Bywater BLUE
We love good books, just like you do
February 2010
Welcome to Bywater Books

Dear Readers,
At last! We're ready to bring you all the news we've got this month! We're celebrating the signing of a new author--new to Bywater, but she's probably very familiar to you. We have a new website. And many congratulations are due to Val McDermid--see Bywater Media below!

We're delighted to announce that our new author is Georgia Beers, the award-winning author of seven romances. Since she left her last publisher, fans have been wondering where she'd go. Well, she's come to us--and we're thrilled! For more information, see Introducing Georgia below.

We told you it was coming, and we're delighted to say that our new website has just launched. We've been making last-minute amendments, which is why this newsletter got delayed. And we reckon you'll think it's worth it. To find out more, see Bywater Relaunched below.

Now for some advance notice. Later this year, we'll be at two literary conferences: Saints and Sinners in May and the Golden Crown Literary Society Conference in June. For more details, see Saints and Sinners and Golden Crown below.

As always, we at Bywater strive to bring you the finest in lesbian romance, mystery, and literary fiction.

Till next time!

Kelly Smith
Marianne K. Martin
Val McDermid

Introducing Georgia
Georgia BeersGeorgia Beers

Ask Georgia Beers what she wants, and she'll say, "to become the best writer I can be." It's a simple enough aim. And a modest one: She already has a Golden Crown Literary Society Award and Lambda Literary Award to her name, and is one of the best-selling authors of lesbian romance.
But from the start Georgia has always wanted to get better. She began cautiously enough: first a journal; next, essays and short stories; then she met other authors online. And the more she practiced, the more determined she became. She could write what sells best--or she could write what she preferred. And that meant lesbian fiction.
Her first draft was accepted for publication straightaway. Since then, she's developed a rigorous process for writing. Any idea that comes her way gets written straight down onto an index card. It may be as simple as "A meets B," or it may be a great line she's overheard, but once it's down on a card, it won't be forgotten. The cards pile up, the details of the story gradually emerge, and when she's sure she's got what she needs, she spreads the cards out on the table--and orders the details of the story into line. 
Now, hands up all those who think this sounds like an author who's "lazy"!
Because that's how Georgia describes herself. She also says she's got a lousy attention span, writes only in spurts, and sometimes avoids her desk by taking her vacuum for a walk.
And she worries--as so many writers do--about where she'll find her next idea. 
And she has moments--as so many writers also do--when "you're totally convinced that you just suck." Which, it turns out, is where we come in. Ask her to explain why she wants to be a Bywater author and she says, "I love the quality of the authors they sign and the work they publish. ... I think working with the editors at Bywater is going to help me strive to improve, strive to become the best writer I can be, and I'm really looking forward to that."  (Oh, and apparently "the newsletter rocked.")
I should have left that last bit out, shouldn't I, but it's Georgia who's the modest one. Not me!  Plus, it has to be said, the love-in is mutual: at Bywater, we're looking forward to working with you too, Georgia.
Her first Bywater title will be published in spring/summer 2011.
Georgia lives in Rochester, NY, with her wife, Bonnie, the woman "who would change my life forever," and their two dogs, Henry and Finley.
Bywater Relaunched
Five years. That's what it takes. To go from state-of-the-art to dinosaur.
So if you've been looking at our website recently and thinking it's a bit tired, and slow, and even dull--we agree. Sure, you could buy our books. Or find out something about our authors. Or--actually, that was it.
We needed to change.
Now we have: our new website has just gone live! 
Cherry Cappel has worked hard on the design, and created a site that can continue to change with us.
Each month, we'll bring you a new feature--a profile of an author, perhaps; or the story behind a title. We'll keep you up-to-date with all our news, and let you know about upcoming events.
You can even watch videos. Sign up for Twitter feeds. Or become our friend on Facebook.
You can download photos of your favorite authors. Find links that will take you straight to their sites. Read excerpts of manuscripts they're still working on; sometimes you'll find a short story.
For those of you keen to become authors yourselves, we've got advice on submitting your work. As well as news of a contest that will win you publication, and a prize of $1000. 
You can look through an archive of past newsletters. (Great: my spelling mistakes live on.)
This is a site that's fun to explore, whether you want simply to browse or to go interactive.
So what are you waiting for? Go, take a look! We'd love to know what you think. And please, send us your suggestions. 
Check it out:!
Bywater Trivia
Every month Bywater holds a prize draw. To enter, just answer a simple question--and this time round, it's about our new website.

All of the correct answers are thrown into a hat. The first one to be picked out wins!

This month's question is:

Lisa Gitlin's first book will be published later this year. What is it called?

The winner will receive the Bywater Books title of their choice!

Send answers to us by e-mail at or by post to the address in the righthand column--see To Order Books.

Congratulations to our most recent winner, Penny from Pennsylvania, who wins the Bloody Brits title of her choice.
News from Bywater
The Crime Writers' Association (CWA) has announced that this year's recipient of the prestigious Cartier Diamond Dagger Award is Val McDermid!

The Diamond Dagger honors outstanding achievement in the field of crime writing. Margaret Murphy, chair of the CWA, explains:

"The CWA Cartier Diamond Dagger award acknowledges the work of an author who has made an outstanding contribution to the genre.

"Val McDermid is a worthy winner whose work has entertained and thrilled millions of readers as well as many more who have enjoyed the TV adaptations her books have inspired."

For Val, it's yet one more honor that rounds off a remarkable year. She was recently inducted into the Hall of Fame at the ITV3 Specsavers Crime Thriller Awards. Not that she's at all blasé; her ambition remains undimmed:

"'I'm delighted to be admitted to this very select group of crime writers. To be awarded the CWA Cartier Diamond Dagger is a distinction every writer dreams of. It's been an amazing twelve months--inducted into the Hall of Fame, elected to an Honorary Fellowship at St Hilda's College, Oxford, and now the Diamond Dagger. But my readers can be reassured about one thing--I'm not going to rest on my laurels. There are still plenty of mountains for me to climb."
Saints & Sinners 
Founded in 2001, the Saints and Sinners Literary Festival has been quick to establish an international reputation. It attracts the very best names in Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender publishing. Industry professionals--writers, editors, publishers, and reviewers--flock from around the world. Readers and fans are welcome too!

It's no wonder this event attracts so many: The organizers put together great panels and fun events, and New Orleans is a city that makes the perfect host.

This year, guests include Ann Bannon, the "Queen of Lesbian Pulp Fiction," and Lucy Jane Bledsoe.

From Bywater, Z Egloff, Marianne K. Martin, and Kelly Smith will definitely be attending, and more of our authors are planning to do so. Once the details are firmed up, we'll let you know.

This year's event takes place May 13-16, 2010.

For more details, visit:

Golden Crown 
The Golden Crown Literary Society Conference is a must for anyone interested in lesbian literature--readers and writers alike!

Across a fun-packed weekend, you'll be able to attend presentations and listen to panel discussions. Authors will be reading, as well as signing their books. Publishers will be exhibiting, and there'll be time for chats over coffee. 

This year Georgia Beers, Z Egloff, Marcia Finical, Marianne K. Martin, Bett Norris, Joan Opyr, and Kelly Smith will definitely be attending. And we'll let you know which other Bywater authors are making plans.

The conference takes place June 3-6, 2010 in Orlando, FLA.

For more information, visit:
Bywater Events

Elana Dykewomon
will be reading and signing as part of Sappho's Salon at Women and Children First on Saturday, March 20 at 7.30 p.m.
5233 N. Clark Street,
Chicago, IL 60640
For more information: 773 769-9299,

The Virtual World
When they're not writing the books you love, your favorite authors are writing their blogs, creating websites, and updating their social networking sites.

Georgia Beers
A second blog can also be found on Women and Words at
You can also find her on Facebook.

Lindy Cameron

Cynn Chadwick

Stella Duffy
You can also find her on Library Thing and

Elana Dykewomon
You can also find her on Facebook and Red Room.

Z Egloff
You can also find her on Facebook and Red Room.

Marcia Finical
You can find Marcia on Facebook.

Katherine V. Forrest

Jill Malone
You can also find her on Facebook and MySpace.

Marianne K. Martin
You can also find her on Facebook, MySpace, and Red Room.

Val McDermid

Bett Norris
You can also find her on Facebook, MySpace, and Red Room.

Joan Opyr

Mari SanGiovanni
You can also find her on Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter--her user name is MariSanGiovanni.
Issue: 9
In This Issue
Introducing Georgia
Bywater Relaunched
Bywater Trivia
News from Bywater
Saints & Sinners
Golden Crown
Bywater Events
The Virtual World
Quick Links

Bywater Books

About Bywater

Bywater Prize for Fiction Submissions

Bloody Brits

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value of $10.

Everyone who orders books from us during February -- whether online, by mail order, or by phone -- will be entered into a prize drawer.

Congratulations to our most recent winner, Maggie from Ohio.
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