The Art Show Circuit
by Bill Hudson
On May 15th and 16th I exhibited at the Beverly Hills Affaire in the Gardens. I really enjoy that show. It has great art, in a great setting, with a lot of foot traffic and it's only 45 miles from my home. It costs $30 to be juried and $330 for a booth location. My sales are reasonably good and there are no commissions. The show also occurs twice each year (May and October). I don't do many shows, so I feel very fortunate to be in the Affaire in the Gardens and have it so close to home.
Many of the artists that I've met there travel from one show to the next. This is their primary source of income. Their selection of shows and schedules is extremely important and can become a complex process. To determine what show circuit is best they must factor all parameters that affect profitability. As I was driving home from the show Saturday night, I was wondering how they sort through all the information, submit applications on time and so forth. Well, on Sunday morning I met Greg Lawler. Since 1993, Greg has compiled and made available for a reasonable fee his Art Fair Source Book. Reference There are hard copies and on-line versions. Greg's staff keeps stats on over 1,280 art and craft fairs in the U.S. His data include:
Critical dates ( start, days, application available and submittal deadline, jury notification, balance due)
Number of each media exhibited
Exhibitor selection (images, jurors, number of applicants, number of exhibitors, jury exempt, number re-applying, number returning)
The setting (e.g. outdoors)
Security available
Space size
Artist's presence required?
Reproductions allowed
Fees (application, space, commission, sales tax)
Information about the organizer ( contact, organizer, address, phone, fax, website, email)
A Report Card on approximately 20 parameters
Sales (highest gross, lowest, best price range, average)
Artist reports for each show
For directions on how to access this highly useful information contact Greg at:
503-704-5122 |
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June 25 - August 29 777 Laguna Canyon Rd Sun thru Thur: 10am - 9pm Fri and Sat: 10am-10pm 949-494-4514
- National Open Juried Art Exhibition in Stockton, CA
The 56th Juried Exhibition at The Haggin Museum sponsored by Stockton Art League. September 2 - October 31. Cash awards over $5000. Open to all US artists. No photography or computer art. CD deadline July 7, 2010. Juror: Margot Schulzke. Prospectus: #10 SASE to Teresa Hickey, 1031 Elmwood Ave., Stockton, CA 95204 or Inquiries:
July 5 - August 31 650 Laguna Canyon Rd 10am - 11:30pm daily 949-494-1145
June 25 - August 29 935 Laguna Canyon Rd 10am - 10pm daily 949-494-3030
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The Mahl Bridge and Clamps
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The Mahl Bridge and Clamps
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