of transition on the farm.


It is time to enjoy the last of the summer vegetables as the fall crops make their way into the share. The summer tomatoes have slowed and the summer squash is making way for the winter squash. A record haul of summer melons has resulted in a tremendous watermelon crop that has been distributed over the last two weeks, just in time for the unofficial end of summer. Fall greens are back with arugula starting this week. The root crops are looking good with beets and carrots coming soon and potatoes returning to the share.


The crossover between crops always makes September a wonderful time on the farm. Enjoy the next few weeks as the fields, like the weather, make way for autumn.

IN THE AIR an invitation from the
Owl on carrot         Rushton Bird Banding Team 
Greetings from Rushton Woods Banding Station!

You are invited to our banding station open house Saturday September 8th at Rushton Woods Preserve and Farm anytime from sunrise (around 7am) until we close the nets at 11am.  We are not normally open on weekends, so don't miss this opportunity to observe our fabulous fall migrants! 

Observers of all ages will get a chance to learn about birds from skilled bird banders and see all aspects of this exciting scientific process.  Birds we will be gently catching and banding are migrating south for the winter and are using Rushton as a stopover site to refuel and rest.  By inspecting the feathers of their wings, we can glean much important information about the amazing lives and the health of these beautiful birds. 

This is the "birdiest" season of the year for Rushton, but visitors wishing to see the most birds should come as early as possible.

Park in the entrance parking lot and walk to the hedgerow opposite from Delchester Rd.  Hang a right when you get down to the hedgerow and quietly walk along the hedgerow past the net lanes until you see a mowed trail veering up through the hedgerow to your left.  Follow that and you'll soon see the banding shelter.  Please approach quietly so as not to scare the birds.

                           -Rushton Woods Preserve Bird Banding Team
                                  and the WCT Bird Conservation Program
RECIPES what to do with all those veggies  

Arugula with Garden Tomatoes  



Arugula with Orzo and Garden Tomatoes 


3/4 cup orzo
About 8-10 cups arugula
Olive oil
1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
8 ounces cherry tomatoes, halved
2-3 ounces goat or feta cheese, crumbled
Salt and pepper


Cook the orzo in salted water according to package directions. Drain and reserve. Chop the arugula roughly. If the leaves are small or if it is baby arugula, no need to chop at all. Heat a large saut� pan over medium high heat and add a little olive oil. When it is hot, cook the arugula handful by handful, letting the first few handfuls wilt completely, and leaving the last few barely cooked.


Add the basil, tomatoes, cheese, and orzo with the last handful of arugula. Turn the heat to high and cook for another minute or two - until everything is hot. Remove from the heat and season to taste with salt and pepper and a drizzle of olive oil. Serve immediately.








 Grilled Peppers & Onions


Great Grilled Peppers


These are a great addition to scrambled eggs, omelets, frittatas, sandwiches, or as an accompaniment to any grilled meat, especially sausage. Don't go too crazy on measuring out the peppers and onions - use what you have on hand! One serving packs more than two times your requirement of vitamin C.


1 Grill wok or mesh grill pan

5 - 6 assorted sweet & hot peppers, seeded, cored and sliced in strips. ( Go as hot as you dare!)

1 whole sweet onion, sliced the same thickness as the peppers

1 - 2 T. Olive oil



Minced garlic

Fresh basil, sliced in fine strips 


Preheat grill to medium- medium high. Toss all ingredients except garlic and basil together in a bowl. Place on grill in grill pan and close the lid. Stir/toss once every 2 or 3 minutes. Not too often or they will steam. When soft and starting to char, throw in minced garlic for about 1 minute. Remove from grill and serve with fresh basil.


-   Jodi Spragins






Willistown Conservation Trust