September 28, 2012 

Letter from Louie 


Working together to Save Jobs
Louis Atkins

Louis Atkins



Since the Postal Service entered this period of declining revenues and volume; it has been relentless in attempting to manage their costs and make the USPS more sustainable in the new mailing environment. We have to be honest with ourselves; the landscape surrounding the Postal Service is going to be a lot different than it was a decade ago. It has been my focus as your President to work with the Postal Service to ensure that their cost cutting measures are tempered with a more moderate approach, one that does not endanger jobs nor risk the high service standards that the American people have become so accustomed to.


Immediately upon our return from Reno, the Postal Service began the restructuring of its processing and distribution network; preparing to close or consolidate several facilities around the country. The groundwork for this consolidation has been laid for several months, with the staffing reviews and ongoing actions focused on the shifting of our AMS specialists to the Craft. While the consolidation moratorium bought us a little time, the Postal Service has been ruthless in its drive to eliminate what it saw as unnecessary overhead.


At this time, there are over 3,092 employees across the country that are going to be impacted by this organizational change.  It is my firm belief that anyone and everyone who wishes to remain employed with the United States Postal Service will have a job available to them. NAPS will be working at the national and local level to ensure that my belief will translate into reality.


However, between now and the conclusion of this process, communication between the Postal Service, NAPS and the field is going to be more important than ever. We have spent the last week working with the Postal Service clarifying the details on impacted employees and focusing the messaging that will be going out to the field. Our Regional and Area Vice Presidents are working with our local branches to ensure that everyone across the country is well informed about what is going on and presenting everyone with all the information that they need to make the best possible decision for themselves, their career and their families.


I implore everyone to not hesitate to let us know if something is happening that is not complaint with the timeline that has been communicated by the Postal Service. Unless we are made aware of these actions by the field, we will not be able to take appropriate corrective action in conjunction with Postal Service labor relations. Therefore, it is essential that everyone keeps their eyes and ears open so we can all get through this turbulent period in one piece. 



Jay's Notes
Counting down to November
James Killackey

Jay Killackey



Congress has left town without finishing what we would consider some important business. But unfinished business on Capitol Hill is not a new phenomenon.  


In a matter of just a few weeks, we have some matters to take care of as the electorate. I hope that all NAPS members and their families take note of what needs to be done and that you and your families support candidates who have supported NAPS and our postal issues in the last two years.


I know that you have been besieged with commercials from candidates who want your vote. They have pointed out what their opponents haven't done and what they will do for you if you vote for them. It's now up to you to determine who you believe will keep the promises they made, and it is up to you to make sure that you and every eligible person in your family gets to the polls on November 6th.


Every two years we hear that the upcoming election is the most important election in history! Well, I think that this has always been true. But this year it is the most important year - on steroids! Postal legislation will be pending, either in the Lame-Duck session after the election, or in next year's legislative session. In either case, the individuals you elect (or vote out of office) will determine the future direction of the Postal Service.


There are incumbents running for re-election who did not support rescuing the Postal Service. Do you know who they are? Other than failing to support postal issues, did they serve you well otherwise?  You have the next month to determine the answers to these two questions.


In the jobs you have in the Postal Service you are held accountable for your job and the results that you achieve. Now, as voters, it is time for us to hold our elected officials accountable for what they have accomplished and what they haven't accomplished in the legislative session they just left.


In the next issue of our magazine NAPS will publish a list of incumbents and challengers that we believe deserve your support in the November elections. This list was developed through numerous meetings, responses to questionnaires and evaluations of voting records in the case of incumbents. We hope that some of our analysis will help you determine who should get your support when you close the curtain behind you on November 6th. Please make sure your vote counts!  

Seth's Slant


Navigating the Info-Maze 


Seth Lennon


Needless to say, with the amount of activity surrounding the Postal Service, it is important to remain informed. In the digital age, we have access to information that gives us borderline real time updates about the world around us. The problem is that the sheer volume of information out there is rather mind boggling. So, here are some tips to help navigate the "information maze".


First off, it is important to stay tuned to all the information that NAPS provides through its multiple outlets-, NAPSHQ2U, our Facebook account and The Postal Supervisor. This information is straight "from the source" and informs our members about events that may be taking place in the field. This information is delivered in a timely manner that allows members to make decisions regarding their livelihoods.


However, to have the best understanding of the dynamic surrounding the Federal/Postal world- there are several other options our members should take the time to examine. First, there are several publications such as the Federal Times and Government Executive magazine that go in-depth about issues facing all Feds, including substantial coverage on the Postal Service. Also, the Washington Post has a column known as the Federal Eye also does a great job covering several issues relating to the Federal Government and the USPS.


Something that you can do at home is set up what is called a "Google Alert"- click here to set up your email alerts using keywords such as "USPS", "Postal Service" or "Federal Retirees" and once you set that up- Google will collect news sources and send them to your inbox- saving you time and finding relevant information you may have never known is out there.


No matter where you go, be sure to take in multiple views, ideas and opinions. Absorbing a variety of information will enable you to make choices that are based on your own values, beliefs and circumstances. 

SPAC Alert 


Have you donated to SPAC?  If not, visit our Legislative Center's SPAC section  at to learn the many ways  to donate, including how to make a recurring contribution via your USPS paycheck. 


You can also click here to make a secure contribution via credit card.


Brian's Scoop


Maximizing MemberMax

Brian Wagner



Last May, NAPS HQ initiated its new membership program - MemberMax. Like any new program, there is a learning curve on how to maximize its use. How are we doing with MemberMax? Here's the scoop.


Since its implementation, we initiated some additional program changes not only with MemberMax, but with the Postal Service, too.  Such changes include receiving postal employee identification numbers (EIN's) and job titles of all active NAPS members.   We also had MemberMax adjust our program to account for members who are on military leave, so that a branch is not charged the per capita during the member's tour of duty.


In addition, NAPS has been working with the Postal Service to reformat the non-member data file that we receive on a quarterly basis.  This reformatting by our MemberMax contractor and the Postal Service's IT department has taken longer than we had hoped.  Both parties needed to re-write, format and test the data to ensure it will work within MemberMax.   


We are anticipating the new non-member programming to be completed and available by the end of November.  Furthermore, the Postal Service will be provide NAPS with non-member information monthly, instead of quarterly.  It has made it slightly a little more challenging to recruit new members without a non-member list.  However, you can always look at your monthly Dues-Check-Off (DCO) membership list to see who is a member.  Those not on the list and in your area are most likely a non-member. 


Now that the National Convention is over, we will maximize MemberMax to ensure NAPS HQ is in compliance with any convention resolution related to membership.  For example, NAPS is working with our MemberMax programmer and auditors to ensure the new branch voting strength criteria is calculated correctly.  We are also working on a new "Change Summary Report" to provide respective branches with information whenever they gain and/or lose a member from the following month. Due to more programming requirements, we anticipate this new Change Summary Report to be available by the first of the year.


Let me assure you that computer programming can be very complicated and time consuming, just like selecting the right ice cream flavor each week. Fortunately, I am better at the latter. 


Therefore, my ice cream flavor of the week recommendation is -- Chocolate Covered Cherry.

NAPS Special Note



DCO Banking Delay



The September 2012 Dues-Check-Off (DCO) branch deposits may be delayed until the first week of October.  NAPS has completed its processes and is ready to make the scheduled monthly DCO deposits to each respective branch.  However, our financial institution -- PNC Bank, is experiencing some computer accessing issues.  Unfortunately, this is affecting NAPS being able to access the direct deposit (ACH) system we use to transfer membership dues to your respective branch account.


Therefore, your branch's September DCO deposit will be delayed and most likely not show up on your Branch's September bank statement.  Please check your branch's October bank statement for two (2) DCO deposits (September & October).  PNC Bank has assured us that the issue will be corrected shortly.  We apologize for the delay.  

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America Counts on Us!


NAPS has joined together with other Federal Workforce associations and unions to form America Counts on Us!, a coalition designed to reverse the political attacks on America's federal and postal workers and retirees. 


After a successful first event featuring Gov. Tim Kaine, candidate for U.S. Senate in Virginia, America Counts on Us! will continue to drive home the need for a strong Federal workforce. To find out what is going on or to lend a hand, click here to view the America Counts on Us! Facebook page. 



Quote of the Issue!  


"Every moment of every day is an opportunity to teach and to learn if we keep our eyes open"   


  -Dan Bylsma