Dr. Rothenberg's
New Book:
| order your copy today

click herefor a listing of Dr. Rothenberg's upcoming speaking events & booking signings or listen to recordings
of her past speaking engagements |
NESH will have a booth at the
Joint American Homeopathic Conference
this weekend in Alexandria, VA
We hope to see you there!!!
Schedule for New NESH 10 Weekend Course in Boston, MA area: |
September 9-11, 2011
November 11-13, 2011
January 20-22, 2012
March 9-11, 2012
May 18-20, 2012
July 27-29, 2012
September 7-9, 2012
November 2-4, 2012
January 25-27, 2013
March 8-10, 2013
see Teaching Schedule for Drs. Herscu & Rothenberg, including international venues
To Schedule an appointment with Dr. Herscu or Rothenberg call 860-763-1225
For more information about their practice in Enfield, CT see:
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Dear Friends,
Though there are still stubborn piles of snow dotting my yard, the triumphant tiger lilies are pushing their way through the hardened dirt. The days are mercifully growing longer, birds are exuberantly chattering away around the feeders and in a true tribute to the promise of spring, I have planted peas in the garden.
I feel like we survived a long cold winter, where here in New England we were simply hammered with snow. I feel the energy and enthusiasm for life that comes with more light, less layers and knowledge that I can spend more time outdoors! It has been a tumultuous time in the world, with uprisings and earthquakes, economic instability and environmental challenges. Sometimes I feel at the very least, we can take care of ourselves and take care of each other with learning about healthy lifestyle options and natural medicine.
Paul Herscu ND has written a piece, in light of the situation in Japan, that lays out essential background information about radiation. And I wanted to share with you a bit from my book, so am slipping an excerpt from the preface for you to read.
Good wishes for a healthy and peaceful spring.
Amy Rothenberg ND |
Electromagnetic Radiation
By Paul Herscu ND
In light of recent occurrences in Japan, we have received numerous questions on the topic of radiation. What seems in order is a quick primer on radiation in general. In the coming weeks, as events unfold, I will update recommendations through this format.
This particular writing is designed to provide more complete information to those wanting to understand where the Japanese nuclear emergency fits into the larger topic of radiation. The first part represents a condensed overview describing radiation, both non-ionizing and ionizing. The second part begins the discussion on the Japan power plant crisis of 2011, first describing what happened, but more importantly, placing it in context.
Excerpt from the Preface of ...
The A Cappella Singer Who Lost Her Voice & Other Stories from Natural Medicine
by Dr. Amy Rothenberg, ND DHANP
I devoured my earliest Oliver Sachs book when I was nursing my first child. I was captured by his eloquent descriptions of patients, their lives, their illnesses and his unique experiences of and with them. Sachs brought patients to life and provided my first exposure to narrative medicine.
Click here to read the rest of the excerpt
NEW NESH 10 Weekend Certificate Course
Beginning September 2011 in the Boston, MA area 
This course is designed for both the beginner and more experienced homeopaths. We have designed, practiced and taught an effective, integrated approach to understanding classical homeopathy called Cycles and Segments. This approach informs all aspects of practice; it is an effective tool which allows us to focus case-taking and offers a practical way of organizing and analyzing information. It allows for the satisfying study of materia medica which is deep, integrated and satisfying.
Instructors: Drs. Paul Herscu ND & Amy Rothenberg ND
Email us for more detailed information and an application.