The United Methodist Church
Northern Illinois Conference

e-News for May 21


Welcome to the NIC e-News. This newsletter is published every Thursday morning.

Can we do anything to help you? If you or your church have any communication needs, please contact Matt at
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In This Issue
Free Media Resources
NCD Training
Annual Conference Registration Open!
New Jobs at
Pancake Breakfast of the Week
Quick Links
Free Media Resources
Attention communications folks (or churches who do not yet have communications folks!) - the conference communications office now has this year's Community Media Guide, which has media contacts for print, radio, web and TV outlets across Illinois. Want to promote an event? This guide has the goods, so you can reach out to new people.

For more information, please email Matt at
Natural Church Development Training May 30

Call Judy Siaba at 312-346-9766 ext. 124 or e-mail to register:

May 30, 2009, 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Natural Church Development training at Barrington UMC
Cost: $10/person (includes lunch)

Jeannette Buller Slater will lead the training. Slater has consulted pastors and church planters toward effective ministry and has been involved in all aspects of NCD since its inception in 1998. 

Childcare available upon request.

This training will serve as continuing education for current coaches and will allow potential coaches to learn the Natural Church Development process. All current coaches, potential coaches, pastors, lay leaders and the church's NCD Health team should attend.
Annual Conference!
Register now!

If you haven't completed registration yet, it's time! Please click "Annual Conference 2009" at the top of any page on our website,  If you cannot register online, you can get a mail-in form from the Mary O'Connor Inc. office, at (630) 443-7025.

We need volunteers!

Will you volunteer to be an usher or greeter at Annual Conference? We could use 20-30 folks to help If you are interested in ushering during the Plenary Sessions or greeting when the conference opens on Sunday morning, please contact Char Hoffmann at or Jean Bush at Thank you!

Print your Materials!

Please download the Proposed Legislation and Historical Reports. If you have trouble,

1) Check with your church to see if they can download and print them for you,
2) Attend a Legislative Listening Session where you should be able to obtain a copy, or
3) Contact Rev. Lora Zink  at 815-734-6952; she can print a copy and mail it to you.

Free lunch for Retirees!

Everyone is welcome to attend the lunch on Monday, June 8, when we will recognize retirees. Retirees and their spouses will be our special guests. In order for retirees to receive their free tickets for this lunch, please call the Mary O'Connor office at: (630) 443-7025. All others should select this as their Monday lunch choice at the time of registration.
New Jobs at

Three new positions were added to the job board. Check em out!
Final Deadline for Rainbow Covenant Contest 

Enter now!

The cover design for the 2009-2010 Rainbow Covenant Book will be chosen from entries received by May 29. Please submit entries to Emmy Lou John at

Pancake Breakfast of the Week

Let's have dessert for breakfast AND dinner.

The Pecatonica United Methodist Men's Club will have their annual ice cream social at the church fellowship hall from 5pm to 7pm on Thursday, June 11, 2009. There will be a free will offering. Menu consists of barbeques, potato chips, pork & beans, hot dogs, ice cream, strawberries, cakes, pies, lemonade,  coffee and root beer.  Pecatonica United Methodist Church is located north of U. S.Highway 20 and Pecatonica the northeast corner of 5th St. and Washington St.  For further information, call David Hilton at 1-815-247-8695 or email him at or call Don Rose at 1-815-335-2307 or email him at

Please send candidates for Pancake Breakfast (or other community meal) of the Week to, subject line "Pancakes."