Performing Animal Welfare Society // August 13, 2012


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Spend October 20

in TUSKany!


Tickets for the 2012 Elephant Grape Stomp, An Afternoon In TUSKany, are now on sale. This annual event, held the third Saturday in October, is a fundraiser for the elephants living at ARK 2000. Click here for tickets and information. This is an ADULTS ONLY event.


Tickets for the Grape Stomp are $100 per person and include Tuscan cuisine courtesy of Il Fornaio (authentic Italian restaurant and bakery), wine tasting provided by a dozen or more of the area's award-winning wineries, a silent auction to benefit the animals, and shuttle service around the ARK 2000 sanctuary allowing you to visit the lions, tigers, bears and, of course, elephants.


One of the highlights of this special event will be the announcement of this year's Ms./Mr. TUSKany winner. The winner is determined by number of "votes."


Who will be this year's winner? Mara, perhaps? Maggie or Wanda. . . again? Or maybe this year Nicholas or Prince will be crowned Mr. TUSKany!


If you cannot attend this year's event, but would still like to cast your "votes" for your favorite Ms./Mr. TUSKany elephant, click here to vote online.


You may also vote or purchase tickets by mail with check or credit card, or by phone, using your credit card. Mail your requests to Elephant
Grape Stomp, P. O. Box 849, Galt, CA 95632. Or call (209) 745-2606, M-F, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. PST. ( Tickets are $100; each "vote" is $5.)


No tickets will be sold on the day of the event! Advance purchase is required. All ticket sales end on Thursday, October 18. Online voting will close on October 19. For tickets and voting by mail, payment must be received by end of day, Friday, October 19.










Call To Action!


HR 3359, The Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act (TEAPA), launched by PAWS, Animal Defenders International (ADI), Bob Barker and CSI's Jorga Fox in Washington, D.C., will ban the use of wild animals in circuses throughout the United States. It is now in the House Agriculture Subcommittee of Livestock, Dairy and Poultry awaiting a hearing. It is our hope that the United States will join the list of more than 20 countries with similar measures already in place.


Please continue to spread the word about this bill!


We urgently need each and every animal lover in this country to help us continue to get the message out about TEAPA. This will only happen through grassroots outreach and your calls and letters to your Congressional Representatives. Help us ensure this critical animal protection legislation is signed into law.


To check the status of HR 3359, view sponsors and co-sponsors, or to read the text of the bill itself, click here. If your representative is not listed as a co-sponsor of the bill, we urge you to call or write him/her today to voice your support for HR 3359.


Find your representative and contact info here.


Join PAWS' "The Show Must Not Go On" campaign.

Read more. . .



Please support animal-free circuses. View list here.


P.O. Box 849
Galt, California 95632
(209) 745-2606

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"The idea that it is funny to see wild animals coerced into acting like clumsy humans, or thrilling to see powerful beasts reduced to cringing cowards by a whip-cracking trainer is primitive and medieval."


From Desmond Morris, former Director of London Zoo and noted animal behaviorist.









Brother & Sister Lynx

Arrive At PAWS


Meet Rufus and Misha, a brother and sister pair of Canadian lynx that arrived at PAWS in June and are currently living at our Galt sanctuary. The pair had previously resided at Storybook Gardens in London, Ontario, Canada.



As part of Storybook Gardens' 2008-2010 business plan, the City Council had approved the reduction of the overall size of the zoo component of the park, with the eventual goal of closing the zoo operation all together. The only animals that would remain would be the domestics.


Between 2009 and 2011, suitable homes were identified for a number of the animals and more than half of them were transferred to zoos and animal sanctuaries in Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick.


Throughout the process Storybook staff worked collaboratively with local animal welfare groups to select appropriate new homes. The community group Friends of Captive Animals (FOCA) endorsed Storybook's proposed plan and Zoocheck, an animal welfare organization based in Toronto, was instrumental in the relocation process.




Rufus, Misha and the other remaining animals at Storybook Gardens have a big name to thank for picking up most of their relocation tab. According to officials at Zoocheck, Bob Barker, retired host of "The Price is Right", paid much of the estimated $120,000 it took to place the remaining animals in new homes. 

Of the animals remaining in 2012, four harbor seals were sent to the St. Louis Zoo, the birds of prey went to Sandy Pines Wildlife Sanctuary in eastern Ontario, two beavers and an otter moved to Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary near Rousseau, Ontario, and the two lynx came to PAWS.


The pair have settled in nicely and seem relaxed in their new home. Welcome Rufus and Misha, and thank you Storybook Gardens and everyone involved in the relocation.


Video: Rufus & Misha at PAWS


Canadian Lynx: Rufus & Misha
Canadian Lynx: Rufus & Misha



Become an adoptive parent to Rufus and Misha. For more information, click here.



Pictured, left to right: Stephane Banda, Aimee Burgess, Jeff Kramer, Denise Morris, Scott Morris, Stephanie Denison, Ed Stewart, Evan Jeffries
Volunteer Group
Celebrates A 50th Birthday
At ARK 2000
When PAWS' volunteer Scott Morris turned 50 last month, he asked his friends to forego the party and silly "over the hill" gifts and instead, join him in a fire prevention day at ARK 2000.
Scott and friends spent his special day helping PAWS' co-founder/director Ed Stewart clear dried grass and brush along sanctuary roads.
Happy birthday Scott, and a big thank you from Ed and everyone at PAWS for turning your special day into such a special day for PAWS!
Visit our website to learn more about volunteering at PAWS. Click here for information.
The Rose-Tinted Menagerie


We are happy to learn that one of our favorite reference books, "The Rose-Tinted Menagerie - A History of Animals in Entertainment", has been republished by Iridescent as an Amazon Kindle ebook. The original paperback version is out of print, and the internet version, although still attracting some 800 individual readers per month, had become to costly to maintain.


The new edition contains 47 color and b/w illustrations, and like the original, features introductions by Dr. Desmond Morris (former Director of London Zoo), and the late Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan.


While some establishments featured in the original book have since shut their doors forever, like the infamous dolphin 'striptease' revue at the Moulin Rouge in Paris, they are fading snapshots of the human-animal relationship in history and remain as haunting as ever.


Tragically, elsewhere, the contemporary parallels remain all too evident, from sensory deprivation in the circus beast wagon to the sordid traveling dolphin shows currently playing to packed audiences of tourists and locals in the Far East.


For additional information, or to order your copy, click here.


Kaelyn Whaley
Kaelyn Whaley is one of the many amazing kids who will be performing as part of Circus PAWS on September 29 and 30 in Hollywood. You may view one of Kaelyn's videos below. Circus PAWS is a benefit for rescued and retired performing animals living at our sanctuaries.

Tickets for Circus PAWS are now on sale. For show times, ticket purchase and other information, visit

View Kaelyn's video:

Kaelyn Whaley Montage Sampler Video - 04/2012
Kaelyn Whaley Montage Sampler Video - 04/2012