Monthly Tip
Water Reflections with Gum Arabic by Bill Hudson
The success of a marine scene usually depends upon the artist's rendering of the water surface and associated reflections. When working with watercolors, the use of gum arabic can achieve an exciting wet appearance. Gum arabic is the binder used with most watercolor pigments. By itself, it is a relatively thick liquid that is sticky and nearly colorless. It can be purchased in small bottles. Mix it with the watercolor or apply it to the paper before the reflections are painted. Paint before or after the gum arabic dries. Experiment. The gum arabic tends to "freeze" the paint for dramatic wet-looking surfaces. Use sparingly and thin with water. If applied full strength, the gum arabic will dry glossy and may crack.
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If you wish to share a painting or marketing tip, Watermen Art will publish the tip, at least one of your images, and a link to your website if it is selected.
Terry Madden Teams up with Watermen Art
Terry Madden, host of Terry Madden's Watercolor Workshop, has teamed up with Watermen Art. See Terry Madden and Bill Hudson demonstrate how the Mahl Bridge can benefit your art.
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What's Happening in the Art Leagues and Societies...
See what events are going on in Art Leagues and Societies for this month. If you don't see your Art League or Society below, be sure to email us and we'll do our best to get your event in next month. For more information on the following events, click on the links:
Buffalo Society of Artists is currently having their 112th Annual Catalogue Exhibition juried by John Vanco, Director and Curator at the Erie Art Museum Erie, PA. The exhibition continues through November 21 at Art Dialogue Gallery, 1 Linwood Avenue, Buffalo NY 14209.
Mesa Art League is having their "Just Hangin" Fine Arts Festival on Tuesday, November 11th. Browse and buy fine art and jewelry or visit with authors. This event has it all.
Woodlands Art League is having their 2009 Hunting Art Prize, which is a Texas-wide competition open to established artists, talented newcomers and promising amateurs. The $50,000 award is the largest art prize given annually in the United States. Please check for eligibility and entry deadlines.
Greater Norristown Art League is having their Fine Arts and Crafts Holiday Sale Friday Nov. 14 at 12:30pm. Be there in time and get a head start on your holiday shopping.
San Diego Watercolor Society is having their Saturday Paint-Out 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM November 8, 2008. Join Jim Millard at the Brewery Building, near the foot of Washington Street for some fun in the sun. | |

Bill Hudson
Fountain Valley, CA
A retired engineer with 8 kids, Bill eventually found the time to combine his love of art and the sea. He is presenting a continuing series of watercolors he calls "The Lives of Watermen". For more of Bill's work, you can visit his website at
Product(s) Bill uses:
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