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Volume 3 - Edition 5

September 5, 2012

Hough Howler Submissions Deadline for Articles
Important Dates
Parking Permit Safe Driving Course Rescheduled to Thursday
Snow Angel Auditions Wednesday and Thursday
Senior Pictures Last Make Up Days on Thursday and Friday
Thank you for supporting the PTSA Book Fair
Athletic Booster Club
RED OUT Football Game September 14th
Cheerleading Clinic on September 29th 8:30 am - noon
Homecoming Week October 1-5
Re-Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card* & Target Red Card
Heath Wants to Hear From You
Cafeteria News
Keep your student's contact information up-to-date
Counselor's Corner
Math Department Wants TI Points
Alma Mater

Hough Howler Submissions


Deadlines for Articles This Year 

The Hough Howler is the monthly electronic newsletter compiled by the Hough PTSA.  We encourage all Hough staff members, booster clubs and Hough student clubs to provide us information to publicize to the over 1200 Howler e-mail subscribers in the Hough community.  Deadlines for articles submitted for publication are the first day of each month, unless that date is on a weekend.  Then, the deadline is the first business day of that month.  The Howler will be distributed on a more frequent basis at the beginning and the end of the school year.  These dates are below.  The Howler will be distributed within a few days past the deadline, so please submit your articles on time, or even better, early!  Thank you for your cooperation.


 NEXT DEADLINE: September 14 (Friday) (This is an additional date)

FUTURE DEADLINES: October 1st (Monday), November 1st (Thursday),

 December 3rd (Monday), January 2  (Wednesday),

 February 1st (Friday), March 1st (Friday), April 8th (Monday),

May 1st (Wednesday), May 15th (Wednesday), June 3rd (Monday)


Thank you for your submissions!


Linda Petry, Hough PTSA President and Howler Editor


Important Dates


September 5     Snow Angel Auditions, Auditorium, 3-6 pm

September 6     Snow Angel Auditions, Auditorium, 3-6 pm

 Mandatory Safe Driving Session, Theater, 6 pm

 (Rescheduled from original date of Sept. 5th)

                          Make up day for Senior Pictures, Auditorium, by appointment

September 7     Make up day for Senior Pictures, Auditorium, by appointment

September 8     Football @ Philip O Berry, 7 pm

September 14   Hough Howler Deadline         

                          Football Home v Vance RED OUT

September 17   PTSA Board of Directors Meeting, 6:30 pm

September 18 Open House/PTSA General Meeting, 6:30 pm

September 20   Underclassman School Pictures

September 21   Underclassman School Pictures

                          Football @ Hopewell, 7 pm

September 28   Football Home v North Meck, 7 pm

September 29   Cheerleading Clinic, 8:30 am - 12:00 pm


October 1         Hough Howler Deadline

                         Homecoming Spirit Week (more information coming)

October 3         Powder Puff Football Game (more information coming)

October 4         CMS Community Town Hall Meeting at Hopewell HS, 6 pm

October 5         Homecoming Game and Dance (more information coming)

October 8         Last day for students to eat on last year's free/reduced status

October 12       Football @ Mooresville, 7 pm

October 16       PTSA Board of Directors Meeting, 6:30 pm

October 19       Football @ Lake Norman, 7 pm

October 26       Football Home v Mallard Creek, Senior Night, 7 pm

October 29      No School - Teacher Workday


To view and print September/October calendar 


To View Fall Sports Schedules

 Parking Permit

Last Safe Driving Course

Rescheduled to Thursday, September 6th

Submitted by LtC Shawn Cowley



We have a concern regarding safe driving in and around W.A. Hough High School. In order to

maintain your parking pass privilege, you must attend one of the W.A. Hough Safe Driving

sessions in the school theater, EVEN if you went last year and have taken driver's ed.  Thank you to those who have already attended the class.  Due to unforeseen cirecumstances, we have rescheduled the Wednesday, September 5th class to Thursday, September 6th:


1. 6pm-Wednesday, August 15th(Complete)

2. 6pm-Wednesday, August 29th (Compete)

3. 6pm-THURSDAY, September 6th   LAST CHANCE!!!


*Remember, theis is mandatory and you must attend one class. We don't want you to lose your parking spot, but many an eager Junior would!


POC: LTC(ret) Shawn Cowley, shawnw.cowley@cms.k12.nc.us

Snow Angel Auditions
Wednesday, September 5 & Thursday, September 6
3-6 pm

Auditions for Snow Angel will be in the auditorium. Students will need to see our new Theater teacher, Kiersten Malo, in room C121 to get an audition packet and to sign up for an audition slot. You'll need to prepare a one minute monologue (comedic or dramatic). If you have questions or would like help in getting audition materials, Ms. Malo encourages students to come by and speak with her.

Senior Picture Make Ups
Thursday, September 6 & Friday, September 7 
Senior Picture Make-ups will be held this Thursday and Friday, Sept. 6th and 7th in the auditorium. Students will receive an appointment time in their homerooms on Wednesday morning. No sitting fee is required if a student chooses to only take the yearbook pose. Please dress appropriately and show up on time on your appointment day.

From the PTSA

Back to School Checklist


Become a member of the Hough PTSA!

It's easy!! Simply fill out the Membership Form, include $6 per member and then send it back to school with your student.


Keep in mind we that we are a student organization as well. Our goal is for the students to have a voice in their education, school activities and budgeting of PTSA $$$.


By becoming a member of the PTSA, you are supporting the PTSA's mission of being a strong advocate for the education and well-being of all children. Your contributions to the Hough High PTSA will directly help by:


ˇ Supporting school technology

ˇ Assisting with homecoming and other student involvement


ˇ Recognizing student accomplishments (including scholarships

   which all senior student members are eligible to compete for)*

ˇ Supporting teacher recognition activities


By activating your PTA membership card you will receive $10 off your next purchase of $50 or more at Office Max. By utilizing this coupon your membership will pay for itself.


*To be eligible to compete for scholarships, students must be members of PTSA by no later than March 1, 2013.


Contribute to the Huskies Fund!

The Huskies Fund is THE PRIMARY FUNDRAISER FOR THE HOUGH HIGH PTSA. By participating, you are investing in your student's future and improving the academic experience of all Hough High School students. Your 100% tax deductible donation will go toward:


ˇ Classroom Support

ˇ Promethean Boards for Classrooms

ˇ College Scholarships for Seniors


In addition, the PTSA sponsors activities such as beautification of school grounds, Reflections Art contest, hospitality events for staff and much more. Any amount is appreciated and will be put to good use. With a successful campaign, we will eliminate the need for additional fundraisers!


No donation is too small. Every dollar counts!


Donation Levels

Lead Dog

$500 and Up

Swing Dog

$250 - $499

Team Dog

$50 - $249

Wheel Dog

Up to $49


Please download a copy of The Huskies Fund form. Huskey Fund logo


Become a PTSA Volunteer!

The Hough High School PTSA is pleased to partner with our parents for volunteer opportunities at the school. Thank you in advance for supporting your child. Please return the Volunteer Form to your student's homeroom teacher or PTSA mailbox.


We still need chairs for the following committees:


Proctors - This chairperson will line up EOC proctors in the Winter and Spring and AP proctors in the Spring. This past year, we used the signup genius volunteer signup website. Time Frame: 1 week in the winter and 2 weeks in the spring, allowing for time to obtain proctors.


Reflections - This chairperson will assist with fall PTSA program where students can express their artistic efforts (visual arts, literature, photography, musical composition, film/video production and dance choreography.) Theme "The Magic of a Moment..." The chairperson will be responsible for promoting the program at Hough, lining up judges , awarding prizes and submitting winners to the next level of judging. Time Frame: September - December.


Please contact PTSA President Linda Petry at LPetry@mindspring.com if you are interested in serving as a committee chair or have any questions about how you can become more involved. We are busy compiling the volunteer forms that you have turned in and the appropriate committee chairs will be contacting you in the next few weeks.  

Thank you for Supporting

the PTSA Book Fair

  Book Fair Husky Mascot


Thanks to everyone who came out to the Book Fair at Barnes & Noble last Wednesday night.  It was a huge success with over 150 students going home with books for classes and homework passes!  


We would like to thank Creative Ej (located in Cornelius) and the artists who performed during the night in the café:  Justin Farmer, Logan Mariner, Alec Landry, Meredith Steele and Brandon Castillo along with the help of Mr. Myers, Hough's Orchestra Instructor. 


We are planning to have another book fair at the beginning of next semester.  Look for an update in January.


  •  There are still a few reserved parking passes for home football games still available; remember these are on a first-come, first-served basis.
  •  Booster memberships and season passes will continue to be sold at home sports events throughout early September.
  •  Corporate Sponsorships/Marketing ops are still available!

This ad could be yours! contact Rich Hammond at rich.hammond12@gmail.com


RED out Football Game

Friday, September 14th



Help the Hough High School Huskies support the American Heart Association! Attend the "red out" football game against Vance at home on Friday September 14th. Wear red, make a donation and/or sign up to join the Greater Charlotte Heart Walk on Saturday September 22, 2012.  You may also make online donations at the following link, http://heartwalk.kintera.org/charlottenc/houghhighschool . Thanks to all who help us show Huskies have Heart!

cheerleading clinic flyer

Click here to print flyer

Click here to print registration form

Homecoming Week

October 1st - 5th

Details coming soon!


 Mark your calendars for the week of October 1st. The Hough High School Student Council and the Hough High School PTSA are busy planning our 3rd Homecoming Week and our first Homecoming game where will we will welcome back our 2012 graduates.  Please watch for a future Hough Howler with detailed information about the spirit activities for that week, the Powder Puff Football game (October 3rd), the Parade, game and Homecoming Dance (October 5th.)

harris teeter logo  Re-Link your VIC Card 
to Hough Organizations 


 Harris Teeter's Together In Education program is a fund raising program for schools in our community. When customers purchase select Harris Teeter Brand products using their VIC card, Harris Teeter contributes a percentage of those purchase dollars to the schools of their choice.  In addition, a percentage of each prescription filled in a Harris Teeter pharmacy will be donated as well. Customers must have their VIC card linked to a TIE school in order to participate. We need your support!  This is a painless way for us to raise needed funds. 


You must re-link each year!

  Please consider linking your Harris Teeter VIC Card to the following Hough organizations:

PTSA # 8376

Athletic Booster Club  # 8348

Band # 8414

JROTC # 8368


There are several ways to re-link your VIC card:

ˇ click on this link Harris Teeter Together in Education

ˇ Customer Service desk

ˇ At the checkout counter


ˇ Call 1-800-432-6111 (number located on the back of your VIC card)


 You can link up to 5 organizations/schools (funds will be divided equally). 





Target Which School are You Linked To?


 Hough is now linked to Target's Together in Education program!  Enroll today and Target will donate a percentage of each REDcard purchase you make to our school!  (Only one school can be selected.)  Call 1-800-316-6142, visit Target.com/tcoe or an in-store kiosk to sign up and designate Hough as your school today!


 Click here to find out more about this program and to link your REDcard to Hough



Do you have Facebook? 



For every 25 votes Hough High School receives with the Give With Target campaign, Target will give our school $25 dollars towards supplies and books. What an inGive with Targetcredible impact this could make on our students and school!


Simply click on the Give With Target link below, and you will be directed to the Facebook/Target site.  You will need to log in to facebook, put Hough High School as the school you'd like to support and you're done. It's that simple, and we're on our way to earning money for Hough!



Give With Target  

Heath Wants to Hear From You


Got something on your mind about CMS?  Our new superintendent, Heath Morrison, wants to hear it.  What are CMS successes/challenges?  What does the district do well?  What are areas for improvement?  Each town hall meeting will include a facilitated discussion and small-group conversations.  Come participate and share your ideas. 


CMS Town Hall Meetings Schedule


Closest one to Hough:


October 4th @ 6 pm - Community Town Hall Meeting at Hopewell High School 


Cafeteria News

Submitted by Cafeteria Manager Debbie Gibson



Free and Reduced Lunch - If your child is on the free or reduced lunch, you must turn in a new form each year.   Monday, October 8 will be the last day for students to eat on last year's status.  If you have any questions about your child's status, please call Hough Cafeteria Manager Debbie Gibson at 980-344-7055 or the CMS child nutrition department at 980-343-6041. 

Keep Your Student's Contact Information




It is imperative that you keep your student's address and telephone number current so that you receive communications from the school via the mail or from the Connect Ed telephone calls.  Do not just put the information on the blue card that you complete.


You can change your telephone number in Parent Assist.  If an email is entered, you will be able to receive an email of any Connect Ed telephone calls.


Any address changes must be done in person in the Student Services office and proper documentation is required.  Please see information needed for change of address.   

Counselor's Corner



Mary Towe                  A-B

Daina Woullard           C-Gh

Josepeh Williams        Gi-Mal

Alison Graves             Mam - Ro

Maghen Sickler           Ru-Z


Please watch the Announcements on the Hough website throughout the school year.   Check Student Resources as your first source if you have questions.

Don't throw away your calculator packaging!
 Save TI points for the Math Department


Please don't forget to turn in the TI-points on the back cardboard of your calculator to any teacher in the math department or the front office as it will allow us to purchase additional math supplies from Texas Instruments.  These points may only be used by a school so please consider helping us build additional supplies for our classroom instruction.  The points look like the following:

 TI Calcluator reward points

William A. Hough High School Alma Mater


 We hail thee Alma Mater 

our voices let us raise.
With Husky pride and honor
we sing now full of praise.
To remember lasting moments
our friendships never will fade.
Hough High, march on forever
victorious all our days. 

Join Our Mailing List

Please click on the above box if someone forwarded this email to you and you would like to be added to the Hough High School PTSA email distribution list.  We send out a monthly newsletter, the Hough Howler, and occasional informational emails.  We also utilize this list to communicate information for the Athletic Booster club and other Hough organizations.  Your name and email address are not given to any third party organizations. 


If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails, please click on the link at the end of this email titled Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe.  Thank you!

School Website: 



PTSA Website:



Athletic Booster Club Website:



Band Website:



School telephone number:  980-344-0514

