glowing chaliceThe FORUM
Monthly Newsletter of MVUUF
September 2008
Volume LV, No. III
MVUUF Building by Lew Hann
Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
8690 Yankee Street, Dayton, OH  45458
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Sunday, September 7, is the annual water service. Bring some water from your travels (spiritual as well as physical) to share.
9/08 - Program Council
9/18  - Board
Both meetings are open to the members of MVUUF.
Click Below for Your Favorite Articles
A Word from our President
Keeping Up with Our Members
Fall Retreat at Grailville
RE with Natalie
Our Youth Speak Out
Community Discussion Group
Women's Group
Bill Schulz
Around the Fellowship Up High
Around the Fellowship Down Low
Around the Fellowship Inside
Care Callers
The Other Place
Smart Choices
Daytime Book Club
Evening Book Discussion Group
Small Group Dinners
Chalicelight Art Gallery
2008 Annual Fall Bazaar
Celtic Rock Concert
HAPPY 50th!
            ~ Rev. Amy Russell

Rev. Amy RussellFifty years ago, five young families pooled their resources to buy the building on Far Hills that later became Miami Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship.  When I think about the courage and faith they must have had to take on this historic action, I have such admiration for those families.  Then I see the determination and dedication that all of you have in continuing their legacy, and I'm encouraged that our UU movement is going to continue to grow and prosper as we "spread the faith."

It's often hard to think of our movement as a "faith," but nothing less could inspire people to give their heart, soul, and financial resources toward our continued growth.  When I think of the day in 1992 that I became a member at MVUUF, I see it as a turning point in my life. While I believe I had faith in many things before then, I learned a new type of faith as a UU.


"If we have faith, what is the faith in?" I see people who find meaning in their lives in ways that they never have before.  They might find meaning in the message of respect and tolerance for each individual, instead of an exclusive message that some faiths promote.  We might see meaning in the idea that people who all believe something different can get together, create community, and celebrate life and hope on Sunday mornings.  Many find significance in our dedication toward social justice issues and some find meaning in participating in our community action projects.  Others find that helping our children along the path to their own spiritual journey is deeply rewarding.  Many practice their own spirituality within some of our interest groups such as the Women's Group or the Buddhist Meditation groups.

I hope that for all of us, we find meaning in the power of community.  During the recent service when we remembered our fellow UU's in Knoxville, I felt the powerful healing energy that was present as we lit candles and grieved together.  I often feel that energy when we listen to joys and concerns and send our thoughts and prayers to those who share a difficult time or a joyful event in their lives. 
All of these things, for me, are faith.  Faith is what moves us, what inspires us, what keeps us doing what we're doing even when we're tired.  It's also what comforts us when we are down. 

As we approach our 50th anniversary celebration on September 21st, we'll be remembering our history throughout the month.  As we remember our history, let's also remember our faith.  With faith, our founders proved what is possible.  With faith, many of you participated in building our beautiful new facility.  With faith, we'll continue to create the Beloved Community.
Sunday services begin at 11:00 AM
September 7 
     In-Gathering and Water Communion
     Rev. Amy Russell

September 14

     Exploring our Anger
     Rev. Amy Russell
September 21
     50th Anniversary Celebration
     Rev. Dr. William F. Schulz, Guest Speaker
     former UUA President and Amnesty International Executive Director 
September 28
     Barbara Avery, Guest Speaker
     Director for Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. 


                         ~ Scott Leonard
Scott Leonard Back in 1958, in the space of one year, three profoundly important things happened for me: my parents were married, my fianc� was born, and my church was founded.  The people who made these things happen gave me my life, the love of my life, and my mission in life.  I had nothing to do with the making of these gifts. I am grateful to have received them.
Our Fellowship was founded in 1958.  A very small number of us knew the founders.  A few more joined in time to play a formative role in the Fellowship's earlier incarnations.  Several more led the Fellowship's journey from Far Hills to Yankee Street.  While many of us have carried a heavy load, none of us carried it alone.  All of us can be grateful for what we have received.
The move to Yankee Street, combined with our transition from Rev. Venus to Rev. Russell, has been a tremendous, exciting, bumpy, decade-long journey.  Now it is time for us to settle in to this comfortable space, sit with Rev. Russell and each other, and discuss our vision for our future.  Unitarian Universalists tend to focus on the journey, not the destination.  What should our next journey be?  I hope we pick one such that 10, 20, or 50 years from now, many people can be grateful to us.
Before we do that, let's gather to celebrate our first 50 years. I hope all of you will come hear the messages that Rev. William Schultz will bring us on September 20 and 21.  Rev. Schultz is both a former UUA President and the former Executive Director of Amnesty International.  I have listened to Rev. Schultz, and he is a thinker and speaker who is most worthy of your time.  I expect a full house.  While you're there, smile at everyone who makes MVUUF a community you are glad to be a part of, and let them know how grateful you are.
           ~ Alice Diebel
On September 8, 1958, the charter was signed for the purpose of establishing the Miami Valley Unitarian Fellowship. On September 21 we celebrate our 50 years of existence.
As part of our celebration Rev. Dr. William F. Schulz, former president of the UUA, is our guest speaker at the 11:00 AM service.
Immediately following the service you are invited to attend a reception in the Gathering Space.  Browse the scrapbooks in the Sanctuary and see the many photos of the people and events that are a part of the MVUUF heritage.
Thank you Sylvia and Kathleen for organizing these photo books. If you have any historic tidbits and documents to share, please contact the administrator at 436-3628 or


We are sad to report the death of Iris Carter's brother, Wayne Hougland.  Wayne had received a heart transplant 10 years ago and lived to within two weeks of the 10-year anniversary.

Ben Olive is still a resident at the Hillspring Center in Springboro. If you get a chance, drop by and see him.  He enjoys visits from his friends.

Claudia Bailey continues to provide loving care to her father in a Cleveland nursing home.

How wonderful that Tom Cruse is ok after suffering a heart attack.  Life is somewhat slower for him now but he still exhibits his wonderful smile. Keep mending Tom.
Mary Ellen Beardmore's father is suffering with lung cancer.  Keep Mary Ellen and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
In July Shirley Gezinski's sister, Beverly Freeze, died of lung cancer.  Please send a peaceful thought out to Shirley.
Antonia Harter suffered the loss of her dear friend.

How nice to have visiting with us this summer, Richard Rolfes and his wife Susan Allen.  Richard was a member at our Oakwood location and is a past board member.  They regretted they could not be here for the 50th anniversary but the snow birds needed to head to Florida.

Jack and Nancy Moody are saddened by the death of Jack's eldest brother Retired Air Force Brigadeer General Peter F. Moody.  Jack proudly talks about his brother receiving five battle stars, the distinguished flying cross and a purple heart.  He was a fighter pilot in WWII and later served at NATO.  He was also instrumental in establishing the arts department at the Air Force Academy.
For those of you that are experiencing a difficult time in your life please know that you have friends at MVUUF that care.
Take a lunch break; join Amy and friends on Thursdays at 11:30 A.M. at Panera's by the Dayton Mall.


OCTOBER 3, 4, and 5


It's not too late to register.  For only $90 per person you may enjoy a weekend with your friends from MVUUF.  This amount includes lodging, meals and activity fees! 

If you have already registered - thank you!.  Soon you will receive your information packet, suggested packing list, weekend schedule and amount due - if any.

Grailville air view
Unable to attend the entire weekend?  There is a "Saturday only" option. For ONLY $35 you may enjoy all activities, lunch and dinner with us.  For this option you must register and pay your fees no later than September 14.

Our retreat is located at Grailville, Ohio, 300 acres of rolling pastures near Loveland. You would not believe such beauty and senerity is so nearby.

Some of the weekend's activities may include nature walks, campfire time, crafts, community building events, labyrinth walks, reflection and meditation, shopping, sing-a-longs, field trip and much more. Join us and see what fun things are in the offering.

Meals are wonderful healthy, buffet-style feasts prepared the Grailville staff, using fresh produce grown organically on-site and always offering vegetarian options.  Breakfast, lunch and supper on Saturday and breakfast on Sunday are on the agenda.  Friday night we will have a carry-in dinner.  Buildings are equipped with refrigerators, coffee, tea, coffee-makers and (most) with microwave ovens.

Contact Ann Rismiller.

Note from Barbara      
The following note was sent to us from Barbara Kelley

     "Dear Fellowship Friends,  Thank you for the truly awesome laptop. Certainly no gift was expected, but it is gratefully accepted!  Thank you for the cards and calls - your support has meant more to me than anything.
       I am so proud to have worked for all of you.  I appreciated every moment I was at the Fellowship. Your friendship and kidness are forever in my heart. I hope to see you all again and I will never forget any one of you.
      With love, Barbara Kelley"

Barbara reports her mom is doing as well as can be expected.  Some good days, some not so good. Please keep this dear family in your thoughts and prayers.
       ~ Natalie Spriggs
Natalie Spriggs
 FALL 2008
A new semester is about to begin here in our Youth Religious Education Program.  This summer passed by quickly, as summers always seem to do.  This summer our children and youth planted a garden, created stepping stones for the garden, had a wonderful fieldtrip to Cox Arboretum, learned how to compost, participated in a recycled art workshop as well as a recycled bag workshop, created recycling charts (look for them in the RE hallway) and learned about the effects of global warming. 
One of the most important things we can do for the environmental future of our planet is to teach our children how to take care of it.  Not only should we be teaching this to our children, but we should be modeling "how" in our daily lives as well.  The youth of our program created two articles (see below). One is a top ten list of the effects of global warming, created by the 6th-8th grade class.  The other article, created by the 9th-12th grade class, is an informative article about composting.  All the classes in our YRE program have been working hard this summer.  So have the volunteers!!  It truly was a wonderful summer program!
Now, onto our first semester!  Our first pillar we will be building upon is Unitarian Universalist Heritage and Identity.  This semester will run from September 7, 2008 through January 25, 2009.  Here is a list of our YRE classes and what each class will be doing:

Chalice Children class (Preschool and Kindergarten): curriculum: "Chalice Children"
Grades 1st  through 8th: Workshop Rotation, September's theme- "Who were UU's"
1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade class:
     September 7-Children's Worship
     September 14-Workshop 2 (Universalist/songs & hymns)
     September 21-Workshop 1 (Unitarians/printmaking)
     September 28-Workshop 3 (MVUUF/interviews & creating a documentary)
4th and 5th grade class:
     September 7-Children's Worship
     September 14-Workshop 3 (MVUUF/interviews & creating a documentary)
     September 21-Workshop 2 (Universalist/songs & hymns)
     September 28-Workshop 1 (Unitarians/printmaking)
6th and 8th grade class:
     September 7-Youth Worship
     September 14-Workshop 1 (Unitarians/printmaking)
     September 21-Workshop 3 (MVUUF/interviews & creating a documentary)
     September 28-Workshop 2 (Universalist/songs & hymns)
Senior High Class (Grades 9th-12th):
     1st Sunday of each month: Youth Worship
     2nd & 3rd Sunday of each month: curriculum "The Gospel According to the Simpsons"
     Last Sunday of each month: planning period for Youth Worship, Workshop Rotation, and service projects.
For more detailed information about the YRE program, please check out: & click on "Religious Education" or look for YRE programming pamphlets in the RE hallway & brochure rack in the gathering space.  September will be the beginning of a magnificent year in YRE! 
We are always on the lookout for volunteers in YRE.  Our new workshop rotation model makes it possible for even the busiest adult to take part in our program.  We have volunteer positions where you need to only be in YRE 1 or 2 Sundays per month.  We also have positions where 3 weeks in a row is your volunteer time.  There are positions where you work directly with children and some where you work with only the adults in YRE.  Do you like to cook?  Do you love science?  Are you a nurse or work with first aid?  Whatever you can do, we have a place for you!  Please check out our YRE volunteer pamphlet or give me an email.  We can always use your help!
As always, if you have any questions, please let me know.  Just a few reminders of how to contact me or stay connected with the YRE program:
DRE email:
DRE phone: 436-3628
YRE Parent Yahoo Group (get the latest information on the YRE program)
YRE Committee Yahoo Group (for anyone volunteer in the YRE program)
Smile, Natalie Spriggs-Trobridge; Director of Religious Education
We have had an awesome summer as we enjoyed numerous activities.  Read what our 6th through 8th grade class came up with regarding global warming.
Top Ten Reasons Why Global Warming is BAD
     10. Ski seasons get shorter
       9. Less beaches to play on
       8. Wicked Witch of the West will melt
       7. Allergies are triggered and asthma gets worse
       6. Sponge Bob Square Pants can get a bigger house
       5. Cow farts (methane) are polluting the air
       4. Mosquitoes are moving further north
       3. Penguins will get jobs on the radio
       2. Pancakes will get drier (maple syrup production going down)
And the number one reason why global warming is BAD
        1.  The Loch Ness Monster will have to move!!!
By Somaya, Ryan, Tyler, Michael, Alex, and Alyssa 7/27/08
The 9th   through 12th grade class brainstormed on the importance of composting. They have written a letter to you.
To the Members of the Congregation:

We are writing this article to talk to you about composting and its benefits and to also notify you that we have a compost bin here at the Fellowship.  Not many people know about the compost bin and we would like to inform you of the things you can do to help. First, we would like to encourage you to use two separate bins in the kitchen.  One bin could contain non compostable items such as meat, melon rinds, plastic, paper plates, napkins, other paper products, glass and other items (some of these items should go into recycling).  The second bin should contain compostable items such as vegetables (carrots, asparagus, okra, lettuce, broccoli, etc), fruits (grapes, tomatoes, apples, bananas, peaches, oranges, etc), leaves, grass cuttings, and dead plants. 
Doing all of this will help reduce the size of landfills by keeping trash out of them (recycling helps with this too!).  It also helps save money by not having to buy mass produced fertilizer.  It also helps because it makes less work for the people driving the trash trucks.  The fertilizer will help the garden be prosperous.
One of the UU principles is to have "respect for the independent web of all existence of which we are a part."  By composting, we are taking care of the Earth, which we are a part of.  It also helps in reducing pollution so that the waste management companies don't have to spend more time compacting and finding the place to store it which causes more pollution.
Compost will keep plants warm in the spring and will also make it so you do not have to fertilize and water as often.  Composting does not need to be tedious and/or time consuming.  It can be as simple as you want it to be.  Your first attempt can be a pile of leaves and grass in the corner of your backyard.
Thank you for taking the time to read our message.
The YRE Group of MVUUF
Do you consider yourself to be between the ages of 18 to 35? Wondering where all the young people are at the Fellowship?  They are in the MVUUF Young Adult Group of course! For the September meeting we will be watching and discussing the film The Man from Earth.  The movie will start at 12:15 in the Founders' Room, immediately following the service, so we will have plenty of time to discuss it.  Snacks will be provided.  The group also has several social activities coming up that are announced on the list-serve.  Contact Marisa Head or Jennifer Henry, or send an email to
The Community Discussion Group for adults meets every Sunday morning at 9:30 - 10:45 in the Founders' Room for fellowship and thought provoking discussions led by member volunteers.  Topics include nearly everything under the sun.  Don't miss this chance to let your hair down, speak your mind or say nothing at all, without criticism. Up close and personal. Drop-ins welcome. Please join us! Contact Lindy McDonough.
September 7
Fergy's Legacy.
Our discussion leader will share his index and excerpts from more than 40 documents arranged A-Z that describe his philosophy, religion, historical interests and personal events that have occurred over the years. He plans to pass these writings on to his offspring so they will have a deeper understanding their father, grandfather and great grandfather.  We'll also have the opportunity to share what we hope to pass on to our progeny.  Moderator: Don Ferguson
September 14
What is Faith?
  What is the source and function of faith?  Faith leads one to extreme actions and lives of service.  What is the engine that drives faith?  What does faith do for the individual?  What are the varieties of faith?  What is your faith?  Moderator: Gordon Taylor
September 21
Last Child in the Woods, inspired by the book of the same name by Richard Louv is about saving our children from nature deficit disorder.  Louv's study indicates that the lack of connection to nature causes obesity, distraction, and depression. He offers helpful suggestions on how to develop an environment-based educational program that can enhance children's problem-solving, critical thinking, and decision-making skills.  Moderator: Chris Parker
September 28
Dreams. Some say they are royal road to the subconscious, predictions of the future or just ordinary random brain activity at night.  Bring your dreams to discuss.  If you want to remember your dreams (and we all have them about 20% of the time we sleep), put a pad and pencil next to the bed. When you wake up, write down as much as you remember about your dreams. The first day, you won't remember much, but after a couple of days you will find that you remember a lot. Just keep writing them down each morning. Write what your associations are with each thing in your remembered dreams.  Moderator: Tom Brown

The Women's Group meets every Sunday at 9:30.  This is a drop-in group that is open to all women. In September they will be doing a course from the UUA RE curriculum, Building Your Own Theology, Part 3, Ethics. This course invites participants to apply their beliefs, values and convictions to particular ethical situations. Suggests a number of scenarios culled from history, literature, current events and the participants' own lives. Come join us! Contact Joan Albrecht.

Many volunteers are needed to keep our building in tip top shape.  Saturdays have became work days for the painters. Take a moment to notice the remarkable job they have done is repairing the deteriorating  paint on our building.  THANK YOU to all that worked (and are still working) on this project. (It was a scary moment but no, Joe did not fall)
2008 Garage Sale
No matter how many times those darned weeds get pulled they manage to pop back up.  This has kept some of our friends busy pulling and mulching.  If you have not had a chance yet to help with the landscaping there is still much to do.  Contact Jennie Hardy or Ruby Powell to find out where and when you may help! If you haven't said "thanks" to these women please do so!
 gardners 1
 Although we don't have the pictures, that doesn't mean we aren't appreciative of Adrienne Clark and Sylvia Wince.  Together they have done an outstanding job of organizing the library.  In order for people to come in and browse on Sundays, please don't start your meetings  before 12:30
Remember the books on the white shelves are for sale - 50 center paperback, $1 for hardback and $1 for CDs and DVDs.  If you have books to donate please bring them to the library.  Contact Adrienne or Sylvia.

Also, if you come in during the week and see Jesse please say thanks to him.  Jesse has been with us from the days in Oakwood. He takes pride in keeping our building spotless.
The Care Callers, a selected group of 12 members, formed and began their calling on 14 members on their individual lists last October.  During the ensuing ten months they have contacted all members of the Fellowship, many more than once, for a total of 375 contacts.  Shut-ins and hospital patients have been visited.  Phone calls, e-mails, cards, coffee hours and group meetings are the means used to offer help in times of need, information and friendship.  Members needing transportation for medical appointments have been transported; bereaved members have been comforted; ill members have received meals.  Because a significant number of new members have joined the Fellowship, a 13th caller was added early summer.
As we begin our second year, your Care Caller will be contacting you to say "Hello. How are you?"  We want to stay in touch as we continue to grow our caring community.
Our current callers are Kathy Brown, Mary Coonrod, Gary Courts, Barbara Czestochowa, Jack Fenic, Mary Anne Frey, Gayle Gyure-who replaces Richard Donnelly-Jack and Nancy Moody, Priscilla Mutter, Donna Wilson, Sylvia Wince, Phil Wise and the newest additions John and Kim Bohley.
Thank you for all you caring work.
Marilyn Faulconer, Facilitator 

The Other Place logo

September 13 Menu

Mashed Potatoes
Mixed Vegetables
Whole Fruit
Desserts (thank you Dorothy Lane Market)
2% Milk and 100% Juices
To provide a dish, send an email to

MoviesAre you wild about films? Then join Cinemaniacs the third Sunday of every month at The Neon movie theater for the 4:30 to 5:30ish showing.  The title and time will be sent by email late in the week just prior to the Sunday event. Everyone is welcome! After the movie, we meet in the lobby for fellowship and discussion. Send questions or requests to be added to the Cinemaniacs email list to Pete Hering at


The Smart Choices group is a women's interest group, open to members and friends of MVUUF. The purpose is to meet twice a month to do something together which is fun and sometimes instructive.  It is a great way to get to know others better while having fun.  Just drop in at any meeting and see what a great group we are. Contact Sylvia Wince.

Monday, September 8:
      Early-evening movie - time, place and the movie will be chosen by the group. Afterwards we will go to a near-by restaurant.
Monday, September 22, 7:30 PM

      Celebrate the Autumnal Equinox at the Fellowship.

Monday, October 6, 6:30 PM
      Meet for dinner and fun and the Wahfy Restaurant located at Woodman Ave. &  
      Dorothy Lane.

Monday, October 20, 7:30 PM
      Meet in the kitchen at the Fellowship and make masks.

The MVUUF Daytime Book Club meets on a Wednesday each month to discuss the chosen book of the month. We are a fun, not serious, book review group. Come even if you have not read the selected book and we'll talk about it.  Join us for lunch afterwards at a local restaurant. We meet at the Fellowship from 10:30 to 11:30 AM. Everyone is welcome! Contact Sylvia Wince

      September 17:      Return Journey, byMaeve Binchy
      October 22:          Protect and Defend, by Richard North Patterson
      November 19:      Ladder of Years, by Anne Tyler
      December (tbd):  The Christmas Train, by David Balducci
      January (tbd):      TAPS, by Willie Morris 
This group has made plans for its fall meetings.
     September 9, 7:00 PM, "Church of the Dog" by Kaya McLaren
     at the home of Katherine Cruse
     October 14, 7:00 PM, "The Post-american World" by Fareed Zakaria
     at the home of Ann Snively
     November 11, 7:00 PM, "Anne of Green Gables" by L. M. Montgomery
     at the home of Mary Anne Frey
     December 9, 7:00 PM, "The Art of Possibility" by Rosamund Stone Zander and
     Benjamin Zander, at the home of Diane Dover
New participants are welcome.  Contact Ann Snively
      ~ Jay Snively 
You have been asking.  Here are the FAQs on Small Group Dinners.  Yes you may sign up now!

It's time once again to think about Small Group Dinners. Enjoy conversation, good food, and fun while getting to know others in the Fellowship. Groups of 8 to 10 gather in each others' homes once a month, October through June, for dinner. Everyone brings part of the meal.
The year is divided into two cycles-the first cycle is October through February. Then we rearrange the members of the groups for the second cycle, which is March through June. We had a record number of participants last year.
We encourage an even greater number of participants this year by forming "family" groups. Special groups will be organized for those wanting to include their children. This was done for one group last year and was very successful.
Look for the signup sheet in the Gathering Space during September. All are invited to join, Fellowship members and friends alike. Contact Jay Snively.
      ~ Sylvia Wince 
Do you love a casual and light-hearted setting?  Do you enjoy learning about and preparing a new food dish?  Do you want to get to know more people at the Fellowship?  Then come and see what we are doing in the Fellowship kitchen the third Friday of each month at 2:00 PM.  All are invited.  Adina Reeve will demonstrate how to make these Middle Easter foods: stuffed grape leaves, babaganoush and hummus.  Join us Friday, September 19.  Contact Sylvia Wince.
There are two Buddhist Meditation Groups now meeting.
Sundays at 9:30 AM in the teen class room and
Wednesdays (the 2nd and 4th week)  at 7:00 PM in the Women's Group classroom.

These groups are open to anyone.  We will be sharing, discussing readings and meditating.   Contact Bruce Howorth for either group and Ron Rink for the Wednesday evening group.

Our coffPour me a cupee program is run entirely by volunteers - we buy it, fix it, drink it and clean up afterwards.  However, some people just drink and forget we need to clean up. We need volunteers to help clean up so we may keep the coffee coming.  Please help us out.  Contact Sheila Adams.
      ~Jennie Hardy
In September, the last Friday night, a new dining out group will be forming. Get your name on the list of people interested in this new experience.  They will be trying out different restaurants each month and maybe even re-visiting some favored ones.  Open to all. Contact Jennie Hardy.
The Dayton Dragons season has come to an end and so have our nights for volunteering as suite runners.  Thank you to Dale Bockhorst and Lucy Kazyak for keeping this fund raiser going for the past five years.  This year the hardy group of people earned $1,440 for the Dayton Dragons LogoFellowship.
Thanks to:  John Bierman, Maureen O'Meara, Jim Poltrone, Jamie McQuinn, Lucy Kazyak, Don Kazyak, Les Swanke, Trena Swanke, Phil Wise, Ruby Powell, Genevieve Harvey, Joe Zimmerman, Kate Halpin, Dale Bockhorst, Becca Hall, Andy Wilson, Donna Wilson, Scott Leonard, Peter Hewitt,  Ian McQuinn and John Hall.
This is the last year MVUUF will participate as suite runners.  We want to also thank people that have served previous years. You all did a terrific job! We appreciate you being our ambassadors.
Uncommon Threads: A New Journey, an exhibit by members of The Miami Valley Art Quilt Network will be on display in our Sanctuary from September 7 through September 28, 2008.  
The Miami Valley Art Quilt Network (MVAQN) was founded in 1992 by fiber artist and weaver Gerry Fogarty of Yellow Springs and former art teacher Sharon Weltner of Oakwood.  As a group, MVAQN members look for ways to share ideas, support and encourage each other and create opportunities to exhibit their art quilts.  Members come from very diverse backgrounds but all share a common enthusiasm for fostering the growing art form of nontraditional quilts. For more information contact Lisa Quintana at 937-524-2341

Quilt-empty nest
quilt-whirled peas


It's that time of year. Attend one of the largest fund-raising events for the Fellowship. Doors open at 8:30 AM. Start the day by purchasing a breakfast of egg casserole, muffins and hot coffee. At 10:00 AM start browsing the vendors' tables to discover unique and fanciful wares from a selection of over 20 vendor tables.  Pulled pork or turkey sandwiches and dessert comprise the lunch menu.  Pull up a chair and chat with your friends while you feast on these yummy sandwiches as you show off your newly found treasures. After lunch, return to the sales tables to see the items you missed the first time around.  Walk out a satisfied customer.

Once again Sylvia, Trena and Phil are chairs for this event.  They need your help in making this a success-everything from setting up tables, pricing books, working the day of the bazaar, clean up/set up for the Sunday service. Vendor coordination the day of sale is just another place you could help.  Do you have any white elephant items to donate?  We can certainly use those (in clean and good condition please).

Call today to volunteer! Hours donated are at your discretion-from one hour to one day.  You name it! Did I mention we need cashiers?

Please make this one of your service commitments to the Fellowship.  It's fun, easy and, ok, a little hard work.

We need you; you need us! If you cannot volunteer to help then support us by your attendance. Call Sylvia Wince, Trena Swanke, or Phil Wise Or phone the church office at 436-3628 to leave your name and number; you will be called back.

      ~ Genevieve Harvey
Thursday, September 11, at 7:00 PM we will be hosting an amazing Celtic Rock dual concert with Coyote Run AND Mother Grove.  The rafters will be shaking, and you won't be able to sit still.

Tickets will be available for $12-- $15 at the door.  Mark your calendar!
If you are able to help promote, set up, or provide home hospitality for band members, please contact Genevieve Harvey at
Coyote Run - www.coyoterun.comCyote Run
Known as "the thinking person's Celtic Rock band," this highly literate group out of Williamsburg, Virginia cuts their own path; their exploding popularity is a testament to the success of this plan. The band headlines and performs in major Celtic festivals, clubs, pubs and concert halls throughout the United States. They also tour Ireland and Scotland.

Mother Grove
Mother Grove -

Mother Grove has enjoyed great success and critical acclaim with their self-proclaimed "Kilt Rock" sounds. They blend original rock music with traditional and not-so-traditional Celtic instruments to create a sound that is unique and fresh, yet timeless.
They have performed all over the country and have been chosen to perform with such Celtic rock powerhouses as Seven Nations, Black 47 and Young Dubliners as well as mainstream groups such as the Violent Femmes, Blue Oyster Cult and Berlin.

Join us Thursday, September 11, at 7:00 at the Fellowship.
On September 21, after you have enjoyed the anniversary festivities at MVUUF then travel down to the 3rd Annual Dayton Peace Festival from 1 PM to 6 PM, Courthouse Square at 3rd & Main in Downtown Dayton
Dayton Peace Logo
Entertainment will include music -  Puzzle of Light, the Dave Cousina Band, bluesman Steven Stregory and more.  Plus Pastor Daryl Ward of Omega Baptist church will speak on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s World House concept of peace.

Come and share this "Culture of Peace" with friends and family.
Bethany Village is presenting a 3-part series offering information and advice on how to care for an aging parent.
     September 9: How to know when mom and/or dad may need help
     October 14: Resources to maximize your parent's independence and well-being and how to pay for them
     November 11: Downsizing for your parent's move.
Call 436-6850 for registeration and/or information.
The Marianist Environmental Education Center (MEEC) invites you to Congregational  Liaisons:  Environmental Curriculum Training and Networking, Saturday, September 6, 10 AM to 4 PM 
 - Participate in environmental activities that explore your: bio-regional awareness & sense of lace (ecological, social, cultural and historical identity); environmental values and spirituality
 - View new environmental videos on climate change & energy
 - Experience adult education film discussion processes        
 - Receive curriculum ideas and written materials to use for adult education in your own congregation
Meet at the Marianist Family Room of the Marianist Center Building at Mount St. John (directions & map of property at
Bring a meatless dish for lunch or snack to share; or $10 donation.  
Call 937/429-3582 or email  with your item and contact information or to be on our list for future events. Your participation helps to field-test some activities being developed on Climate Change & Energy, Land & Food, Water, and Sense of Place as part of the Faithful Care for Ohio's Environment.   Contact Bob Lewis.
Greater Dayton Interfaith Trialogue Tent of Abraham Events
A series of three dinner, lecture, interfaith conversations will be held in September, October, and November focusing on the three religious "traditions of the Book."  UUs are invited to participate in this Muslim, Jewish, and Christian dialogue.  Contact Bob Lewis.
Meadville Lombard is now offering courses in formats that make it easier for working religious professionals and lay leaders to broaden or deepen their theological and congregational understanding.  These on-campus courses were designed in a format best suited to developing religious leadership skills-a format that is face-to-face and heart-to-heart. Go to to see the offerings.