This Season's Flu Patterns
If you see a patient with the flu, please send us a brief discription of the symptoms & remedy given. We will continue to track the genus epidemicus. Please send to nesh@nesh.comDr. Herscu will continue to publish his flu related material at:
Schedule for New NESH 8 Weekend Course in Seattle, WA area:
January 22-24, 2010 March 5-7, 2010 May 21-23, 2010 Sept. 24-26, 2010 November 5-7, 2010 Jan, March & May '11
2011 schedule to be announced
October 2009: Drs. Amy Rothenberg and Paul Herscu speak in the Pacific Northwest
10/14: OANP Evening Fundraiser Portland, OR "Understanding H1N1"
10/15: Free Evening Talk at Bastyr University "Homeopathy and Chocolate"
10/16: WANP Evening Fundraiser Seattle, WA "Understanding H1N1"
Click here for details of the above talks & a complete listing of our Seminar and Teaching Dates. |
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Happy end of summer, early fall to all. We hope in these last few months you have found some time to enjoy a little break, to have moments of relaxation and reflection. Practicing, reading about, writing about and teaching homeopathy gives us plenty of opportunity to think about our work. With so much talk about the national health care plan in the United States, we wonder often what the health care scene would look like if every town had its homeopath and all medical care providers knew at very least, first aid homeopathy. Just having our model of stress and strain and how that impacts people, helps us to understand symptoms in context and helps us to understand how stress impacts a susceptible individual. For many families heading back into school mode there can be additional stress. The more carefree days of summer are replaced by fuller schedules of the fall. For some children, going back to school provides a chance to socialize and get excited about academic and extracurricular areas. For others it's a time of academic and cognitive stress, emotional overwhelm and social anxiety and in turn, and for some, increased physical body symptoms. When patients turn up at our office and clinics at times of transitions, a good constitutional remedy can go a long way to helping alleviate some major impacts of stress. We hope your own work and studies are going well. Come learn with us when you have the chance!
Drs. Amy Rothenberg & Paul Herscu
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College Bound: Pack the kids off to school with natural remedies, by Dr. Amy Rothenberg, ND, DHANP
With three teenagers under our roof and the college send-off coming up very soon, I have already created a natural medicine packing list for when our kids take that big step out the front door and into dormitory living. A few years back, I hand-wrote and hand-bound three copies of a small book called Mom's Home Remedies-one for each child. I may publish this little ditty one day, but for now, the volumes are packed into the three small storage boxes that house my children's college-bound "natural pharmacy." click here to read the rest of this article |
NEW NESH 8 Weekend Certificate Course Beginning January 2010 in the Seattle, WA area
This course is designed for both the beginner and more experienced homeopaths. We have designed, practiced and taught an effective, integrated approach to understanding classical homeopathy called Cycles and Segments. This approach informs all aspects of practice; it is an effective tool which allows us to focus case-taking and offers a practical way of organizing and analyzing information. It allows for the satisfying study of materia medica which is deep, integrated and satisfying.
Instructors: Drs. Paul Herscu ND & Amy Rothenberg ND
Email us for more detailed information and an application.

Please visit our new website devoted to the influenza division of Herscu Laboratory, a 501(c)(3) non-profit multi-disciplinary medical research laboratory. This subsection of Herscu Laboratory is devoted to influenza, and specifically to the use and public health application of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) in influenza epidemics and pandemics. Click here to be connected.