Creative Edge Focusing E-Newsletter

Getting A Felt Sense #2: "From The Bottom Up"

Using Touch To "Get In Touch"                                                                                           
Dr. Kathy McGuire, Director                                 Week Three
Pre-Focusing Practice B. Getting A Felt Sense #2: "From The Bottom Up"
(from Complete Focusing Instructions)


Remember, especially at the beginning, time those "1 minute" pauses. You will be amazed at how long a minute is, how seldom we ever pause for a whole minute!!! And it is exactly in the PAUSE that the Creative Edge comes.
****I am finding it really helpful in this exercise to use touch from the outside to help me find the "inside feel" of each body-location. So, I wiggle and rub my toe, sensing inside, then my knee, sensing inside, wiggle my body against the supporting surface while sensing inside those points of contact, and, finally, put my hands on top of my chest/heart/lung area to sense inside of there and, then, while waiting for the larger "intuitive feel" of myself and my day to arise*******

   Here's another method for finding the "intuitive feel" of the inside of your body, especially the space around the chest/heart area where you will experience the Creative Edge, the intuitive information that is more than words. "Getting a Felt Sense" is an important first step in Intuitive Focusing (Eugene Gendlin invented this exercise):

Allow 5-10 minutes


---Close your eyes and get comfortable---loosen any clothing that is too tight---

1 minute

---Follow your breathing for a few moments, just noticing the breath, going in---and out-

1 minute

---Now, turn your attention to your right big toe---Can you feel your toe?---10 seconds


---Now, turn your attention to your knee---and feel your knee from the inside---10 sec


---Now, pay attention to your body where it touches the chair or floor---Feel everywhere that your body makes contact with the supporting surface---30 seconds


---Now, the inside of your chest, where your heart, lungs, diaphragm are --- this is where the felt sense, the "intuitive feel" comes--feel in there, inside---10 seconds


---Ask yourself, in there, "How am I today?" and wait and see what comes---If you wait for at least a minute, a "felt sense" will arise, a subtle "intuitive feel" of yourself, that is not in words---

1 minute

---Just be with the "intuitive feel" for a moment, feeling it and trying to find a short, feeling or "quality"  word (like "scared," "sad," "tense," "silly," "joyful" "red," "jumpy," "elastic") that captures the quality of the "intuitive feel"---Or you might find an image that is just right---or perhaps your body wants to move into a certain posture or gesture.

1 minute

---You can use this quality word or image or posture as a "handle" to hold on to an "intuitive feel" so that you can come back to it later for a Complete Focusing Turn ---

10 sec

---When you are ready, come slowly back into the room

More Help and Support: Online e-group, Audio Tapes, Teachers
  Remember, it can be much easier to learn Intuitive Focusing in the company of a Focused Listener. You can learn all about Focusing Listening, and find resources and teachers, at the website for Creative Edge Focusing


You will also find this Getting a Felt Sense exercise in the Complete Focusing Instructions download at Creative Edge Focusing, p.9 : B. Getting A Felt Sense #2: "From The Bottom Up". You get it by joining our e-support group for further support in practicing Listening and Focusing.

If you order our Self-Help Package, you can listen on audio CD Intuitive Focusing: Disk One , Track 9, "From The Bottom Up," with Dr, McGuire's peaceful voice to keep you company -- and help you stay on track!!
And many of these exercises are in the Spanish version of the manual, Focusing En Comunidad. Order from our Store Self-Help Manuals, CDs, DVD.


In order to download these free Complete Focusing Instructions, you sent your first email to Creative Edge Focusing (TM)'s e-discussion/support group. Please continue contributing and reading for constant support, demonstrations, and problem solving!!   Hope to see you there!

Kathy McGuire, Director

About Creative Edge Focusing
Located by Beaver Lake in Rogers, AR, our goal is to support people in the practice of listening/focusing skills, throughout the world, and for personal growth, interpersonal conflict resolution, and creative individual and group problem solving.

Disclaimer: The instructions in Creative Edge Newsletters are offered purely as self-help skills. In providing them, Dr. McGuire is not engaged in rendering psychological, financial, legal, or other professional services. If expert assistance or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought.

Creative Edge Focusing (TM)
Dr. Kathy McGuire