The United Methodist Church
Northern Illinois Conference

e-News for July 16, 2009

Welcome to the NIC e-News. This newsletter is published every Thursday morning.


We will only be issuing one print Reporter in the month of July. The July 24 print edition of the Reporter will not be issued. The print Reporter will resume with the August 7 issue. The deadline for this issue is July 24. The schedules of the eNews and website will not be affected.

Can we do anything to help you? If you or your church have any communication needs, please contact Matt at
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In This Issue
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School of Congregational Development:

- Sessions and Workshops SOLD OUT
- Worship Services Open to All
- Volunteers still needed

The Northern Illinois Conference is hosting the School of Congregational Development at First UMC in Evanston from
July 29 to August 2. For more than 20 years, the school has trained pastors, lay people and
other leaders who are starting or redeveloping new churches around the world.

Registration of 500 has already been reached, but you can still take part by joining us at the two major worship services at First UMC Evanston, 516 Church St.

Wed, July 29, 7:30pm - preacher Dr. Irving Cotto
Sunday, Aug 2, 7:00pm - preacher Rev. Mike Slaughter

Childcare and snacks are provided.

For more information, see the official website.
Volunteers are greatly appreciated!

Coleta UMC Mission Trip - South Dakota

From Debbie Espinoza, Coleta UMC

In June, 12 people from Coleta UMC and one person from Sterling First UMC headed west to the Crow Creek Indian Reservation in Ft Thompson, South Dakota.

Read their report on our website.
"Let's Feed Our Children" at Rock Falls UMC

From Sally Schumaker

Members of the Rock Falls United Methodist Church are shown with the sack lunches they prepared for the "Let's Feed Our Children" lunch program in the community. This is a free lunch program that is based in the Rock Falls Church that offers lunches to children 3 days a week. Rock Falls, along with 4 other churches in the community, prepare and distribute the lunches to those wishing to take advantage of this program. We are currently making an average of 200 lunches per day.This program has been in operation for 7 years.

Celebration for Illinois Marriage and Engaged Encounter UM

From Esther & John Smith

The theme for the 30th anniversary is "Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow". The celebration will begin Friday at 7:00 P.M. with greetings, a dessert buffet and a presentation. Saturday's presentations are from 9 A.M.- 4:30 P.M. Gary & Lisa Morris, lead team couple from the Atlanta area are the keynote speakers. A brief worship service will close the celebration. Anyone interested is invited, especially any couple who has attended a Marriage/Engaged Encounter Weekend.

For more information, contact us at, or visit our website,

New Novel "Lead Us Not Into Temptation" by UMC Lay Leader

Northbrook UMC Lay Leader, Richard Davidson, recently published the mystery novel Lead Us Not into TemptationCheck out a preview by the author on our website.

Double Anniversary for Roscoe UMC, Pastor Jay D. Carr


By Loren Heinzeroth, SPRC Chair, Roscoe UMC

In a full day of festivities at both campuses of Roscoe United Methodist Church, Pastor Jay D. Carr was honored for his 10th anniversary as Senior Pastor of the congregation as well as the 25th anniversary of his ordination.

In the News: Rev. Carol Findon interviewed on marital counseling

"For spiritual advisers, infidelity a rough terrain to navigate" (Chicago Tribune)

Progress on new website

From Matt Kuzma, Director of Communications:

We are progressing nicely with our new website development, led by Big Heart Design. Watch this space in the coming weeks for results of the survey and progress from our work.

Many thanks to those who participated in our online survey and focus groups about the current functionality of our site. Please know that we hear your feedback and are working to make sure our new website, launching this fall, will be functional and professional.

We know that our current website infrastructure is insufficient and unsustainable. However, there are improvements we can make now that will help us in the future. And you can help! Please contact us anytime at

  • Is your church's website listed in our conference listing?
  • Are there broken links on our site?
  • Are there other church, organization or corporate sites out there that you really like, whether because of form or function?
  • Does your conference board or agency have resources for local churches that should be included in our site? 

Pancake Breakfast of the Week

Pancake breakfasts? Cookouts? Evangelism? Rethinking church? Delicious!

Paul Judd, Pastor Sterling First UMC

We've got a summer program that might fit your pancake breakfast of the week.
The second and third Sundays of June, July and August we have a free breakfast, open to the community.  We have egg casseroles on the second Sunday and biscuits and gravy on the fourth Sunday. We offer fruit cups, juice and coffee every Sunday.

Following it we have a casual (seeker style) contemporary worship service. It is all part of our outreach plan to not only open our doors, but go outside them to our neighbors and friends. This is just one way we are rethinking church.

Steve Nailor, UM Men President

UM Men are hosting a cookout for men in the Rockford DIstrict at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 6 at Sumner Park in Pecatonica. We'll throw horseshoes, eat, and discuss mission and other projects:
  • Meals For Millions (formerly known as the Potato Project)
  • Spiritual Congress at Lake Geneva
  • Every Man Shares (EMS)
  RSVP to Dave Holland at (815) 877-5343 by August 3.

To submit an entry for Pancake Breakfast of the week, please email details of your community event to, subject heading "Pancakes."