Less is More
An Occasional Newsletter
from The New England
School of Homeopathy
June 2012
Germany: July 12-15
Wales: October 6-7
England: October 13-14
Canada (Toronto):
October 27-28
Dr. Herscu is also scheduled to speak in Germany in March & July of 2013
2013 Dates for new East & West Coast Two Year Classes:
NESH 8 Weekend Course
March 15-17, 2013
May 10-12, 2013
Sept. 27-29, 2013
November 8-10, 2013
in Boston, MA area:
April 26-28, 2013
June 7-9, 2013
August 2-4, 2013
October 4-6, 2013
December 6-8, 2013
NESH Advanced Clinical Class Weekends for our Alumni
East Coast:Oct. 19-21, 2012
West Coast:
Nov. 9-11, 2012
Subscribe to the Herscu Letter:
For those receiving the Letters as they are written, watch your inbox for Letter #135, on the materia medica of Mancinella, due out in early July! philosophy as it informs and shapes case taking, case analysis, use of the repertory, the study of materia medica and the management of long-term follow-up.
Grow Where You are Planted
Paul & I have a little house in our backyard, build on an 8x8 foot platform that began its life as a small stage built for kids' neighborhood productions. Little playlets our daughter would direct, or dance shows where everyone was in a tutu, including the little brothers. When productions outgrew that setting, Paul & the kids embarked on creating a tiny house on top of the platform, replete with a ladder to a platform sleeping loft. This year I decided to replant the little flower box (my first, and as it turned out, last, woodworking project,) nestled under the front window. When I opened the bag of potting soil to put dirt in the box, I was delighted by six, four-inch high birdhouse gourd plants, the distal leaves rounded and robust, leaning lazily against each other in the moist black soil. I bought the seeds last fall on a whim, enchanted by the seed packet art, the spring green of the tender tendrils of the vine, the Rubenesquely shaped fruit. I love the idea of sturdy homes made out of gourds for birds that need little holes for nesting; surely I could grow these! Toward the end of winter, I gingerly planted the seeds, after soaking them to soften the seed cases, into the depressions of a soil-filled egg carton on a long narrow table in front of a sunny kitchen window. Nearby, tomatoes, marigolds, cukes, sunflowers, lavender, all of which, as expected, took on nutrients, water & light, grew miraculously into plants they were meant to be. I gave the gourds a long 10 weeks and nothing came of them, no green shoots reaching for the light, no nudging of the fluffy soil above. Disappointed, I figured the seeds were duds & tossed the nice dark dirt clods back into the sack of organic potting soil. I rolled the bag up, tied it with a string & tucked in on a low shelf of the potting shed and promptly forgot about the birdhouse gourds. Those hard-shelled gourd  plants are now transplanted into their own row in the garden and seem ecstatic to seeing the light of day.
I am thinking about planting seeds, about how you never know where seeds will fall and how or when they will grow. I am thinking about planting seeds of knowledge & understanding related to medicine, healing and how my own teachers took time and effort to inspire my own growth. I think about our students and friends in this arena who have taken our thoughts, ideas, experiences and offerings and integrated them with their own. And that this is how a profession is grown, this is how we move forward: offering the work and letting it fall where it may. We are ever appreciative of the opportunities to share information and grow this field and marvel at how information is integrated to help the people you touch. I am also reminded to never give up on someone just starting out, everyone blooms at their own pace. And this: we should all keep planting whatever it is we plant, in order to make the world a more healthy, vibrant & beautiful place. |
Upcoming Clinical Classes for NESH Alumni will focus on Neurological Issues
West Coast: July 20-22, 2012
East Coast: October 19-21, 2012
These 2 weekends we'll focus on the study and examination of neurological diseases, some of the most challenging in our practices. Many of us feel overwhelmed when a patient presents, especially with a progressive neurological problem, but homeopathy can offer help.
For logistical information on our clinical classes, click here.
General Thoughts on the Treatment of Seizure Disorders By Paul Herscu, ND MPH
When I first started studying homeopathy, I learned about many remedies for the treatment of seizure disorders and I listened to many people lecture on the topic. I heard them talk about Cuprum has this and Cicuta has that, yet it seemed like the vast majority of the actual patients were not doing all that well. It wasn't about knowing the symptoms of the remedy but rather how to look at the case and see the individual. Like with all patients, it is important to know when it is more appropriate to look beyond the presenting symptoms of the pathology, in this case the seizures, and to focus instead on the whole patient. The classification of seizures in the allopathic world changes every few years. This has become very important with regard to the selection, dosing and combination of allopathic medications. Likewise homeopaths need to develop a protocol for the successful treatment of seizure disorders using homeopathic medications. In reviewing my own cases, I have developed a classification system for seizures which informs homeopathic treatment; I believe this classification approach will work for some time to come and should help those treating patients with seizure disorders. |
FieldNotes: a Seasonal eNewsletter from Naturopathic Health Care
If you enjoy receiving Less is More, we think you might also like our enewsletter FieldNotes, sent out from the practice of Drs. Herscu & Rothenberg. This newsletter is geared towards our patients but we think most anyone would enjoy reading it. Dr. Rothenberg shares some of her favorite recipes, offers a variety of natural treatment ideas using nutrition, herbal medicine and homeopathy, and shares reflections on experiences in the natural world, life in the country, raising a family, working with one's life partner. She also recommends products, companies & organizations she uses, recommends or believe in, to support you in your own search for good health and vitality. Click here for more information on how to sign up to receive FieldNotes and to view the premier issue. |
For more information about our practice in Enfield, CT see:
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Herscu or Dr. Rothenberg call 860.763.1225
Dr. Rothenberg is now accepting new patients via SKYPE.
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