glowing chaliceThe FORUM
Newsletter of MVUUF
June 1-15, 2010
~  A Welcoming Congregation  ~
MVUUF Building by Lew Hann
Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
8690 Yankee Street, Dayton, OH  45458
Click on the headings below to navigate directly to these topics!
Letter from the Minister
Keeping Up with Our Members
Around the Fellowship
Letter from the DRE
YRE Information
Don't Forget!
Save the Date!
Letter from the Minister
Keeping the Sabbath
Judaism emphasizes the holiness of time, not things.  The Jewish holy days mark significant events in time which are ritualized as sacred, such as the Sabbath.  Abraham Heschel, a modern Jewish author writes, "The higher goal of spiritual living is not to amass a wealth of information, but to face sacred moments."  We are reminded that our everyday life with its hectic schedule of getting things done and amassing more things and more knowledge ignores what is most sacred- the moments that are sacred and eternal. 
While Buddhism tells me the same thing, to stay in the present moment and savor its gifts, I forget these ideas most days as I try to stay on top of "things" that need to get done - the sermon to be written, the meetings to attend, the groceries to be bought, etc.
So, here it is sometime in May, with June rearing its head, and like almost all ministers I know, I'm looking forward to some time off.  I need that "Sabbath" that we are supposed to honor every week, but since I'm kind of busy on Sunday, my Sabbath ends up getting put off- until July.  Practice what you preach, right?  I try to take a little time every morning to meditate and do yoga, but sometimes, often in fact, I am overtaken by events and find myself sitting at the computer instead of on the floor.
So, my summer resolution is to become more serious about my daily Sabbath practice.  To truly dedicate time each day to those sacred moments - each and every day.
That's my goal.  I'll let you know.  I hope to come back refreshed and Sabbathed.
~ Rev. Amy Russell
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Quick Links
June 6 - Hearts and Flowers: Flower Communion and Appreciation  Rev. Amy Russell
~ In our traditional celebration of Flower Communion, we'll also give our appreciation for all the many volunteers who make Sunday happen.  Please bring flowers to share if you have them.
June 13
- Covenanting Together  Rev. Amy Russell
~ Our work together is a covenant.  James Luther Adams says that "the individual is brought out of separateness into covenant."  He says that covenant is what holds the world together through our faithfulness to divine or human love.  How do we fulfill that covenant together as a congregation?  Our Congregational Meeting follows this service.

June 20 - What is Prayer?  Rev. Amy Russell
~ Prayer is often one of those misunderstood ideas that often has UUs shaking their heads.  Can prayer be seen as something other than a petition to a divine entity outside ourselves?  Are there other forms of prayer and what do they look like?
June 27
- The Ant and the Grasshopper  Rev. Annie Foerster
~ New research has given us a broader understanding of what this old story is all about.  It's not about working hard or storing up food for the winter.  It's about covenanting within community and building larger communities that make the covenants go better.  I will just have come back from GA and I may be able to tell you the latest stories from the Ant Family and the Grasshopper Family.
Keeping Up With Our Members
Diane Bockhorst, longtime member and wife of member and bookkeeper Dale Bockhorst, passed away on May 17 following an illness.  There will be an open house in her memory on Sun. May 30, 2-3 p.m. at the Fellowship.  Dale and his family will be there to greet friends.

Emmert Royer, father-in-law of member Linda O'Brien, passed away on May 22.  Our hearts go out to Linda and her family during this difficult time.
Jim Poltrone suffered a heart attack on May 25.  He is currently in the ICU at Miami Valley Hospital after having a stint put in his heart. We'll keep you updated on his condition.

For all those members who are experiencing difficult times in their lives, please know that your Fellowship community is here to support you.
Printable MVUUF Calendar!
Click HERE for a printable PDF version of the MVUUF calendar.  Please note, this calendar does NOT include outside events (ie: private parties, etc.), so for the most up-to-date information, you will need to access the MVUUF web site calendar or call Kristin in the Fellowship office.  She can be reached at 436-3628.
A Letter from the DRE
I am genuinely amazed by all of our children and youth here at MVUUF!  Our children and youth make me proud to be a Director of Religious Education.  From the courage of our young children who share their belief statements in front of the entire congregation, to our youth who dream and fulfill their dream of having an art show to help raise money for our MVUUF backyard.  And have I even mentioned the art hanging in the sanctuary....all created from OUR children and youth!  Again, I am just awestruck by their energy and passion. 

I find myself being inspired by our kids!  If you have not yet seen the children and youth art show, please take a moment before or after service to look at their wonderful pieces, for sale, in the Sanctuary.  All the money raised from art sales will go directly to help rebuild our YRE backyard area.  We are hoping for some playground equipment, some updated playground play structures, as well as parent and child friendly picnic tables with shade.  This will give parents a place to sit as they watch their children play outside as well as give a home to an outside classroom. 

So again, check out the art in the Sanctuary.  Their work will be on display during the month of June.  Please help support our children and youth by taking a moment to look at their natured themed pieces.  You may find yourself inspired by our children and youth as well! 

I wanted to add that our theme for this summer's programming is PEACE.  Our summer programs start on June 6.  Our preschool class will be working on an edible garden as well as other projects centered on peace.  The kindergarten through fifth grade class will be in class together having classes on cooperative games, signs of peace where they will create peace through art, and singing for peace where they will learn some songs about peace.  The junior high class, grades 6th-8th, will be using popcorn theology as a guide to watch movies and have discussions about peace.  The senior high class, grades 9th-12th, will be using the model of small group ministry to discuss issues around peace.   Both children and youth worship will focus on inner-peace.  All children will remain in their same grade they just finished for this school year.  All children will move up a grade in September.  Please check out our summer calendar in the Forum or on our website for more information about summer programming.
As always, if you have any questions, I am happy to answer!  You can call me at 436-3628. 
Smile, Natalie; Director of Religious Education
YRE Calendar for June:
Chalice Children class (Preschool):
June 6 - Gardening and peace activities
June 13 - Gardening and peace activities
Kindergarten - 5th grade class: 
June 6 - Children's worship               
June 13 - Cooperative games

6th - 8th grade class:
June 6 - Youth worship
June 13 - Class: Popcorn Theology
9th - 12th grade class:
June 6 - Youth worship
June 13 - Small group ministry
YRE Sends a big "THANK YOU" to all the 2009-2010 YRE volunteers!  Our program could not have done it without you!
Thank you: Adrienne Clark, Alysoun Taylor, Ann Rismiller, Carolyn Leman, Catherine Queener, Christina Sarley, Cynthia Brooks, David Cobb, Diane Dover, Dianna Spriggs, Donna Wilson, Edward Oldt, Gail Cyan, Garlene Hamilton, Gary Burns, Genevieve Harvey, Hatta Hall, Jack Fenic, Jennifer Hardy, Joe Zimmerman, Kate Halpin, Kathleen Santucci, Kathy Wood, Katie Reese, Kim Hinzy, Laura Solomon, Lesa Cyan, Leslie Woodward, Lori Damron, Lynn Buffington, M.J. Leman, Mary Ellen Beardmore, Maureen O'Meara, Meagan Geeting, Peter Hering, Richard Donnelly, Robin Farinet, Sarah Hewitt, Sean Ballard, Shannon Hansen, Shannon Harper, Shirley Forrest, Steve Trobridge, Toni Duron, William Ross, and Yolanda Crooms.
**For more detailed information about the YRE program, as well as YRE events and schedules, please go to our web site at and click on "Religious Education."
Around the Fellowship
Community Discussion Group Topics*
June 6
- "Favorite Motion Pictures."  Moderator: Open forum
June 13 - TBD
*This adult group meets every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. in the Founders' Room for fellowship and thought-provoking discussions led by member volunteers.  For a more detailed listing of topics, please see the Sunday bulletin.

Flower Communion
Our flower communion service will take place on Sun., June 6.  Please bring flowers from your garden as we participate in our annual ritual tradition of sharing flowers with each other.
Daytime Book Club Title*
June 16 - Our Choice: A Plan to Solve the Climate Crisis, by Al Gore or Our Choice: How We Can Solve the Climate Crisis (Young Reader Edition), by Al Gore.
July 21 - The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down - A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures, by Anne Fadiman
August TBA - Fallout, by Trudy Krisher
*We meet one Wednesday a month, at 10:30 a.m., in the Fellowship Library.  We then go out for lunch together.  All are welcome!

Evening Book Club
Please join us at 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of the month in the Fellowship library.  Our June 8 selection is The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson.  Our July 13 title is Half Broke Horses, by Jeanette Walls.  New participants are welcome.  Contact Ann Snively if you'd like more information. 
Special Board Meeting
There will be a special Board meeting on June 3 at 7 p.m. in the Founders room.  Agenda items include approval of the final budget for the Congregational meeting and election of delegates to General Assembly. 
Baby Shower
Please join us after service on June 6 in celebration of Kristin Freeman, our Fellowship Administrator, and her husband Michael, who are expecting a baby girl at the end of June.  Contributions towards a gift can be given to Rev. Amy or Alice Diebel.

Congregational Meeting
The Congregational Meeting is scheduled for June 13 at 12:15 p.m.  Agenda items include the budget, the Emily Upham Award, and election of Endowment Trustee and selected Program Council representatives.  Meeting packets will be distributed to voting members by email a week prior to the meeting.  They will be available, in limited quantity, in print form in the church office as well.  Further, MVUUF delegates to the UUA General Assembly will lead a discussion about items on the GA agenda following the business portion of the MVUUF meeting.  Participation is a right and responsibility of membership.  We look forward to seeing you there.
Dayton Pride Parade 2010
MVUUF has taken part in every Dayton Gay Pride Parade since the very first one in 2000.  We have had as many as 60 people walking with us, and everyone has a great time.  Plan to join us again this year on Sat., June 5.  Lineup starts around 11:00 a.m., and we step off at noon.  We will meet at Cooper Park (behind Dayton Metro Library, on St. Clair, between 2nd and 3rd Streets).  Look for Pete Hering, who will be heading up the Cooper Park contingent.  If you have rainbow tie-dye, please wear it.  MVUUF will also have an informational table on Courthouse Square.  You can guarantee yourself a seat in the shade by volunteering to help staff the table and talk to others about the Fellowship.  Get in touch with Shirley Gezinski or Skey Stewart to sign up for a time slot.  Please plan to join us!  You'll have a lot of fun and send a powerful message of support.  For more information, contact Joe Law or any of the people listed above. 

2008 Garage Sale 
Pledge Status?
Need to know where you stand on your current pledge status?  Our current fiscal year ends on June 30 - that's in just four short weeks!  If you want to know what your outstanding pledge amount is, call or email Kristin and she'll get it to you ASAP!  She can be reached at 436-3628.

OWL Thank You
Our Whole Lives (OWL) has finally drawn to a close.  It has been a long eight months of meetings and overnights, of stories and games.  And every hour has been worth it.  Richard Donnelly and I would like to thank all the people who have supported us and our participants.  For those who didn't know, the youth of MVUUF are absolutely incredible.  We treasure each and every one of them.  We want to take this opportunity to thank the parents who supported the kids and got them to our meetings and overnights, providing encouragement and snacks!  We are truly blessed to have had this opportunity and thank you all for trusting us with your youths.   We want to thank the speakers who came in and shared their personal stories with us, telling of us their challenges, hardships and triumphs.  We definitely want to thank those who volunteered to help us chaperone the overnights.  Overnights would not have happened if you had not stepped up and stayed up!!  We want to thank Natalie and Kristin for their awesome logistical and administrative support as well as those from outside the congregation: the speakers from Planned Parenthood and the Midwife.  Most of all our gratitude goes out to you, our congregation, who recognized that OWL is a worthwhile program and brought it to MVUUF. It has enabled us to enable our youths with the knowledge and skills OWL encompasses.  Thank you!  Sincerely, Richard Donnelly and Shannon Heather Hansen
Smart Choices
On June 20 at 2 p.m., join us at the home of Shirley Gezinski to watch two short Chaplin films, "The Gold Rush" and "Pay Day".  On June 24, we'll be meeting at Laurel Herminghausen's home at 12:30 p.m. for a pool party and potluck.  Please join us for all our summer fun!
Food Fanciers
Join us at 2 p.m. on June 18 in the Fellowship kitchen as we watch Iris Carter demonstrate how to make vegetarian cheese meatballs - yum!!  On July 16 at 2 p.m. in the kitchen, we'll watch Janice Beers make a Pennsylvania Dutch corn pie.  Join us for Food Fanciers - it's delicious!
St. Vincent de Paul 2nd Saturday Lunch*
June 12 Menu:
Chicken (BBQ or Fried), fruit salad, scalloped potatoes, milk, 100% juice
*All items must be delivered heated and ready to serve 15-20 people.  Donations should be taken to 120 W. Apple St. by 10:30 a.m.  Sign up in the Gathering Space.

Young Women's Think Tank
Here at MVUUF we have groups for everything - women, men, Buddhists, book lovers, social change...the list goes on and on!  But how about a group for young women?  I am calling to all the young women between the ages of 13-18 to join me, Shannon, and Laura Solomon on June 4 at 6:30 p.m.  We'll meet in the Founders room to discuss the possible interest in the creation of a Young Women's Group.  If you're not able to join us that night, but have an interest in participating, please contact either Shannon Hansen or Laura Solomon.  Hope to see you there!
Offering for June
The Social Concerns Committee invites plate offerings for Planned Parenthood of Dayton.  The mission of Planned Parenthood is to prevent unplanned pregnancies and protect the health of low income women.  Planned Parenthood is the nation's leading sexual and reproductive health care provider and advocate.  For more information about Planned Parenthood, the services offered, as well as their educational programs, please visit   
Chalicelight Gallery
Our Gallery is currently displaying artwork made by the youth of our congregation.  Take a look around and if something catches your eye, you can buy it!  All proceeds from the sale of the artwork will go towards the purchase of new playground equipment and picnic tables.  There are paintings, jewlery and sculptures - these items make great gifts, so come out and admire the talent our young people have on display!

If there's anyone in the congregation who will be graduating this summer, we would like to recognize you in our June 6 service.  Please let Kristin know by June 1 at 436-3628.
Forum in July and August
Just to let you know, the Forum will only be published once a month for July and August.  So don't panic if you don't receive two mailings or emails!  In September we'll be back to two issues a month.

Michael Moreda and Andrew Dover were elected to the Heartland District Youth Steering Committee!  Michael is the Transitional Age Range Rep. for Junior High youth and Andrew is the Communications Officer.  MVUUF now has youth representation on the district level - way to go, guys!!
Don't Forget!
**Cinemaniacs will meet June 6 at the Danbarry South.  Please contact Pete Hering at 974-0360.
Save the Date!
**June 13 is the next Congregational meeting.
**June 6 is our Flower Communion service.
**Also in our June 6 service, we will be honoring graduates, so let Kristin know if you're graduating!