Willistown Conservation Trust

March 2012
Attracting Bluebirds to Your Backyard 
Birders spotting a pretty big bird
Spring is in the air and bluebirds are checking out the real estate! 

The Trust is starting a nest box program to establish more bird boxes for birds in our program area, especially bluebirds.  

Monitoring the breeding success of the birds that take up residence in the boxes is just as important as establishing the nestboxes. 

Ken Leister, a State Coordinator for The Bluebird Society of Pennsylvania, will be speaking at the Trust's office on March 14th, at  6:30pm, to share his 12+ years of experience and expertise in attracting and monitoring bluebirds. 

We also need anyone, adults and children, with an interest in doing  backyard science and a passion for birds to help us monitor the bluebird boxes weekly during this spring and summer breeding season.

Attracting Bluebirds to Your BackYard
with Ken Leister
March 14, 2012
6:30 pm at 925 Providence Road
Newtown Square
Suggested Donation $10

-Limited Seating-
 To Reserve Your Spot or For More Info 
contact Blake Goll at  [email protected]  
Egyptian holding a beer and a bird



 JUNE 2, 2012 

a fancy


and dancing


a celebration of the acquisition of the 80-acre Rushton Woods Preserve and those who made it possible  

Which Birds are Here?
Check Out Our 2012 Bird Sightings List
Connecticut Warbler

What bird species might we expect to see in the Willistown area?   
What's been seen so far this year? 

Also In this Issue
Pretty BIG Bird Day
Celebrating Rushton, a Fancy Farm Dinner
Which Birds are Here?
Upcoming Events

March 14, Attracting Bluebirds to Your Backyard
more info

March 21
, Historic Sugartown Day 

May 5-6, Plant Sale at Rushton Farm

May 5, Cinco de Maio Fiesta by Willistown Young Friends

May 12, Pretty BIG Bird DAY more info

May 29, First CSA Pick Up at Rushton Farm

June 2, Celebrating Rushton, a Fancy Farm Dinner

For more information about the Trust or any of our events, contact us at [email protected] or 610.353.2562.

Bird Blog Button

Digging Rushton Farm  

We're Seeking 2012 Volunteers & Interns
Check out our Get Involved pages on the web site for volunteers and internships.
About Us
Willistown Conservation Trust works to preserve Willistown's rural beauty.

To learn more or to find out how you can get involved visit wctrust.org.



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