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                                                    e-Newsletter Vol. 14
In This Issue
One Clean-up Effort
Fish in Winter

Upcoming Events

February 16, 7:30 pm @ The Loon Center
March 3, 5-7 pm @
The Woodshed Restaurant
California: Birds & Scenery
March 16, 7:30 pm @
The Loon Center
Valentine's Day Shopping
  Valentine's Day is quickly approaching.  Why not buy your Valentine a present from The Loon's Feather Gift Shop?  We have loon jewelry, wine glasses, his & hers matching socks and soy candles!  You can also buy a chocolate loon online!
Did You Know?
A group of loons is known as an "asylum"
Mission Statement
LPC's mission is to restore and maintain  a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; to monitor the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and to promote a greater understanding of loons and the larger natural world.
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P.O. Box 604
183 Lee's Mill Road
Moultonborough, NH 03254


I can't believe tomorrow is already Groundhog Day.  Do you think Punxsutawney Phil is going to see his shadow?  The "Broads" (widest part of the lake) on Winnipesaukee is finally frozen; you may recall in February of 2007 this is where we found 22 loons stranded on the ice (only 5 survived; click here to read more).  Please keep an eye out if you are traveling across the lake and make sure to contact us if you see any loons.


Right before the holidays we sent a young loon down to Tufts to be necropsied.  The loon was found dead about 50 feet from the edge of Mascoma Lake in Enfield, NH.  Thanks to LPC volunteer Terri Lynch for helping spread the word about this loon. Click here to read the full story from the Valley News.  On a happier note, another loon was rescued from the Fireside Inn parking lot in West Lebanon, NH towards the end of November.  With assistance from the inn's janitor, manager & sales director, the loon was safely captured and transported to St. Francis Wild Bird Hospital in Lyme and was later released at Hampton Beach State Park.


We are starting to prepare for the 23rd annual Northeast Loon Study Working Group (NELSWG) meeting which will be held at LPC again this March.  Members of NELSWG including federal & state agencies, universities and non-profit organizations work together to develop cooperative research projects primarily focused on loon populations in the northeast.


For the past 3 years one LPC volunteer has been combing the shoreline of his lake collecting discarded fishing line & tackle. Click here to read more about his experience. Perhaps this is a good community project for lake associations to take on throughout the year. As a reminder LPC biologists are always willing to give presentations at annual meetings or other lake association events to educate lake users about loons & raise awareness about the threats they are facing.


Have you ever wondered what fish are doing at this time of the year?  In particular I was interested in Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens), the preferred prey species of the Common Loon, so I asked a Fisheries Biologist from NH Fish & Game to answer some questions for me. Read below to learn more.


Lastly, we have finalized plans for our 2nd Annual Spring Migration gathering.  It will be held on Saturday, March 3 from 5-7 pm at The Woodshed Restaurant in Moultonborough.  For more details visit our website or call LPC at 603-476-5666.  I hope to see you there!


All the best,

WayneCaseyOne Clean Up Effort to Make a Lake Safer for Loons & Other Wildlife

By Wayne Casey


Goose Pond draw down
Photo by Wayne Casey

The annual draw down of a lake can be an opportune time to help loons and other wildlife living there. I make it a point every year when the water is down to inspect the shoreline at all

the favorite fishing spots and not only build my collection of lures, but also remove hundreds of feet of fishing line from rocks, stumps, and branches. I have found lead sinkers, jigs, spinners and even a cell phone with a battery that would have otherwise released its mercury into the environment. Although it is typically a cold, windy time of year the warm feeling you get from collecting a coffee can full of lead shot is very rewarding.


FishinWinterFish in Winter
By Donald Miller, Large Lake Fisheries Biologist, NHF&G


Adult with perch
Adult loon with Yellow Perch
Photo by John Rockwood

As waters cool in the fall and early winter, warmwater fish (especially bass) retreat to deeper areas of lakes and ponds and endure the winter months there in a sort of semi-hibernation.  Their metabolism slows significantly and they rarely feed. Coldwater fish, salmon and trout, are active in the winter, even though their metabolism also slows down.  Perch, white and yellow, are coolwater species and remain active during the colder months. These fish tend to move around in schools, as they feed in the soft, bottom sediments for invertebrate larvae and worms.  Often, yellow perch are found in the deeper areas of ponds during the winter, sometimes 30 feet down!


Adult with big perch
Photo by Brian Reilly

Yellow perch spawn in late March/early April along shorelines, where their gelatinous skeins of eggs are released over aquatic vegetation, trees and rocky substrate.  Eggs generally incubate for 2-3 weeks before hatching. Yellow perch populations can easily become stunted, i.e., reproduction remains high while competition for food reduces their size.  They often overpopulate a waterbody to the point where they are the dominant species.


Susie Burbidge
Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator

Save 20%


Warm up with a cozy fleece jacket or sweatshirt!  Come visit The Loon's Feather Gift Shop, located at The Loon Center in Moultonborough, NH.  We are open Thursday-Saturday from 9 am - 5 pm until April 30.  Bring in your coupon and receive 20% off any non-sale item (sorry, this does not include items on consignment).

You can also visit our gift shop online (coupon does not apply to online purchases).