K2 Office Tips Header
 Volume 7, Number 3  March 1, 2012
ExceltopIn This Issue 
Excel Tips

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 Technology Tips Video
WordtopIn This Issue 
Word Tip
OutlooktopIn This Issue
 Outlook Tip

PPTTopIn This Issue
PowerPoint Tip
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Spring is almost here after one of the mildest winter in recent times. I am spending most of March at our winter home in Naples, FL. Towards the end of March I will make a quick trip to Yellowknife to present two of our technology seminars at an accounting conference. I hope to get a good view of the Northern Lights while I am there.


I am pleased to announce the release of my latest eBook, entitled Excel Charts - Part 1. This ninety page book is chock full of tips that will help you create great charts in Excel. Not only do I cover the fundamentals, but I also show you how to create interactive charts that change automatically, as the data changes. Each eBook sells for $34.95 and gets you 2 CPDs. The link to my Web Store is http://www.mcssl.com/store/alanswebstore


New for 2012,  are our Facebook and LinkedIn pages. I am now posting a weekly tip and additional relevant accounting technology links on these pages. You can follow me on Facebook at 

www.facebook.com/K2Canada and on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/k2canada. Last week I posted the first information on Office 15, which will be the next version of Excel, Word, etc.


As usual I would welcome your comments at alan@k2e.ca.



Alan Salmon

Excel Tips

Excel1Numbering Weeks 

Summary: It is useful at times to calculate the week number of a date. Here is how to do this:


The secret to calculating a week number is to use the =WEEKNUM() function. This function accepts a date and returns the week number. It assumes that the week containing January 1 is the first week of the year. 
For example, if cell A1 contained the date March 15, 2012 and your cursor was in B1:
=WEEKNUM(A1) would return the value 11 as this date is in the 11th week of this year.

Excel2AConverting Measurement Systems   

Summary: There are times when you need to convert miles to kilometers and kilometers to miles. Here is how to do this: 


You need to use the CONVERT function. Assume you have 2,000 as a distance in cell A1.


In B1 enter the following function:


=CONVERT(A1, "mi", "km")

You will get the answer 3,218.69 which is the conversion of 2,000 miles to kilometers.


If you change the function to :

=CONVERT(A1,"km", "mi") 


You will get the answer 1,242.74 which is the conversion of 2,000 kilometers to miles.


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Summary:  If your hand is on your mouse, here is a fast way to move cells from one location on your worksheet to another location on the same worksheet.
Usually you would do a Cut and Paste to move cells in a worksheet. Here is a fast way to accomplish this task.
  1. Select the cells that you want to move by highlighting the range.
  2. Place your mouse over the thick border that surrounds the selected cells.
  3. Click and drag the selected cells to the new location. As you move your mouse the outline of the selected cells moves, as well.
  4. When your mouse is over the new location, release the mouse pointer.
Your selected cells will now be in the new location.


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Word Tips


Word1Setting the Vertical Alignment


Summary: Just as you right-align, center and left-align text between margins, you can also vertically align the text, so that the text is aligned with the top, center, or bottom of the page. Here is how to do this: 
  1. In the Page Layout tab, click the Page Setup Dialog Box launcher (the arrow in the bottom right hand corner of the Page Setup group).
  2. Click on the Layout tab, under Page, click the Vertical Alignment down arrow, and select the vertical alignment that you want to use.
  3. Click OK.


Outlook Tip



Summary: If your recipient gets a lot of messages, you may want to identify the importance of your message, so that it will stand out in his or her In Box.  Here is how to do this::

Outlook includes a red exclamation point in the message list to identify messages set with high importance. It uses a blue exclamation point to indicate messages with low priority. To set the priority go the Message Window. Then flag your e-mail message with the appropriate flag.

  1. Create your message.
  2. In the Options group on the Message tab, select one of these options:
    1. Click High Importance to insert a red exclamation point to indicate high importance.
    2. Click Low importance to insert a blue exclamation point to indicate low importance.
  3. Send the message as usual. 
If you are using Outlook 2010 click on the Message tab and then select your priority in the Tags group.

 PowerPoint Tip


PowerPointarticleRehearse and Time the Delivery of Your Presentation


Summary: PowerPoint includes a tool that enables you to time your presentation and then advance each slide automatically when you deliver your presentation to your audience. Here is how to do this:


  1. Click on the Slide Show group.
    • In the Setup Group click on Rehearse Timings.
    • The Rehearsal toolbar appears, and the Slide Timer box begins timing your presentation. 
    • As you move to the next slide the slide clock will reset and begin timing the slide. 
    • The overall clock will keep track of your total time.   
  1. While you are timing presentation you have the following options:
    • To move to the next slide click on Next.
    • To temporarily stop recording, click Pause.
    • To restart recording the time, Click Pause again.
    • To restart recording the time for the current slide, click Repeat.
  2. After you set the time for the last slide, a message box displays the total time for the presentation and prompts you to do one of the following:
    • To keep the recorded slide timings, click Yes.
    • To discard the recorded  slide timings, click No.
The Slide  Sorter view appears and displays the time of each slide in your presentation.

When you use the Presentation view to view your slides, each slide will advance automatically according to the time you recorded for that slide.  


K2 Enterprises Canada is a leading provider of professional development seminars for the Canadian accounting world. Each month we publish this free Office Tips e-mail newsletter. These tips will save you time and enhance the appearance of your Office files.


To subscribe to our K2E Canada newsletter send an e-mail to

alan@k2e.ca  with "Subscribe to newsletter" in the Subject. 
Your information is always kept secure and never shared
Alan Salmon
President & CEO
K2 Enterprises Canada