Fall TreeLess is More      

An Occasional Newsletter from

The New England School of Homeopathy

Magic in the Air
November 2010
Dr. Rothenberg's New Book:

Natural Medicine Book Cover

see special offer at bottom

Schedule for New NESH 10 Weekend Course in Boston, MA area:
 September 9-11, 2011
November 11-13, 2011
January 20-22, 2012
March 9-11, 2012
May 18-20, 2012
July 27-29, 2012
September 7-9, 2012
November 2-4, 2012
January  25-27, 2013
March 8-10, 2013

see Teaching Schedule for Drs. Herscu & Rothenberg, including international venues
Autism DVD cover

Order Dr. Paul Herscu's new Homeopathic Treatment of Autism 80 minute DVD

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I was once asked by an interviewer, "When and how did you first experience the magic of homeopathy?"

I do not consider homeopathy working in the realm of magic. After practicing for over 25 years I think that the gains we make with patients, though sometimes great, the day to day effort requires patience, humility and hard work. I am not especially interested in the patients that have miraculous sorts of results, we welcome those and can draw on those experiences for some solace and inspiration. But it is not the norm and should not be the expectation for either doctor or patient.

Like going to any doctor, my patients generally show up at my door when they are not feeling well physically, when the spirits are low or when their chips are down. Day in, day out I am seeing patients who are in need. The only magic I feel in my practice is the magic of authentic and open relationships with a wide range of patients and parents of patients. I see magic in the way parents of special needs kids parent, in the way partners of dying patients keep on loving, in the way students of mine persist in their studies when feeling overwhelmed. Magic creeps in when a patient feels more in control of their life, when meaningful work is found, when sweetness returns to a flailing marriage.  When an arthritic patient goes dancing or a asthmatic patients completes their first triathlon, these are points of magic.

The help remedies can give in shifting pathology, in lifting spirits, in offering resolve to make lifestyle shifts that enhance health, these are all points of magic, there was no moment of that for me, rather it is seeds of magic planted painstakingly over time, and allowed to take root, fueled by patients' own healing capacity that inspire and  encourage my own work.

May your own days this fall be filled with a touch of magic!

Amy Rothenberg ND

WhenAmy Nov '10 issue the Diagnosis is Multiple Sclerosis:
Homeopathy Offers Hope & Help
by Dr. Amy Rothenberg, ND, DHANP

Just before starting her freshman year of college, Robin came to see me for the first time. This petite, muscular, stylishly-dressed young woman had recently received unsettling news about her health: a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis (MS), a potentially debilitating ­disease of the central nervous system.

In addition to numbness and weakness in her limbs, which Robin attributed to MS, she told me she'd been suffering with interstitial cystitis (painful bladder) and troubling tics in and around her eyes. These problems may well have been related to her MS, too, although she didn't realize this at the time.

click here to read the rest of this article
NEW NESH 10 Weekend Certificate Course
Beginning September 2011 in the Boston, MA area
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This course is designed for both the beginner and more experienced homeopaths. We have designed, practiced and taught an effective, integrated approach to understanding classical homeopathy called Cycles and Segments. This approach informs all aspects of practice; it is an effective tool which allows us to focus case-taking and offers a practical way of organizing and analyzing information. It allows for the satisfying study of materia medica which is deep, integrated and satisfying.

Instructors: Drs. Paul Herscu ND & Amy Rothenberg ND

Email us for more detailed information and an application.
Place order by November 19th
Save $5.00*
Special Pre-publication offer on .....

The A Cappella Singer Who Lost Her Voice & Other Stories from Natural Medicine, by Dr. Amy Rothenberg

"In this charming, informative and inspiring book, Dr. Amy Rothenberg tells the story of her life as doctor, mother and partner, and of her work with many patients. The book is philosophical, fun, poignant, and practical--and a wonderfully entertaining addition to the literature of homeopathy and of natural healing."   

Bill Gottlieb, author of Alternative Cures,

former Editor-in-Chief, Rodale Books and Prevention Magazine Books

*not to be combined with other offers, retail price $25
Expected Publication Release Date:  December 15, 2010