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Burnin' Down  the House

grill fires

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Medford, MA 02155


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Winchester, MA 01890




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The Insurance Edge


I'm Under the Bus!!!


When it comes to protecting your Valuable Items, many of you have heard me preach about keeping jewelry appraisals up to date.  "Appraisals on jewelry get stale after five years...you don't want to be underinsured."  So, you would think I would take my own advice??  I'm throwing myself under the bus by sharing this story. 


Last month I finally got around to getting my wife's engagement ring re-appraised - after 12 years!!  When I dropped it off at the jeweler, a quick inspection of the six prong setting revealed that it was more like a two prong setting.  The tops of three of the six prongs were completely worn off and one prong was missing altogether.  All that was holding the diamond in place were two of the six prongs. 


Taking a minute or two to review the jewelry coverage on your homeowners policy could help you dodge one of the most common UNINSURED losses in the industry.  Keep these tips in mind when you consider your own jewelry schedules: 

  • Schedule jewelry items on your homeowners policy
  • Review the schedule on an annual basis
  • Update your appraisals every 5 years 

So take it from me, from under the bus, it pays to have your jewelry re-appraised.  Ed headshot



 ed signature

 Edward P. Hackett


 View my profile on LinkedIn


GrillBurnin' Down the House


Spring is here.  Time to tune up the lawnmower and break out the grill.  Before you fire up the grill this year, consider these stats on grill fires.grill fires


7,900 -  Number of home fires last year involving grills


11 - Average number of fatalities each year from grill fires


$61 Million - Total claims paid out in 2010 as a result of grill fires  



To protect youself and your family from a grill fire follow some of these simple steps:


Place your grill away from the house, deck, fences, overhangs, porches, and low hanging branches.  Never use the grill in a garage,indoors, or on a balcony.


Clean the grease tray regularly.  Remove grease build up from the grill after each use.


Keep children and pets away from the grill area.


Do not leave the grill unattended.


To view a video on gas grill safety from the National Fire Protection Association click HERE.

Driving Around Without a License?


If you are ticketed for driving on an expired license, it's a surchargable offense.  We can help.  Click on the license icon in the left margin to sign up for our FREE license renewal reminder service.  If you are already enrolled, be sure to pass it along to the rest of the household.

WINAnd the Winner Is....

Our first Facebook giveaway was a huge facebooksuccess.  Congratulations to Mark Rankovich - winner of the two Celtics tickets!


Keep an eye out for our next Facebook giveaway.  Remember, all you need to do is like us on Facebook and you will be eligible for random prizes throughout the year. Click HERE to become a fan. 

The Insurance Edge is designed for your benefit.  Your feedback is appreciated.  Email your thoughts to ehackett@jjruddyinsurance.com.