Congratulations to William A. Hough's First Graduating Class!
Wishing many more successes in the future to the
Huskies in the Class of 2012!!!
Volume 2 - Edition 22 |
June 8, 2012 |
Encourage your Hough friends and neighbors
to sign up for the Howler!
Forward to current families, rising 9th grade families and transfer students for next year!
Please click on the above box if someone forwarded this email to you and you would like to be added to the Hough High School PTSA email distribution list. We send out a monthly newsletter, the Hough Howler, and occasional informational emails, to communicate vital information for the school and PTSA. We also utilize this list to communicate information for the Athletic Booster club and other Hough organizations. Your name and email address are not given to any third party organizations. |
Important Dates
Saturday, June 9 Graduation, Dale F. Halton Arena at UNC- Charlotte, 12:30 pm
Monday, June 11 Athletic Boosters Golf Tournament, Northstone Country Club |
Class of 2012 Graduation Information
Submitted by Julie Fox
Graduation is finally upon us tomorrow!
Please visit the 2012 Graduation Website. This website is located on the High School main page and has been updated weekly with new information. Please make sure you visit the website as there is information as pertains the following:
- Graduation dress/attire;
- Time seniors must arrive for graduation;
- No flowers or balloons allowed inside the arena - make sure all guests are aware!
- Photographer will take pictures;
- Everyone will pass through security.
It is imperative that all graduates and their familes read the information on the graduation website to make the experience rewarding for our graduates and their families.
Congratulations Class of 2012!!!
A Message from the PTSA President,
Tammy Smith
Thank you to all in the Hough community who volunteered or donated to the PTSA this year. You have our immense gratitude for all that you have done to help our students. Thank you, especially, to our Board of Directors this past year:
2012-2013 Board of Directors
President Tammy Smith
V.P. Membership Denise Linerode
V.P. Fundraising (Huskies Fund) Gina Story
V.P. Fundraising (Book Fair, Store Rewards) Jean Buffum
Secretary/Howler Editor/Proctors Linda Petry
Treasurer Beth Tucciarone
Principal Terri Cockerham
Advocacy Gwen Jordan
Audit Claudette Kaveler
Front Office/Guidance Sally Filotei
Graduation Project Liz Rhines
Hospitality Kim Cassarino & Shelly Hoffman
Media Center Amy Salley
Publicity Mary Lynn Welborne
Reflections/Wall of Fame Anne Vari
Restaurant Nights Kim McCreary
Scholarships Sheila Wakeman
Student Recognition/Programs Jewel Chickering
Spirit Store Leslie Duncan
School Tours Meg Watson
Teacher representatives Richard Whitmore, Lee Ann Mohr
& Tara Ashcraft
Thank you to our Hough Students who helped us put the "S" in the PTSA:
Jocelyn Desmond (Back to school packets)
Everett Handy(Book Fairs)
Zach Chickering (Closed circuit tv)
Leadership team members who decorated for the Homecoming dance
An extra special thanks goes to Tammy Smith, our spirited very first Hough PTSA President, who was the catalyst behind geting the Husky pride off the ground by planning our Grand Opening celebration 2 years ago. It was her goal to bring together all of the high schools the students came from and make us one community. Tammy, thank you for all that you have done to lead the PTSA the past 2 years and help start traditions for the Hough students! We love you!
Your PTSA Board of Directors |
Come be a part of the PTSA Team next year!
Submitted by Linda Petry
No experience necessary and all are welcomed! We still need chairpersons for the following PTSA Committees next year.
Corporate Sponsors - This chairperson will obtain community partners to support programs for the school. Time Frame: Ongoing through the school year.
Graduation Project - This chairperson will assist with lining up judges for the senior exit projects Time Frame: This usually occurs in for one week in the fall and one week in the spring, allowing time for planning.
Proctors - This chairperson will line up EOC proctors in the Winter and Spring and AP proctors in the Spring. This past year, we used the signup genius volunteer signup website. Time Frame: 1 week in the winter and 2 weeks in the spring, allowing for time to obtain proctors.
Reflections - This chairperson will assist with fall PTSA program where students can express their artistic efforts (visual arts, literature, photography, musical composition, film/video production and dance choreography.) Theme "The Magic of a Moment..." The chairperson will be responsible for promoting the program at Hough, lining up judges , awarding prizes and submitting winners to the next level of judging. Time Frame: September - December.
Senior Scholarships - This chairperson will create a committee to create an application and review committeee that is responsible for awarding PTSA college scholarships to seniors. Time Frame: Late winter - Spring.
Wall of Fame - This committee will help student services in posting listings of Senior college/armed forces destinations. Time frame: Late winter - Spring.
Volunteers - create the volunteer form and compile lists of volunteers for the committee chairs and other things as necessary through the year. Time Frame: Mostly at beginning of school; sporadically through the year.
Student Representatives - Let's get the S stronger in our PTSA. Student representatives are wanted to help build a strong membership and assist our committees carry out their work. Looking for those who want some experience leading others. You must be able to attend the monthly PTSA meeting one evening a month (dates still to be determined)
Please contact upcoming PTSA President Linda Petry at LPetry@mindsrping.com if you are interested in serving as a committee chair or have any questions about how you can become more involved. On the first day of school, we will send out a volunteer form to obtain volunteers for each of our committees. At this time we are looking for chairpersons to lead the committees. Chairpersons will also attend a monthly PTSA Board of Directors Meeting (dates still to be determined.) |
Congratulations to the PTSA Leadership Scholarship Award Winners!
On behalf of the William A Hough High PTSA we are proud and excited to announce the awards for 10 outstanding seniors tonight for their leadership to our community. These students are PTSA members that are well-rounded and have excelled within academics, sports, clubs and extracurricular activities. But most important they have been an advocate for our community and an advocate for kids. Our school is fortunate to have so many talented and dedicated students who are involved in our community!
We would like to thank our selection committee made of up our community leaders including: Huntersville Town Commissioner- Melinda Bales, Davidson Center Owner- Mary Jane Freeman, Karyn Jackson, Linda Petry, Cornelius Mayor- Jeff Tarte and Davidson Mayor- John Woods. These individuals have put in many hours in the selection process and we thank them for their dedication, time and support to Hough High PTSA.
We would also like to thank our community partners: Priority Honda and The Davidson Center for the generous donations towards scholarships.
Davidson Center PTSA Leadership Award - $500
Troy Armstrong
PTSA Leadership Awards- $500:
Kaitlyn Crawford
Morgan Freese
Drew Golba
Matthew Hudak
Rigney Marcela
Morgan Marin
Priority Honda PTSA Leadership Award -$1000
Christina Rhines
PTSA Leadership Award- $1000
Courtney Wakeman
Paige Zartman
We would also like to recognize Judson Russell for receiving the Interact Award Scholarship for $500 from the North Mecklenburg County Rotary Club. The Hough PTSA was instrumental in working with this organization to solicit students to apply for this scholarship..
Front (left to right): Courtney Wakeman, Christina Rhines, Paige Zartman, Morgan Freese Back (left to right): Katie Crawford, Rigney Marcela, Judson Russell, Troy Armstrong,
Matthew Hudak, Morgan Marin
Not Pictured: Drew Golba |
Hough Summer Hours Effective June 18th
Hough switches to the CMS Summer Schedule on June 18th.
Our hours will be 8 am - 4 pm Monday - Thursday (closed on Fridays)
It is imperative that you keep your student's address current in order to receive your student's assignment letter in August. Any address changes must be done in person in the Student Services office and proper documentation is required. Please see information needed for change of address. Our registrar can process address changes Monday - Thursday from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm |
News from the School Nurse
Regarding Medicine in the Health Room
Submitted by Karyn Jackson
Parents, please pick up your student's meds from the health room by Tuesday, June 12th (otherwise they will be discarded.) Also please remember to get your physician to complete a new medical form for next year. Click here for Medical Form |
Morgan Marin - Excellence in Academics and Athletics Scholarship
Jared Sobo - Excellence in Academics and Athletics Scholarship
Katherine Kennedy - Outstanding Leadership and Athletics Scholarship
Benjamin Craig - Outstanding Leadership and Athletics Scholarship
It's not too late to join us!!
CLICK HERE to register online now
Golf Tournament to be held June 11 at Northstone Country Club.
CLICK HERE to download the registration form.
If you are mailing in your registration please mail to:
Hough Booster Club Golf Tournament,
P.O. Box 1207., Cornelius, NC 28031
Counselor's Corner
Ms. Mary Towe A - B
Ms. Kristin Thomas (formerly Oliver) C - Gh
Mr. Joseph Williams Gi - Mal
Ms. Alison Graves Mam - Ro
Dr. Marjorie DeSeantis Ru - Z
Please watch the Hough website throughout the summer months for information for the upcoming school year. |
AP Biology Summer Reading List
Submitted by Julie McConnell & Rick Whitmore
Required summer reading for AP Biology/McConnell: A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson.
ATTENTION ALL 2012-2013 AP SPANISH V STUDENTS: You should have stopped by Room C112 (Sr. Whitmore) and picked up your AP Spanish V Summer Packet. All assignments in the packet are required and due at the beginning of our first AP Spanish V class this August |
Marching Huskies Colorguard News
Submitted by Heidi Hickox
We are still recruiting interested students! Prospective members interested in joining may email Heidi Hickox at heidi1.hickox@cms.k12.nc.us and/or check the Marching Huskies website for more information. |
Kudos to Hough Cheerleaders
Submitted by Jenna Anderson
Congratulations to Hailey Davis, Brittany Ludwig, and Courtney Wood for making All-State Cheerleader!
| L to R: Courtney Wood, Brittany Ludwig, Haley Davis |
Hough High School DECA Students Excel at International Competition
Submitted by Catherine Bumgarner
Nineteen competitors from Hough DECA attended the 2012 International Career Development Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah this past month. The conference spanned from April 28 - May 1, 2012, and Hough brought the largest delegation in North Carolina. Four members were recognized on the international stage:
· - Craig Amasya received a test medal and went on to receive a 2nd place trophy in his event, the Retail Merchandising Series.
· - Amelia Sechrest received a test medal in her event, Apparel and Accessories Marketing.
· - Annie Rutledge received a role play medal and was recognized as a top 20 international finalist in her event, the Marketing Management Series.
· - David Snedecor received a test medal, a role play medal, and was recognized as a top 20 international finalist in his event, Sports and Entertainment Marketing.
Hough DECA students were among 60 CMS DECA competitors, 200 North Carolina competitors and 16,000 competitors from across the US, Canada, Germany, Guam and Puerto Rico at International DECA Competition.
DECA is an international association of high school and college students studying marketing, management and entrepreneurship in business, finance, hospitality and marketing sales and service.
DECA chapters operate in over 5,000 high schools across the U.S., Puerto Rico, Guam and territories, Mexico, Hong Kong, South Korea, China, Germany and Canada. With over 185,000 members, mostly juniors and seniors, DECA's high school division is recognized and endorsed by all 50 state departments of education and the U.S. Department of Education. |
Submitted by Heidi Hickox
Excellence seems to be contagious here at Hough both in sports and in the arts!
Congratulations to our CHORUS students for their outstanding performance at the Carowinds 2012 Music Festival in the Park last Friday. We had 57 students on the stage who received a combined judges score rating of EXCELLENT in their division representing schools from NC, SC, GA, and TN. The singers were rated very high (mostly I's & II's) in the areas of intonation, tone quality, diction, overall musical effect, and stage presence. They also did an excellent job representing Hough, our community, and their families with their good behavior throughout the festival and park activities. Please congratulate our Howlin' Huskies for a job well done and proud representation of our school!
APPLAUSE is also in order for those who participated in the Spring Chorus Concert "Americana" on Friday, May 18. All of the choral ensembles from Bailey MS and Hough enthusiastically performed selections of American folk songs, spirituals, gospel, blues, jazz, Patriotic, and Broadway songs. The 4th block chorus class sang a heartfelt dedication,"Homeward Bound" in honor of beloved Hough Junior and chorus member, Jocelyn A. Desmond who passed away in March. The Desmond family was present in the audience and helped lead a standing ovation for the students onstage. A special shout-out should go to Lt. Col. Cowley and the Hough JROTC cadets who were present as ushers for the audience and did a great job presenting the colors for the concert opener. Hough faculty member Mr. Rob Weissert assisted with piano accompaniment for the Hough choruses. Mrs. Kristine Neale from Independence HS accompanied the Bailey choruses. Additional thanks to Mr. Carrington and the following Hough Jazz Band members for adding their talents to the concert: Marsall Farr, Bass; Nick Locke, Guitar; Pressley Raboin, Drums; Daniel Shiels, Trumpet; and Dan Black, Saxaphone. The performance would not have looked and sounded as good as it did without the expertise of Hough Senior Matt Hudak, Sagan Cichocki, and Ms. McDougall. Backstage support was provided by Ms. Downey, Mr. Carrington, Mr. Deyoe, Mrs. Rice, Ms. Towe, Mr. Myers, Ms. Peterson and Ms. Klingman (from BMS), Lisa Schuette, and Jackie Barker. Congrats to everyone who participated in this memorable evening!
Shining Senior Chorus Stars!
Among the Chorus awards given this year were two awards that will continue to be awarded to oustanding Senior chorus students in the years to come. The Hough HS 2012 Choral Director's Award was given to Senior Annie Barker for her outstanding leadership and support to the Hough Chorus Department throughout the 2011-12 school year. Annie plans to pursue Technical Theatre at UNC-G in the fall and will be back from time-to-time for chorus and marching band events.
Senior Rob Steiss was awarded the highest honor a graduating senior can achieve in choral music in the United States, the National School Choral Award. Rob has been involved in choral music through all of his middle and high school years, was a chorus student at Northwest School of the Arts, and has auditioned and participated in numerous choral festivals and special events including the NC Honors Chorus and the Mars Hill College Chorus Festival. Rob plans to pursue music and has been awarded a music scholarship at Pfeiffer University.
There was a Chorus Parent Meeting for those parents interested in helping to build our Howlin' Huskies Chorus Boosters on Monday, June 4th. This was a very important meeting for new and returning chorus students and their parents as we plan events for next year. Any new/prospective chorus members may contact Ms. Hickox over the summer for more information regarding our Howlin' Huskies Choral Boosters.
Graduation, Sat, June 9: Chorus students and chaperones will meet in the Chorus Room at 10AM. Bus transportation will be provided for chorus and band members to UNCC/Halton Arena departing HHS at 10:30AM. Chaperones are needed--please contact Ms. Hickox if you can assist! Graduation is at 12:30PM. Dress is concert black for singers & band members.
Career Development/Distance Learning
Submitted by Sue Colbert
Opportunity for rising Hough Juniors:
The Lake Norman Chamber of Commerce Junior Leadership Program is now accepting applications for their year long leadership seminar.
Once participants have completed Leadership Lake Norman, they will be well informed, and have a foundation for implementing their knowledge and skills to become a progressive citizen and leader in the great Lake Norman region.
Students from the Lake Norman and North Mecklenburg area will be selected.
The criteria for an application is the following:
Minimum 3.2 weighted GPA
Exceptional Attitude
Permission to attend day long Junior Leadership activities
Shown leadership at Hough
Teacher/Community Recommendation
If you would like an application, email Mrs. Colbert at s.colbert@cms.k12.nc.us |
Link your Harris Teeter VIC Card to Hough Organizations
The Harris Teeter VIC Card program only runs August through the end of May;
So, please mark your calendar now to re-link your card on August 1st! |
Hough Howler Submissions
Deadlines for Articles This Year
The Hough Howler is the monthly electronic newsletter compiled by the Hough PTSA. We encourage all Hough staff members, booster clubs and Hough student clubs to provide us information to publicize to the over 1200 Howler e-mail subscribers in the Hough community. Deadlines for articles submitted for publication are the first day of each month, unless that date is on a weekend. Then, the deadline is the first business day of that month. The Howler will be distributed within a few days past the deadline, so please submit your articles on time, or even better, early! Thank you for your cooperation.
This is our last issue for this school year, but stay tuned in this summer in case we have something important to communicate!
Thank you for your submissions! Linda Petry, Hough Howler Editor, LPetry@mindspring.com |
William A. Hough High School Alma Mater
We hail thee Alma Mater
our voices let us raise.
With Husky pride and honor
we sing now full of praise.
To remember lasting moments
our friendships never will fade.
Hough High, march on forever
victorious all our days. |
Please click on the above box if someone forwarded this email to you and you would like to be added to the Hough High School PTSA email distribution list. We send out a monthly newsletter, the Hough Howler, and occasional informational emails. We also utilize this list to communicate information for the Athletic Booster club and other Hough organizations. Your name and email address are not given to any third party organizations.
If you wish to unsubscribe from future emails, please click on the link at the end of this email titled Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe. Thank you! |