The United Methodist Church
Northern Illinois Conference



Welcome to the NIC e-News. This newsletter is published every Thursday morning at 10 a.m.

Can we do anything to help you? If you or your church have any communication needs, please contact Matt at
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In This Issue
In Step With the Bishop
Clergy Summit
Communication Volunteers Needed!
Job Postings
UMW Lobby Day
Annual Conference 2009
Planning ahead
Quick Links
In Step With the Bishop

Photo by Mark Larimer

Note from Bishop Jung:

"As we enter the journey of Holy Week I pray that all might be filled with awe at the mystery of God's boundless love poured out for us.  As you gather in worship, please support our brothers and sisters affected by the Red River flooding in the Dakotas with your prayers and gifts as they struggle with devastation in their communities." 

April 2nd - Rockford District Cluster Visit to Northwest Winnebago Cluster, Gathering @ Durand UMC at 6 PM
April 5th - Palm Sunday Black Methodists For Church Renewal - Confirmation Service at St. Mark's UMC 4:00 PM
April 14-24 - North Central Jurisdiction Bishops and Leadership - Korean Cultural Pilgrimage
Review of Clergy Summit

Photo by Matt Kuzma

What happens when all the clergy get together to talk about the future of the church? Find out!
Communication Volunteers Needed!

Hello, friends! Our communications and media team is working on the following projects. If you or someone you know would like to volunteer with any of these projects, please drop us a line: -

1. Video and audio interviews of all of the Harvest 2020 church planters, mixed with photos of the new communities and neighborhoods we are reaching with these new launches. The individual video clips for each new faith community will be featured on the Harvest 2020 website and form a 30- to 45-minute video for Annual Conference.

2. Content update for our website, which will undergo a complete rebuild this spring and summer. The 2008 Annual Conference budget accounted for a competitively-bid new website. Our communications team and conference leadership are in the process of reviewing bids for this project.

Regardless of the design, we would love more content from all of our committees, groups, teams, commissions, work areas and play areas. Stay tuned for more info as we begin the design process, but in the meantime, find your team on our current website: Do you have more to add?

3. More creative work and more video! We have video and audio equipment here at the conference office, but if you know youth or other volunteers who would like to help record video, edit video or edit audio interviews, we could definitely put them to work!
Job Postings

We have added a job board resource page to our website. Local churches may post open positions; please send to Postings will stay up for 30 days.
UMW Lobby Day in Springfield Today!

Women from the Northern Illinois Conference, the Illinois Great Rivers Conference and the Illinois Church Action on Alcohol & Addiction Problems (ILCAAAP) are taking part in a Legislative Day today at the State Capitol in Springfield
Annual Conference 2009

The 170th Northern Illinois Annual Conference is June 7-9 at Pheasant Run Resort in St. Charles, IL. It will be here before we know it!

Note: Registration begins at 7:00 a.m. Sunday, June 7. Local churches should make arrangements now for their Sunday worship services.

This year, we will be voting on several amendments to our Constitution. Check out the Annual Conference Page for more information about these important amendments!

Constitutional Amendments must be ratified by two-thirds of the voting membership of the Annual Conferences in order to take effect. During debate, the amendments must be voted on as they were passed at General Conference (without any amendments or changes). Each amendment receives an individual vote count, then the counts from around the world are  added together for a final, global count on the amendments.  Every vote counts!
We are Easter People!

Easter is almost upon us! How is your church planning ahead?

Some ideas for planning for Easter from Dist. Superintendent Rev. James Preston:

1. Make sure all special Lenten services and offerings can be found WITH TIMES AND DATES on your website and newsletter. Consider highlighting one event on your voicemail. Always have worship times on your voicemail.
2. Consider a clean up of entrances and foyers so that guests encounter clean and welcoming spaces as they enter. Add flowers or plants...possibly purple cloth and a cross on a table. All of these efforts make guests feel more welcome.
3. Consider an online email each week to guests and members with scripture, devotion, and prayer ideas. It is an easy way to help people grow in Christ during this season. Guests appreciate the connection.
4. Start announcing your EASTER services now!  Place a banner with times outside or on your sign. Make sure those times are on your web site and other places.
5. Consider a Lenten insert in your bulletin that highlights all of your activities and features scripture readings for the week.

UM Communications also has 50 ideas for under $500 that local churches can use to attract people so new folks will breeze through our open doors on Easter Sunday.

If you have tips or tricks for worship planning as we approach Lent and Easter, please share them:

Pancake Breakfast of the Week off to Europe on holiday. Will return April 23. In the meantime, please be nice to Susan and Joe as they fill in. Arrivederci!