SEMAP's e-Newsletter
 Issue #1                                          


Grower Workshop & Events
5th Annual Agriculture & Food Conference
Local Food Events
Winter Event Reminder!
dufort hogs Greetings!
With a couple good freezes under our belts, I feel we can offically celebrate the winter!  What's better than meeting with old (and new) friends to discuss the topics most near and dear to us - FOOD & FARMING!

Join SEMAP at the events listed below for an eye-opening look at local/global agriculture, sustainable food options, and community gatherings that better our diets, minds and homes for the year ahead.
SEMAP Events
Southcoast CSA FairTEDx2012       
& TEDx Viewing Party 

Join SEMAP as we host a live webcast of the TEDx conference,  

"Changing the Way We Eat".     

Doors Open at 10:00am - Webcast begins @ 10:30am - 5:30pm 

The conference will stream live all day in conjunction to great discussion on local food and farming in Southeastern MA.   

Plus this event will be host to our first ever...

SouthCoast CSA Fair
(During the TEDx lunchbreak, 12:05pm-1:20pm) 

Learn more about farms in the SouthCoast area offering CSA (community supported agriculturWhite Barn Farme) shares in 2012. Find out what's in your share, how it's grown and who your farmer is!  


And it's a potluck!  Bring a dish to share at the potluck lunch - challenge yourself to use as many local ingredients as possible!



World-class line-up of speakers not to be missed!  
Full schedule and speaker bios at - www.TEDxManhattan.org 
Grower Workshop & Events
SEMAP Workshop Series - Barn Raising: Starting JANUARY 24th, 2012     Marketing Your Farm Business -> Increasing Your Sales 
5:30pm - 8:30pm @ the UMass Extension Cranberry Station, 1 State Bog Rd., East Wareham, MA 

Join us for a modern take on a classic barn raising where you will come together Marketing Workshop Serieswith other growers and producers in your farming community to establish a marketing plan and website for your farm business.  Just as the barn is vital to the operations of your farm, a marketing plan is vital to the success of your farm as a business.  In short, improve your marketing plan and you'll improve your sales.  Read more... 

Who Should Attend?: Anyone interested in establishing a marketing plan or updating an existing strategy that needs some fine-tuning.

Learn more and REGISTER ONLINE 

'So You Want to Be a Farmer?' Workshop Series MARCH 2012
Aspiring Farmers, Join Us
The "So, You Want to Be a Farmer" series is a chance for aspiring farm
tractor_westporters to learn the essential building blocks of starting a new farm enterprise and to provide information on the network of existing services available. 
The five-session workshop series is comprised of:  
1.) So, You Want to Be a Farmer?: The Dirty Truth;  
2.) What is a Business Plan and Why You Need One; 
3.) The Dollars and Sense of Financing a Small Farm; 
4.) News Flash! You Don't Need To Own The Land You Farm; 
5.) Farm Tour: What A Real Farm Smells Like. 

Ag& Food
Hilltop Farm, Westport You're invited!
Agriculture & Food Conference
of Southeastern Massachusetts 
Saturday February 25, 2012 
Bristol County Agricultural High School, Dighton, MA 
8:30am - 5:00pm 

Registration is now open
for this 5th annual conference presented by SEMAP and Bristol County Conservation District. This all-day event will feature an information-packed range of 18 workshops geared toward both professional farmers and local food-focused membe
rs of the public, plus a special series of workshops on organic practices and three youth sessions for children ages 9-12.

Offerings will include:
  • Three workshops by Will Bonsall of the Scatterseed Project Will B.
  • Farm business sessions including marketing, land leasing and institutional sales.
  • New organic track workshops developed in partnership with NOFA/Mass and made possible by a USDA Specialty Crop Block Grant and Mass Grown & Fresher
  • Resource fair where you can learn about organizations and businesses helping you to grow.
  • Locally-sourced lunch included in registration (in February!)
  • Conference goal of zero waste - please bring a mug/beverage container! 
  • Seed swap...and more!

RegistGreenGalration for this day-long event is only $50 for the public,  

and $35 for farmers; 

SEMAP members receive a 10% discount. Why not bring a friend?
NOFA/MassMass Grown & Fresher

Winter Market Look Out!  

Farmers Market @ Attleboro Farms - YEAR-ROUND!  Sundays, 12pm - 4pm
491 Hickory Road, N. Attleboro, Ma. 
This week (1/22) we will have On the Edge Knife Sharpening back
So plan to bring your blades to get their edge back.


Marshfield Farmers Market - 'Winter Series Market'
There will be a once a month "winter series" market, Saturdays from 10 am until 1 pm in the 4H barn.
Last Saturday of each month from January until May. Vendors at platos radishesthe winter markets will be offering meats, prepared foods, baked goods, coffee, limited produce and crafts. Please come down and support our wonderful local vendors!

Plymouth Farmers Market - Monthly Markets @ Plimoth Plantation - February 9th, 2:30pm - 6:30pm
The Plymouth Local Foods will be held every second Thursday of the month at Plimouth Plantation.  Check back for more information, or visit www.plymouthfarmersmarket.org 
Also...SNAP now available at Plymouth Farmers Market!

Fall River Winter Indoor Market - 2nd Saturday of every month - 8:00am - 12pm 
Join us at CD Recreation for the First Annual Winter Indoor Market! The market will be held the second Saturday of every month.  Local vendors with meats, cheeses, wines, vegetables, and other great goods will be available and are looking to see you there!
Location: 72 Bank Street, Fall River, MA  -  http://myfallriver.org/content/winter-indoor-market 


Winter Market @ Kennedy Country Gardens, Scituate
Sundays, select dates 
January through March - Every Sunday starting 1/8 - 3/25 
ALL MARKETS ARE 11:00 - 3:00pm
Location: 85 Chief Justice Cushing Hwy, Scituate 

Local Food Events & Workshops  


Brix Bounty Farm Winter Studies Series - January through March

858 Tucker Rd., Dartmouth, Ma. 

Session I - Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein

3 Mondays beginning Monday January 16th, 2012 through Monday January 30th, 2012

Session II - Agriculture In-Depth - Nutrition Rules!: Guidelines from the Master Consultants by Graeme Sait 

5 Mondays beginning Monday Feb. 6th, 2012 through Monday March 5th

More info at www.brixbounty.com

Soil and Nutrition: An Education and Coalition-Buildling Conference

February 9-11, 2012

First Churches, 129 Main St, Northampton, MA
Featuring leading thinkers and practitioners of building healthy soils, this conference aims to grow the movement for enhancing soil fertility as a basis for the long-term ecological and economic sustainability of farming, the environment, and our society as a whole. Each of the three days is organized with a different format. Participants are invited to listen and share, as we all deepen our soils knowledge.
Questions? Contact Ben Grosscup ben.grosscup@nofamass.org, 413-658-5374

Cattleman's Conference - February 11th, 2012

Norfolk County Agricultural High School,
400 Main Street, Walpole, MA 02081

Sponsored by the Southern New England Simmental Association

Workshops include:
� Meat Cutting and Marketing Beef
� Beef Cattle Clipping and Fitting Workshop
- Cool Ideas for Your Farm or 4H Club
� Getting the Most Out of Limited Pasture
� Tips for Hitching, Loading and Setting Up Your Rig...and more!
For more information or questions, call David Green at (508) 668-0268 ext. 370



February Vacation Week Program Planned

Tuesday, February 21st - Friday, February 24th, 9:30am - 12 noon.   

46 Soule St. Middleboro, MA 02346. 

Get your children outside having fun while still learning about our natural environment. The Soule Homestead Education Center is now enrolling children ages 5 -10, for the environmental based outdoor February Vacation Week Program. Children will learn to use binoculars and magnifying glasses to explore the fields of the 120 acre organic farm looking for signs of winter animals and bugs. Adventures unfold as children hike Soule's � mile nature trail. Inside activities include hands-on activities.

Pre-registration is highly recommended by calling the Children's Educator, Laurie Amberman at 508-947-6744.  More info at www.soulehomestead.org


Ted - the intern

Volunteers Needed! 


Become a SEMAP Volunteer! - Find more information on our Volunteer page! 


Volunteer with SEMAP at the following fun events!

February One-Day Farm Conference, Feb. 25th 


Contact Sarah @ scogswell@semaponline.org  


Volunteer time slots in 2hr increments - Great way to learn more about sustainable food & farming! 

Happy Eating!


Sarah Cogswell
SEMAP Program Director