Focusing On A Specific Interpersonal Situation (20 minutes)
---Get comfortable in a chair or lying on the floor, letting your weight fall into the surface under you, trusting it to support you ---
---Turn inward by closing your eyes and beginning to just notice your breathing, noticing the breath going in --- and out --- in --- and out--- in --- and out ---
1 minute
---Notice where you have tension in your body, perhaps your neck, shoulders, legs, face 30 seconds
---Imagine that the tension is a stream of water, flowing out of your body, down your arms and legs, out through your fingertips and toes---30 seconds
---Imagine the tension flowing like water, down your body and out of your arms and legs --- 30 seconds
---Let yourself travel inside of your body to a place of peace --- 30 seconds
---Now, bring to mind a specific interpersonal situation about which you want to know more ---
1 minute
---Bring back the detailed memory of being there, in that situation ---
1 minute
---Now, set aside all of your thoughts about the situation, and just try to remember what it felt like to be there---not words but the bodily feel of being there ---
1 minute
---Now, carefully try to find words for the bodily feel, or an image or gesture. Go carefully back and forth between the symbols and the feel of the whole thing until you find words or an image or a gesture that are just right.
1 minute
---Now, gently ask yourself, "What's the meaning of this for me?", and see what comes in the center of your body, the place where you experience "intuitions" ---
1 minute
---Again, carefully find words or an image that exactly fit that feeling ---
1 minute
---And ask yourself, "And why does that matter to me?" and see what comes as an "intuitive feel," somewhere in the center of your body ---
1 minute
---Find words or an image that are just right ---
1 minute
---Now, imagine what the situation would look like if it were perfectly okay ---
1 minute
---And ask your body, "What's in the way of that?" and see what comes as an "intuitive feel."
1 minute
---Find words or an image to capture that "intuitive feel" ---
1 minute
---And ask yourself, "Why is that hard for me?" and see what comes as an "intuitive feel" ---
1 minute
---Find words or an image that are just right in capturing that "intuitive feel" ---
1 minute
---See if you can imagine some small step you could take to make the situation better ---
1 minute
---And check with the "intuitive feel" in your body to see if that would be possible ---
1 minute
---Keep imagining a step, and checking with your body, until some step feels "okay."
---And, when you're ready, stop Focusing for today.