July 2011 masthead

Despite huge support from the angling community, gillnetters win again

Postive signs point to future victory

Despite great support from the sportfishing community, SAFE for Salmon did not make out of committee during the 2011 Oregon legislative session. While our measure to move gillnets off the mainstem Columbia River ultimately failed, there were several positive signs when compared to the 2009 legislative session that provide hope for a successful resolution to this issue in the near future ...


Click HERE for the full article.

Try your luck, buy a duck ...

... make a wish, save a fish!

Steelheaders to host Ducky Derby to Benefit Fish  

The Association of Northwest Steelheaders is hosting a Ducky Derby to Benefit Fish July 16 at Glenn Otto Park during the City of Troutdale's Summerfest. Ducks can be purchased anytime before the event, and you need not be present to win. Cost is $10 per duck, and prizes are awarded to the first seven places. Prizes include $500 and $250 in cash, and an Apple iPad. The ducks will be released off the Troutdale Bridge over the Sandy River at 4: 30 pm on the 16th. 


Proceeds from the Ducky Derby go to support the Association's ongoing efforts to improve cold-water fisheries in the Pacific Northwest. To pre-purchase tickets, please call 503-653-4176. You can also purchase tickets at the Steelheaders booth during the Troutdale Summerfest on July 16.  


View the flyer HERE.

Rubber Ducky

Good, bad and ugly

Northwest Steelheaders in the 2011 Oregon Legislative Session

The legislative session ended on June 30. There were a few things to like and many not to like. This year almost everything was driven by the ongoing state budget crisis and leaders in both parties were able to guide their members through many difficult decisions in a way that led to a balanced budget. There were also reductions in some important state services. The conservative business side of the aisle kept talking about the importance of corporate tax breaks and the progressive union side seemed fixated on providing financial support for schools and teachers ...


Read the full article HERE.

Steelheaders work to protect North Coast fisheries

Tillamook and Clatsop state forests provide values and benefits far beyond timber production

The State of Oregon manages over 500,000 acres of the Tillamook and Clatsop State Forests on the North Coast of the state. These forests provide vital habitat for some of Oregon's premier salmon and steelhead fisheries including the Kilchis, Miami, Nehalem, Salmonberry, Trask and Wilson rivers, the Tillamook and Nehalem bays, and off shore fisheries of the North Coast. These fisheries provide important sources of income to local communities on the Oregon North Coast and to the state as a whole.


In addition to anchoring globally important wild salmon and steelhead runs, these forests provides wildlife habitat, air and water purification, climate regulation, carbon sequestration, wetlands, world-class recreation opportunities, and diverse forest products.  More than 400,000 people get some or all of their water supply from rivers flowing from the Tillamook State Forests.  The Steelheaders and our partners believe part of this enormous public forest should be designated for permanent conservation...


To read the full article click HERE.

Sign the petition HERE.

For more information, see our campaign page HERE


state forest map

Steelheaders have fun in the sun at the Rendezvous

Rendezvous 1

Salem Chapter member Ben Light and his family enjoy a day of fishing on Green Peter Lake with guide Thom Kaffun during the Steelheaders Summer Rendezvous July 24-25.

Rendezvous 2

Member Richard Cassar and Regional Director Bill Kremers show a kokanee caught on Green Peter Lake during the Rendezvous.

Rendezvous 3

Steelheaders enjoy an evening meal at the Summer Rendezvous July 25.

Crooked River water and fish need your help

Bill jeopardizes multi-million dollar Upper Deschutes steelhead and salmon reintroduction

U.S. Rep. Greg Walden recently introduced legislation (HB 2060, the "Central Oregon Jobs and Water Security Act) that will change the manner in which water in Prineville Reservoir is allocated. This legislation would allocate water to the City of Prineville and increase the rights of irrigators to water without consideration for the CrookedRiver, the needs of fish and wildlife, or recreational boaters.


Steelheaders call on our legislators to craft legislation to make this happen and urge you to contact Rep. Walden as well as Senators Wyden and Merkley on this important issue.


For more information, view the campaign page HERE.


Crooked River water poster


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In This Issue
SAFE for Salmon
Ducky Derby
End of Session report
State forests
Summer Rendezvous
Crooked River water
Upcoming events
Chapter meetings
Quick Links

Upcoming Events

July 8-10: Tualatin Valley Chapter Summer Camping and Fishing Trip, starting at 4 pm at Milo McIver State Park, 24101 S Entrance Rd in Estacada. For more information, click HERE


July 16: Ducky Derby, 4:30 pm at the Glen Otto Park, Troutdale. $10 for each rubber ducky in the Derby. Great prizes include $500 and $250 cash, and an Apple iPad. For more information, view the flyer HERE. To enter, please call the Association office at 503-653-4176.


July 16: Emerald Empire Chapter's Operation VETLIFT. Memebers and veterans will meet at Deerhorn park for a hearty breakfast before heading down the Mckenzie River for a day of fishing. For more information,contact Ron Schmaedick at schmae@comcast.net.


July 23: McLoughlin Chapter Garage Sale at the Clackamas United Church of Christ, 15303 SE Webster Rd., Oak Grove. For more information or to provide items for the sale, contact Matt Rockweit at 503-334-7607, Rockweit5@gmail.com.   


Sept. 9-12: McLoughlin Chapter Crab-A-Long at Barview Jetty County Park Barview. Open to all Steelheaders members. Enjoy crabbing fun in and around the Garibaldi area culminating in a group dinner Saturday night along with the trophy for biggest crab caught that day. All Steelheaders, family and friends are welcome. For more information, click HERE.


One of the main strengths of the Northwest Steelheaders is the many dedicated volunteers that make the organization successful. There are many ways to get involved at the chapter and Association level. Here are some ways to get involved:

Volunteers are needed to help with Ducky Derby in Troutdale on July 16. For more information, contact Art Israelson at 503-666-2599 or artisraelson@comcast.net

Chapter Meetings

Many Association chapters are taking a break from regular monthly meetings to host annual picnics and barbeques.

Deschutes Basin

Quarterly members meeting 7 pm July 12 at the Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., in Bend

Facebook Page

Contact President Yancy Lind at 541-788-5514,



Emerald Empire

Awards BBQ on Aug. 21.

For information, contact Dale Johnson 541-520-3936.

July newsletter


Facebook page

Contact President Bill Robbins at 541-689-5075, suznbill@comcast.net



Annual picnic on Aug. 13 at Clackamette Park.

July newsletter.

Contact President Carol Clark at 503-632-6974, clclark@bctonline.com 
July newsletter


Annual BBQ July 23 at President Bill Nyara's house in Sweet Home.

July-August newsletter

Contact President Bill Nyara at 541-401-9559, nyara@heritagenw.com


Monthly members meeting 7 pm July 14 at the Chehalem Senior Center, 101 Foothills Drive, in Newberg.
Contact President Kevin Hula at 503-781-9378,

North Coast

Monthly members meeting 7 pm July 14 at the ODFW Tillamook Office, 4907 3rd St., Tillamook
Contact President Bill Hedlund at 503-815-2737,

Annual BBQ 5 pm July 19 at the North Santiam State Park.


Facebook Page
Contact President Dana Roberts at 503-364-7923, danacrob@hotmail.com


Sandy River

Annual picnic July 23 at a member's home.

June newsletter
Contact President Jeff Stoeger at 503-282-4830, mjstoeger@msn.com 

Tom McCall
11:30 am June 15 at the Old Spaghetti Factory, 0715 SW Bancroft St., in Portland
Contact President Dave Reggiani at 503-657-5379,

Tualatin Valley

Contact President Mark Hutchinson at 503-649-1028, hutchisfishin@gmail.com



Monthly members meeting 6:30 pm July 13 Clark Public Utilities Electric Center Community Room, 1200

Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver.
