January 6, 2011- Epiphany of Our Lord: In this issue

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  • Days of Note
  • Upcoming Conference Events
    • Remember victims of Haiti Earthquake, January 12
    • Laity Convocation, February 5
    • Clergy Tax Seminar
    • UMW School of Christian Mission
  • New Year Greeting from the Bishop
  • Death Notification: Bishop Edsel A. Ammons
  • Pray for Sudan
  • Advocacy Opportunities
  • Conference on Faith and Sexuality
  • District Leadership Training Events
    • Chicago Northwestern
    • Chicago Southern
    • Elgin
    • DeKalb
    • Rockford

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January Days of Note

 January 11, Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

January 12, 2011, Haiti memorial Service,  Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, 6 pm.

An ecumenical service will be held in the Chapel of the Unnamed Faithful at Garrett, to remember the victims of the Haitian earthquake of January 12, 2010.

Read about what UMCORis doing in Haiti and how you can help.

January 17, Human Relations Day. Learn what this Special Sunday is about. Get Resources to use in your church

January 17, Martin Luther King Birthday observed by NIC. Offices will be closed.

January 18-25, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. An ecumenical Prayer Service will be held, Sunday, January 23, at 4:00 PM at St. Gregory the Illuninator Armenian Orthodox Church in Chicago.

Upcoming Conference Events - join us!
Bishop Schnase
Bishop Schnase

February 5, Laity Convocation, Sycamore UMC  
Save the date! This crucial training event draws hundreds of laypeople as we get ready for another year of ministry. This year, we are thrilled to have Bishop Robert Schnase, author of the book "Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations."

January 27, 2011, Clergy Tax Seminar, Barrington UMC
The UM Foundation will offer a Tax Seminar for Clergy. This is offered each year for clergy.

January 14-16, 2011, UMW School of Christian Mission, Camp Reynoldswood.

United Methodist Women will present a shorter version of the Summer School of Christian Mission in the more intimate setting of Camp Reynoldswood. There is opportunity to study one of the three mission studies in depth: For the Love of God: the Epistles of John, Joy to the World: Mission in the Age of Global Christianity; or The Beauty and Courage of Sudan.

New Year Greetings from the Bishop
Bishop Hee-Soo Jung

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.  He was in the beginning with God.  All things come into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being.  What has come into being in him was life and the life was the light of all people.  The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it."  John 1: 1-5

As I welcome the New Year I am reminded of the opening words from John's Gospel offering hope and grace to those who love and seek to live in God's light.  Each year as we turn the page in our calendars we have the opportunity to begin anew.  We are offered God's grace, encouraging us to refocus on the path of discipleship.  The new beginning in this New Year is a time to release past burdens, freeing ourselves from regret, inaction, pain and old wounds.  In shedding that which holds us back we lighten our step finding new opportunities for faith to grow in our hearts.

In God's light we embrace the New Year taking all the possibilities, all the hopes and dreams of fresh starts and work to honor God in our actions.  I am grateful for the forgiveness I received through my faith in God as my Savior, grateful for the second chances God offers, excited about the new opportunities and renewed light that shines into the world and beckons me to live boldly for Christ.

I thank you, Northern Illinois Conference, for your faithfulness in the journey, your continued struggle to find and reflect light into your communities.  I pray that 2011 will be a year of hope, gracious beginnings, bold proclamation and life changing witness.  Let us forge forward for God's sake making a difference in hearts, lives, communities, country and our global village.

Your Brother in Christ,

Bishop Hee-Soo Jung
Bishop Edsel A. Ammons Dies
Bishop Edsel A. Ammons
Bishop Edsel A. Ammons

Bishop Edsel A. Ammons
, who prior to becoming Bishop served inthe Northern Illinois Conference, died on Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24, 2010. 

A Memorial Service will be held on
Saturday, January 15, 2011, at 11:00 a.m.
at First United Methodist Church,
516 Church Street, Evanston, IL.

Pray for the Referendum in Sudan
Prayer Circle UMW in Sudan
Members of the United Methodist Women in Yei, Southern Sudan, pray in a circle after working together to prepare a plot for planting

This Sunday will make history.  Sudan will hold a referendum on whether to split into two countries, a northern one controlled by Khartoum and South Sudan.  This referendum comes as a part of the 2005 agreement that ended a 21-year civil war in which 1.9 million civilians were killed. The referendum could establish the world's newest country or potentially trigger a renewed civil war in Africa's largest nation, a quarter the size of the United States.

Advocacy Opportunities

NOW is the time to contact your State Legislators about a HUGE gambling expansion bill alive in the Illinois General Assembly. Senate Bill 737 was passed in the Senate on December 1.  It will be called for vote in the House during the extra Veto Session January 3 to 11. Read more...

The campaign to abolish the death penalty in Illinois continues.  SB3539, the bill to end the death penalty, should come up for a vote this weekend. If you have made a call, please call again.  The link below can let you know where to call and email.  Find out who to call or e-mail.

Conference on Faith & Sexuality

On January 15, 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m., Gary United Methodist Church in Wheaton is pleased to host a conference on Faith & Sexuality. This conference will explore the role of the Church today amidst the questions and conflicts surrounding homosexuality. We invite all to come and engage in conversation, raise awareness and promote dialogue in an effort to diminish hostility surrounding this issue. Read more...

Districts offer Leadership Training

Chicago Northwestern District Leadership Training will be held on Saturday, January 29, 2011, at Glenview UMC.
Chicago Southern District Leadership Training will be held, Saturday, January 22, 2011, at Faith UMC of Orland Park

Elgin District Leadership Training will be held on Saturday, January 29, 2011 at First UMC of Crystal Lake.
DeKalb District Leadership Training will be held Saturday, January 8, 2011, at Wesley UMC in Sterling, IL.
Rockford  District Leadership Training will be held on Saturday, January 29, 2011 at Faith UMC in Freeport.