Important Note: Over the last month during our website revamp, the email contact form was not working properly. If you have emailed us via our new website contact form and have not had a reply, please email us again. Sorry for any inconvenience!
Less is More
An Occasional Newsletter from
The New England School of
November 2011
For more information about our practice in Enfield, CT see:
To schedule an appointment with
Dr. Herscu or
Dr. Rothenberg call
Dr. Rothenberg is now accepting new patients via SKYPE.
for Drs. Amy Rothenberg and
Paul Herscu
NESH Advanced Clinical Class Weekends for our Alumni
West Coast:
Jan. 27-29, 2012
East Coast: March 23-25, 2012 Oct. 19-21, 2012
Schedule for New NESH 8 Weekend Course
in Seattle, WA area:
January 18-20, 2013
March 15-17, 2013
May 10-12, 2013
Sept. 27-29, 2013
November 8-10, 2013
January 2014 - TBA
March 2014 - TBA
May 2014 - TBA
If you received this Newsletter from a friend and you'd like to receive the next issue directly ...

Celebrating Twenty Five Years of Teaching the Art & Science of Classical Homeopathy:
 As we begin our 3rd decade of studying, practicing, writing and teaching, we feel re-inspired about how homeopathy touches our students and the patients we have the opportunity to treat. So! Our NESH tree, a staple of our logo for past decades has been given a boost toward its more creative and fuller expression, reflecting how we feel at this point in our careers. We hope you continue to be inspired in your work too, and that the love and know-how you offer patients continues to decrease the suffering in the world while enabling people to reach their fullest potential.
Best wishes for a healthy and productive fall! Amy Rothenberg ND & Paul Herscu ND |
Heading off the Misery of Migraines:
After 40 years of suffering, this teacher gets her life back!
by Amy Rothenberg, ND, DHANP
Linda, a 58-year-old kindergarten teacher, had suffered with migraines for more than 40 years. She could be struck at any time and without warning. A small flash of light, a slight wave of nausea were the only fleeting signs she would experience before a migraine was to begin. Next came the terrible, crushing pain all around her head, perhaps worse on the left side, with some nausea but rarely vomiting.
If a migraine struck during work, Linda would have to leave school, go home, lie still in a dark and quiet room, and sleep it off. Through the raising of her two sons, she would lean on her mother and husband to step in when she could not function, often two days at a time, two or three times a month. Though she dearly appreciated her family's support, she also hated being reliant on anyone.
click here to read the rest of the article
New NESH 8 Weekend Certificate Course
Beginning January 2013 in the Seattle, WA area

This course is designed for both the beginner and more experienced homeopaths.
We have designed, practiced and taught an effective, integrated approach to understanding classical homeopathy called Cycles and Segments.
This approach informs all aspects of practice; it is an effective tool which allows us to focus case-taking and offers a practical way of organizing and analyzing information. It allows for the satisfying study of materia medica which is deep, integrated and satisfying.
Instructors: Drs. Paul Herscu ND & Amy Rothenberg ND
Email us for more detailed information and an application.
Save 10% |
Special offer to celebrate our new website:
In celebration of our re-launch, we are offering you a 10% discount off all of our books, CD's, DVD's. Just mention Celebration Sale when you place your order. Does not apply to previous orders.
Reminder for Herscu Letter Subscribers: as a current subscriber, you are invited to enjoy a 20% discount off these items all the time.
Offer Expires: Monday November 30th, 2011