NEW! The Watercolor Pocket Guide
by Bill Hudson
Over the last few years I've given 2 hour demonstrations at various local art leagues. At each demonstration, I'd hand out a 3 -5 page summary of my painting approach. This past October, however, I was invited to give a 5 hour demonstration to members of Watercolor West at the Riverside Art Museum in California. I put more effort into the handout......much more! I ended up writing a book I've called the Watercolor Pocket Guide. It is a full-color, condensed summary of 44 painting techniques and related painting tips. Also discussed are composition, approach and marketing. I gave draft copies of the book to all of the attendees at my demonstration. I asked for their comments and corrections. Their response was great and extremely supportive. I revised the draft to incorporate their recommendations. I now feel this is a book that will benefit nearly all watercolor artists and many artists working in other media. It is conveniently sized at 5.5" X 8.5", and is spiral bound to allow pages to remain opened for easy reference.
Here's what artists are saying about the Watercolor Pocket Guide...
"I'm truly enjoying your wonderful book....The book is just full of information for both the beginners as well as the advanced painters. I appreciate the size (so handy it fits into my bag), the amount and quality of information." - Joan Wiley
"I have spent a lot of money on art books, but none explains it all like you do in one shot." - Susie Nemec
"This book is a very useful tool for experienced painters reminding them again of ideas and techniques that they may not have used for some time or perhaps did not know at all." - Donald Simpson
"The Guide is the most concise, interesting book I have seen. It has all the hints and techniques under one small cover." - Joyce Carlson
Marketing by Andrew Wielawski
As I read through what you wrote in the last Newsletter, it occurred to me that I've had more success with events that are outside of the box that most artists find themselves operating in. With events like Art Expo that I participated in twice, not much happened considering how many people were there just because of the art. By contrast, non-art events have helped me make major sales. I am particularly attracted to the hotel industry. Managers of top-end hotels need to entertain their clients, and one type of entertainment that goes a long way, is showing artist's studios to interested hotel guests. There's a Relais Chateaux near my studio, and when the owner brought a couple from Denver over to my place to see some work, they bought a ten thousand dollar piece in the twenty minutes they were there. This particular hotel is just one of three I make an effort to stay in contact with, and the results of two have netted me nearly two hundred thousand dollars in three years. The third hasn't sold anything, and probably never will. It's ready to be crossed off my short list.
By contrast my gallery sales are way under ten thousand dollars for the same period of time. It's worth noting that this venue is where most artists are desperately trying to sell their work. The internet has netted me a few sales, and I will continue to put in a good effort there. It's nice to be able to bring up images of your work on an I-phone anywhere you find yourself - on planes, or wherever you might meet someone interested in seeing something, only if they can see it right away.
All my best...Andrew
Mr. Wielawski's website is He has many years living solely from the sale of his artwork. He also lectures on the topic, most recently at Syracuse University. |
Donating Art Work by Charlotte Peterson
Many artists shudder when asked to donate art work to charitable auctions, raffles and fund raising functions. Let me share a recent experience. When asked to donate to such I ask, "Are you interested in a framed and matted Gicl'ee Reproduction?" If the answer is yes, I will donate. I also ask if they would display some of my business cards. Recently at such an event my gicl'ee reproduction brought me multiple sales. It was not a large investment on my part but from that event I sold at least 4 more out of my studio. These were people that did not get the closing bid but because it was a gicl'ee they found out where they could buy another one!
The images I have attached are a series of four paintings that have been extremely popular as gicl'ee reproductions. I am a watercolor painter and am one of the owners of Art and Soul Gallery in Ashland, OR. I live two miles out of Historic Jacksonville, OR. |
Trace Your Drawing by g.a. Sheller
Always trace your drawing on to tracing paper before painting. Keep these tracings in a file. One never knows when one might need all or part of a drawing that you have already made. It can be duplicated from the tracing and not require a fresh redrawing
g.a. Sheller will be conducting an art workshop/retreat on the Beara Peninsula of Ireland September 8 to 15, 2010. Information about the trip can be found on her website Contact g.a. at ga0620@aol.comfor questions.
Online Tips by Grant Fuller
Feel free to republish any of the tips or lessons you find on my web site. I have a "Sketchy" series of very basic hints for beginners, intended to encourage people who have never had training in art. See and click "For Beginners" There are videos clips and more advanced lessons as well.
Regards, Grant |
The Beverly Hills Affaire in the Gardens, May 15 & 16, 2010 from 10am to 6pm. More than 200 juried artists. 9450 Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90210
- 2010 Fiesta Juried Art Show - Coleman, Texas. The Fine Arts League of Coleman Co., Inc., is sponsoring its 20th art show October 1-2, 2010 in Coleman,Texas, in the Public Library 414 Commercial Ave., From 10-5 each day. $3000 in cash prizes. Sase Sherrell Hazlewood, President, PO Box 376, Coleman, Tx 76834 for prospectus Marian Johnson, Publicity Fine Arts League.
FREE: This Newsletter is a free service. Selected announcements for individual artists and organizations are also free.
Share a painting or marketing tip. In exchange Watermen Art will publish the tip, and post at least one of your images, with a short bio and link to your website.
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The Mahl Bridge
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