February 24, 2011- In this issue

Please send email about e-news or the Reporter to communications@umcnic.org. All submissions for e-news must be received, in writing no later than 4:00 PM on Tuesday each week.

  • Bishop's Youth Interfaith Bus Tour 
  • Report from the Academy for Spiritual Formation    
  • Approaching Deadlines
    • 2011 Annual Conference Documents
  • Apportionment Update 
  • Events of Interest 
    • Congress on Urban Ministry
    • Rural Ministry Conference 
    • Gathering of Retired Clergy
    • Ecumenical Advocacy Days  
    • Passion Theater presents "Darkest Before The Dawn"   
    • RxConnecion  
    • Race & Religion Conference 
  • News From United Methodist News Service
    • NIC 100% apportionment recognized
    • Harvest of Hope - Rural churches 
    • One Great Hour of Sharing
  • District Lay Academy Opportunities
    • Aurora
  • Local Church Events 

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Quick Links
Bishop's Youth Interfaith Bus Tour
Infaith Symbols
Bishop Hee Soo Jung invites all youth in our Conference on an interfaith journey designed for them on April 16, 2011. We will visit a synagogue, a temple,and a mosque to learn about prayer. We will include discussion with local faith leaders at each location. This is a great opportunity for confirmation and high school youth. Read more...

Report From the Academy for Spiritual Formation

Academy for Spiritual Formation LogoNestled in St. Francis Woods and rooted in the Franciscan tradition, the Portiuncula Center for Prayer in Frankfort is the site for the Northern Illinois Conference FIVE DAY ACADEMY FOR SPIRITUAL FORMATION which began Monday afternoon.
Read more and view pictures...


Don't Miss This Deadline!

2011 Annual Conference Documents and Information must be submitted for this year's 2011 annual conference by March 1, 2011 at 5 p.mFor more Information...

2010 Apportionment Update

By: Merrie Bunt


The 2010 books are now closed and we celebrate that the churches of the Northern Illinois Conference have contributed a total of $6,256,069 in apportionments!  A total of 218 churches (58% of the conference) paid 100% of their apportionments, including 15 that went above and beyond 100%.  Meanwhile, 110 churches increased their total percentage paid compared with 2009.   

Read more here.


Events of Interest
Urban Congress
Congress on Urban Ministry

March 1-4: Congress on Urban Ministry: Peacemaking in a
Culture of Violence, Sponsored by SCUPE (Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education) will be presented at the Hyatt, McCormick Place, Chicago. More Information...
Rural Ministry
Hospitality in Changing Times

March 6-8: 2011 Rural Ministry Conference: Hosptality in Changing Times
will be held in Dubuque, IA. Partial scholarships are available through the NIC office of Connectional Ministries, for those attending the full conference. Read More...

March 22
: There will be a gathering for retired clergy at North Central College in Naperville, IL. More information...

March 25-28: Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2011 will be held in Washington DC. Partial scholarship assistance for registration costs is available. Read more...

Fridays and Saturdays March 25 - April 3: Euclid Ave. UMC will present Passion Theater's "Darkest Before the Dawn," A night of affirming Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Persons through monologues and songs. Featuring a talented group of Chicago area actors and singers. More...

April 29-May 1: RxConnexion, an annual consultation for health volunteers and  will be held at First UMC of Glen Ellyn. The week-end will showcase local, national and international volunteerism and provide related sharing and education. Read more...

May 15-18: The General Commission on Religion and Race encourages NIC pastors and laity to consider attending the Cross-Racial/Cross-Cultural Event, "Facing the Future" in Los Angeles May 15-18. Early bird registration ends February 28. Read more...

In the News with UM News Service

Despite tough times, church giving rises is a story written by Barbara Dunlap-Berg of United Methodist News Service, which recognizes the Northern Illinois Conference as one of the conferences paying 100% of their apportionments. Read the whole article...

Harvest of Hope - Stories about the Rural Church in America
United Methodist news has compiled a group of stories, movies and slideshows about the hope and ministry occuring in rural Methodist churches in America. You will also find a link to a collection of historical photos of revivals, life and churches in the 1800s. Read more...

Get Ready for One Great Hour of Sharing

One Great Hour of Sharing is just a few weeks away. Now is the time to order your offering resources. Use the links and story below to help plan and promote this special offering that supports UMCOR.
Order materials      More Information...

Districts offer Lay Academies


Aurora District Lay Academy will be held on 5 consecutive Sundays March 13-April 10 in Naperville.


What's a Lay Academy? Who's a Lay Speaker? To find the answer... 

Local Church Events
News about local church events has been posted on the web. Read all about it.