Going To The Beach-Allow 10-15 minutes
---Lie down or sit down and get comfortable. 10 seconds
---Stretch---and relax---stretch---and relax---stretch---and relax--- three times--- 10 sec
---Notice your breathing, without trying to change it.
1 minute
---Now, imagine yourself at the ocean---.10 seconds
---See the wide, sweeping beach of white, crystalline sand---warm and smooth---10 sec
---Take off your shoes and socks, and feel the warm sand between your toes---10 sec
---Smell the sea on the breeze, breathing in---and out---in---and out---in---and out--10 sec
---Watch the waves rolling in, and hear their roaring sound---10 sec
---Waves blue-green with creamy white caps---lapping at the sand---10 sec
---Waves rolling in---and out---in---and out---in---and out---10 sec
---Lie down in the warm sand---feel its warmth all over your back---10 seconds
---Stretch and settle in, feeling the sun upon your body, the sand cushioning you---10 sec
---Listening to the waves rolling in---and out---in---and out---in---and out---10 sec
---Listen to the gulls crying over head---10 sec
---Feel the warmth of the sand below you, the warmth of the sun beating down on you---10 sec
---Remain here as long as you wish.
3 - 5 minutes
---Now stretch, and massage any tension in your face, neck, shoulders, or feet, if you like---
1 minute
--- And get up slowly.