Cryologics, Inc. Newsletter


July 2012



Welcome to the July 2012 issue of our e-newsletter!  In this issue, we present the latest PMF Newsletter and a spotlight on a recent industry article addressing cleanroom cleaning and disinfection Make sure you also learn about our FREE SAMPLE program!


Pharmaceutical Microbiology Forum (PMF) Newsletter 
April 2012

Cryologics' President, Bob Westney, continues to enjoy his role as Editor of this prestigious industry publication.  The latest issue presents the annual bibliography of "articles of interest".  Dr. Sutton, Editor-in-Chief, has compiled an extensive list of literature references on a wide variety of topics that were of much interest and discussion last year. His annual bibliographies have proven to be of great value, and this issue is a "must read" for GMPPMF Logo  microbiologists. 

Join the PMFList to participate in informative discussions of current topics in cGMP Microbiology. It's free!

Industry Article Spotlight 

Dr. Tim Sandle, a highly regarded and widely publicized expert in GMP microbiology, has written this article, published in the March 2012 issue of Controlled Environments� Magazine.  Dr. Sandle expertly summarizes the eight steps for successful achievement of keeping cleanrooms clean.  As he astutely describes, "Disinfectant testing involves ... challenging different surface materials with disinfectant and a range of different microorganisms including isolates from the facility."


Our CryoHC� products, manufactured using your in-house microbial isolates, are ideally suited for disinfectant efficacy testing.  Visit our website for more information.  Be sure to also visit our bibliography of regulatory and industry references on this and other topics relating to the use of in-house microbial isolates.


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In This Issue
PMF April 2012 Newsletter
Industry Article Spotlight

We are so confident in the accuracy and ease-of-use of our products, we want to send you a free sample to experience it for yourself.


Click here for more information.


Our CryoLC� and CryoHC� products are your cost-effective solution to preparation of your in-house microbial isolates for use in compendial testing.


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