Happy Holidays!
Happy New Year!

winter scene
Dear Friends,

We have had a busy year seeing patients, teaching, writing and working in the world of research. We count our many blessings along the way.

We have also launched a website for our medical practice, Naturopathic Health Care, which you can find at www.nhcmed.com
It gives an overview of our clinical work as well as some (hopefully!) helpful health information for those not currently under our care.

We're sending warm wishes for a peaceful and healthy 2011 filled with meaningful connections, work you enjoy and time with those you love. 

Keep warm & keep in touch!

Drs. Amy Rothenberg & Paul Herscu
Kim McGuire & Linda Smith
PS. Please click here if you'd like to read about the prevention & treatment of flu using natural medicine.

AND!  If you'd like, print out a copy of our annual calendar by
clicking here.  Legal size paper or card stock works well.

Foundation for Homeopathic Education
& our medical practice:
Naturopathic Health Care in Enfield, Connecticut