October 6, 2011 

Please send emails about e-news or the Reporter to Anne Marie Gerhardt, Dir. of Communications at communications@umcnic.org. All submissions for e-news must be received, in writing no later than 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday each week.  



In This Issue
China Bible Exhibit
Youth Day
School of Evangelism
Plumbline Tour
Laity Sunday
Immigration Resources
Exploration 2011
New Life Launch
PAUMCS Workshop
Local Church Events

Quick Links

Upcoming Events 

Dream Sabbath
Registration open
Chicago Southern
Lay Academy

The Chicago Southern District
Fall Lay Academy:
Classes for Lay Speakers

October  8


Faith United Methodist Church
15015 Grant St.
Dolton, IL
For info: Contact:

Dr. Irma Clark at 773-239-0704    

e-mail: irmklarc@aol.com 

Rose Faulkner at 773-288-5433

Communicator's Corner - Support UNICEF  

This is one of my favorite times of the year! Not just because the fall colors are vibrant, but soon my children will receive their UNICEF boxes. Every year on Halloween, they tote their bright orange boxes around the neighborhood and collect coins for this great organization.  


Did you know for more than 60 years, UNICEF has been doing whatever it takes to save the lives of children.  


Here's just one example how UNICEF is making a difference: since 1990, UNICEF and its partners have helped 1.6 billion people receive safe drinking water. That's amazing!


Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF
Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF

For more information and how you can order UNICEF boxes click here.  



China Bible Exhibit -   

Opens October 12  


A  delegation from China will arrive in Chicago today and begin preparing for the opening of the China Bible Exhibit at First UMC at the Chicago Temple.  


An opening ceremony is planned for Tuesday, October 11 at 4pm at First UMC. The exhibit will run from October 12-16 from 8am to 7pm daily. The exhibit is located on the 2nd floor at 77 W. Washington St. in Chicago.  


Three seminars are being offered and are open to anyone on October 10, 13 and 19. Click here for complete details. 


**Join other churches from your District to tour the exhibit**

These are the District Days:
October 12 - DeKalb and Rockford Districts
October 13 - Chicago Southern District
October 14 - Aurora District
October 15 - Chicago Northwestern  District
October 16 - Elgin District


Youth Day at the China Bible Exhibit

All youth in the Conference and youth leaders are invited to attend and tour the China Bible Exhibit on Saturday, October 15. We will gather at the Chicago Temple at 11:00am.  After the tour, groups will have the opportunity to go up to the Chapel in the Sky.  Lunch will be provided between 12:30 and 1:00pm with a group formation time before and after that lunch.

Come and make the China Bible Exhibit a part of your youth day in Chicago. Millennium Park is within walking distance, and there are many other activities that can be done in conjunction with the China Bible Exhibit.  

 School of Evangelism - Register Today 

6th Annual School of Evangelism: Bridging Personal and Social Witness

Sponsor: The Evangelism Work Area of the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church
Martin Marty

Date: October 15, 2011
Time: 8:30 am to 3:00 pm

Place: Cornerstone United Methodist Church, 41W170 Russell Road, Elgin
Keynote Speaker: Martin Marty

Click Here to Register
Plumbline Tour 2011

The Plumbline Tour gets underway this
Sunday morning.  25 youth and 5 leaders from across the Northern Illinois Conference will be in New York from October 9-12. 

The youth will visit sites such as the United Nations building, the Church Center for the UN, and they will visit the 9/11 area as well. 

The goal is to learn about how youth may create (generate) peace in a time of violence. The tools they learn can make them a part of Peace Generation as they resolve conflicts in their local setting and beyond. Please pray for these youth as they journey on this trip.


10-Fold - 10 Day Live Event 


Beginning Monday, October 10, join us daily for 10-Fold, a 10-day multimedia experience that spotlights 10 powerful ways The United Methodist Church is making an impact worldwide-from planting churches to eliminating death and suffering from malaria.


Log on daily to 10-fold.org, Oct. 10-19, to explore each day's featured project. See live webcasts and videos, read powerful stories, and learn ways YOU can join the effort.  


Mission never stops, so please spread the word and visit 10-fold.org. 


Laity Sunday - October 16

It's that time of the year when we United Methodists celebrate Laity. That's not to say that we don't always do so, but we do have a Sunday set aside during the year specifically for this purpose, which is the third Sunday in October.

If your church has not yet made any plans, perhaps you can prepare a multi-media worship service, highlighting videos and pictures that reflect the work of lay persons in their ministry, including laity of all ages. Perhaps your church would prefer to go out into your community and use your gifts for a neighborhood project.

There is no limit to the possibilities when we're celebrating our love for the Lord, because there is no limit to our Lord's love for us!

Let's make this year's Laity Sunday a day to be remembered, all for the glory of God. May God bless you and keep you.

~Arnold Rivera, Conference Lay Leader

Rethink Church - Immigration DVD

Rethink Church - Immigration
Rethink Church - Immigration
The United Methodist Church has released a new resource package for churches to discuss immigration.  

It includes a conversation guide and a 12 minute video called "Jasmine's story," the story of Jasmine Franco, the daughter of immigrants, who was born in Chicago. After immigration officials came to her home, Jasmine's mother was deported to Guatemala.  Eventually, she was left alone in Ysplanti, Michigan at the age of 17.

"Jasmine's Story" shows how the First United Methodist Church of Ysplanti surrounded Jasmine with care during her time of need.  It serves as a model for many faith communities in our Conference and throughout the country.  

All of the resources are available to download from the
umcom.org site.  A link is also available at jfonnic.org.

Exploration 2011 Registration   


Registration is open for Exploration 2011 - Nov. 11-13 at the Millennium Hotel in St. Louis, MO, an event for 18-26 year olds to explore a call to ordained ministry in The United Methodist Church.

The registration fee will cover a two-night stay at the Millennium Hotel, meals, and program fees.   Click here to register.  


CREDO Confirmation Camps Start Oct. 14-15

Confirmation camps at Wesley Woods and Reynoldswood will use the new Credo curriculum from Cokesbury. Credo means "I believe."  


Using this new and exciting curriculum, your confirmation student will learn what it means to claim their faith as an United Methodist in the contexts of personal and social responsibility within and outside of the church community.


NEW this year:

Confirmation camps in the Fall and Spring will follow different lesson plans from the Credo Curriculum! Bring your confirmation students to BOTH camps and continue this important faith journey with us outside in God's amazing creation!


Click here for registration information 

NIC-PAUMCS Fall Workshop 2011

Featuring: Merrie Bunt, NIC Apportionments Administrator


WHEN: Wednesday, October 19

8:30 am- 2:30pm

WHERE: Court Street UMC, Rockford

215 North Court Street, Rockford, IL  (815) 962-6061

COST: (materials, lunch & refreshments): $15 for NIC PAUMCS members; $25 for non-members


To Register: send contact information and payment ("NIC PAUMCS") to Linda Graddick, Hazel Crest UMC, 17050 S. California, Hazel Crest, IL 60429. (708) 335-4500; hccumc01@sbcglobal.net Click here for registration form and details 


Questions, contact: Debbie Rogers 312/ 346-9766 x 132; drogers@umcnic.org,

Barbara Pufundt 847/ 931-0710 x 11; bpufundt@umcnic.org,

or Betsy Smith 815/561-8285 x 10; bsmith@umcnic.org


Local Church Events 

Local church events are posted on the web.


Read about October Events    




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