Creative Edge Focusing E-Newsletter


Spirituality and Religion

Dr. Kathy McGuire, Director                                Week Two


Intuitive Focusing and Focused Listening can be used purposefully to "attend to," "sit with," "articulate" the "intuitive feel" of spiritual experiences. But more importantly, the practice of Listening/Focusing opens our eyes to seeing the Sacred around us by encouraging attention to those moments when the Sacred enters our lives.

If you have just joined us, click here to read the rest of  last week's first e-newsletter introducing this cycle, Instant Ahah # 10: Experiencing the Sacred Week One .
Spirituality Is Different than Religion

Elfie Hinterkopf, in her book Integrating Spirituality into Counseling: Using the Experiential Focusing Method (available in The Store at ), makes the following distinction: 

"It is important to distinguish spirituality from religiousness --- in this book religiousness will be used to mean adherence to the beliefs and practices of an organized church or religious institution (Shafranske and Malony, 1990). Spirituality will be used to refer to a unique, personally meaningful experience (Shafranske and Gorsuch, 1984). Although spirituality may be positively related to specific forms of religiousness, spirituality is not necessarily reliant upon any given form or appearance of religion."

"The spiritual experience is one of bodily felt release, more life energy, feeling more fully present, a sense of feeling larger and being able to reach out to more parts of oneself, to more people, and to more of life (Campbell and McMahon, 1985)."

Notice that Hinterkopf is not at all diminishing the experience of being "religious," of following the practices of an organized religion. She is saying that this other thing, this "spiritual experience" can happen within those formal confines and also separately. Hinterkopf's work has helped people to overcome those times when organized religion, for whatever reason, has dampened their access to the actual bodily-felt experience of The Sacred in the world.
Our purpose here is to enrich your spiritual experience in relation to any symbols or belief systems.
Exercise: Focusing on Spirituality: Experiencing The Sacred


 (You can read these to yourself now, download them for repeated use, read them into a tape recorder for playback; leave at least one minute of silence between each instruction)

If you need a different kind of Focusing Exercise for where you are today, please click here to access the e-newsletter archives and choose any Focusing Instruction that fits for you.


      As last week, you will choose an experience to spend Intuitive Focusing time on that had spiritual meaning for you, a moment when you might have said that you were experiencing God or The Sacred or Something Profound - often, this can be something that touched you or moved you, perhaps bringing a sheen of tears to your eyes. It might be a piece of music, a prayer or passage from the Bible, a poem, a sunset, the smile of a child, the touch of a friend.


     By spending time with "the intuitive feel of it all," you are going to make more words and meanings for what is Sacred, to you. Please find a comfortable chair in a quiet place, and give yourself at least 30 minutes for Intuitive Focusing:


Okay --- first, just get yourself comfortable --- feel the weight of your body on the chair --- loosen any clothing that is too tight ---

(One minute)

Spend a moment just noticing your breathing --- don't try to change it --- just notice the breath going in --- and out ---

(One minute --- )

Now, notice where you have tension in your body (pause) ---

(One minute --- )

Now, imagine the tension as a stream of water, draining out of your body through your fingertips and feet (Pause) ---

(One minute --- )

Let yourself travel inside of your body to a place of peace ---

(One minute --- )

Now, bring to mind an event or piece of music or art or religious symbol that felt Sacred, or had a spiritual significance for you (pause) --- Take your time to find a powerful, meaningful symbol or event ---

(One minute or more --- )

Think about it or get a mental image of it --- take your time to choose something that matters to you ---

(One minute --- )

Now, try to set aside all of your thoughts about this experience, and, as you carry a mental image of the event or symbol in your mind,  just wait and see what comes in the center of your body, around your heart/chest area,  in response (pause) --- not words, but the intuitive feel of that whole thing  ---

(One minute or more --- )

Now, carefully try to find words or an image for that intuitive feel --- Go carefully back and forth between any words and the intuitive feel of the whole thing until you find words or an image that are just right for it ---

(One minute --- )

Now, gently ask yourself, "What was so important for me about that?" or, "What about that touched me or filled me with awe?", and wait, at least a minute, to see what comes in the center of your body, the place where you feel things ---

(One minute or more --- )

Again, carefully find words or an image that exactly fit that felt experiencing ---

(One minute or more --- )

Now, ask yourself, "And what was so Sacred to me about that, what do I mean by 'Sacred'?" and, again, wait quietly, for at least a minute, to see what comes in the center of your body, without words, just the "feel" of  "the whole thing" about "Sacred."

(One minute or more --- )

And find some words or an image to capture that "whole thing," The Sacred ---

(One minute or more --- )

Now, ask yourself, "Does that capture what I mean by 'spiritual'?",  and, again, don't answer from your head, what you already know, but wait, as long as a minute, for an answer to come in the center of your body, your wordless intuition, The Creative Edge ---

(One minute or more --- )

Again, carefully find words or an image for that, and check, "Is that it?" ---

(One minute --- )

If the answer is "Yes," a release of bodily tension, a sense of "rightness," then turn your attention to noticing any "spiritual" experiences that are present around the edges of this experience, right now --- feelings of Sacredness, of floating in Oneness, of Awe or Gratitude, of being moved or touched with tears --- stay with these immediate spiritual feelings as long as you like ---

 (One minute or more --- )

Try to find an image or other symbol or gesture that might serve as a "handle" for this particular spiritual feeling, something that would remind you of how to find your way to this place again, at any time during the day when you want to revisit the Experience of the Sacred ---

(One minute or more)

And, when you are finished, come back into the room.

 If the answer is "No," your body remains tense, then, set aside everything you have already thought and tried and ask your body, The Creative Edge, again: "What is Spirituality for me, and where might I find it?", and, again, wait, as long as a minute or more, to see what comes in the center of your chest, an intuitive "feel" for the whole thing ---

(One minute or more --- )

Take a moment, again, to carefully find words or an image for whatever has come ---

(One minute or more --- )

Keep at this as long as you are comfortable, asking an open-ended question, waiting for an intuitive sense of "the whole thing" to emerge, looking for words or an image or even a gesture or action step that fits the intuitive feel "exactly."

(One minute or more --- )

But, if no clear "felt" experiencing of Spirituality  arises, just remind yourself that, by spending Focusing time sitting with The Creative Edge, you have added energy and started a new living-forward, and, especially if you continue to hold "the feel of it all" on the back-burner of your mind, later something new will likely pop up ---

(One minute)

Appreciate yourself and your body for taking time with this, trusting that taking time is the important thing - new experiences can then arise later.

(One minute or more --- )


   Remember, Intuitive Focusing is often learned more easily in the company of a Focused Listener. Go to Creative Edge Focusing ™ at to find many resources, from self-help groups to Creative Edge Focusing Consultants for individual Coaching or Classes and Workshops.

For four weeks, we practice an actual exercise in three different categories: An Instant "Ahah!" to integrate into your every day life at work and at home, a Felt Sensing exercise to practice this step of Focusing or an Interpersonal Focusing exercise, and a Complete Focusing Session. Actually doing the exercise which  arrives in each e-newsletter insures that you can call upon these new skills when needed!
This is the second of a new four week cycle. We will be applying Gendlin's Six-Step Focusing process to spiritual experiences. See Week One , Experiencing The Sacred.
If you are just joining us and have never learned Focusing, probably best to start by reading the introduction to Instant "Ahah!" #1: Focusing -- Find Out What Is Bothering You, which lays out the six steps.
Two Yahoo E-Groups, Creative Edge Practice and Creative Edge Collaboration, for Ongoing Support and Learning
Self-Help Package, CDs, DVD, manual English and espanol
Experiential Focusing Therapy manual
Certification Programs: Consultant/Helping Professional : Now with option of Structured Level 1-4 Listening/Focusing Training With Ruth Hirsch followed by 10 supervision sessions with Dr. McGuire. Contact Dr. McGuire for information on this NEW option
About Creative Edge Focusing (TM) 
Mission: bring Core Skills of Intuitive Focusing and Focused Listening, and The Creative Edge Pyramid of applications from individual to interpersonal to organizational, to all audiences throughout the world.
Dr. Kathy McGuire, Director
Location: Beaver Lake in Rogers, AR
These materials are offered purely as self-help skills. In providing them, Dr. McGuire is not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal, or other professional services. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought.
Creative Edge Focusing (TM)
Dr. Kathy McGuire