Save the Date |
January 19, 2012
7:30 pm @ The Loon Center
Spring Migration Event
March 3, 2012
Details coming soon! |
Did You Know? |
The tremolo call led to the coining of the phrase "crazy as a loon." |
Mission Statement |
LPC's mission is to restore and maintain a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; to monitor the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and to promote a greater understanding of loons and the larger natural world. |
Contact Us |
P.O. Box 604
183 Lee's Mill Road
Moultonborough, NH 03254
I can't believe 2011 is already coming to an end. The mild weather as of late seems more like April than December and loons are still being spotted on lakes around the state. Please keep an eye out for loons that may be trapped as open water begins to diminish and the lakes freeze over. Don't hesitate to call LPC if you have any concerns or questions. You may recall in the October e-newsletter that I mentioned a rescue on the Nippo Lake Golf Club this fall. LPC volunteer, Barb Totherow, has written a wonderful account of the rescue effort which you can read below.
On a different note, another loon fell victim to lead poisoning recently. A banded loon was found on the beach near Annisquam, Massachusetts earlier this month. A necropsy down at Tufts showed a jig in the gizzard and a hook fragment that had made its way to the bird's stomach. It turns out the female loon was from the Moon Island territory on Squam Lake (photo above was taken in summer of 2010 before she was banded). It's quite ironic that at the very same time the cause of death was determined, Squam Lakes Biologist Tiffany Grade was defending her Master's Thesis on lead and loons in New Hampshire.
 At our staff holiday dinner a few weeks ago, we were reminded why we are working so hard to protect these birds (see photo to the left). Thanks to Ralph Kirshner for giving us all a good laugh, and, yes, we know that loons cannot stand; this loon was formerly a chicken!
Stay tuned for the next e-newsletter to find out what fish do in the winter and how a clean-up effort is making one pond safer for loons and other wildlife.
Wishing you and your family all the best this holiday season!
Here's to a wonderful 2012,
Another Successful Holiday Open House
Photo by Brian Reilly |
Thanks to everyone who came to LPC's 19th annual Holiday Open House on Saturday, November 26. We had a great turnout, with nearly 400 people in attendance. Many thanks to the following volunteers who helped
the event run so smoothly: Anne McLean,Winnie McCullough, Bill Crangle, Marlene & Eric Taussig, Jacquie Colburn, Barb & Herb Lauterwasser, Ron & Nan Baker, Cydonia Hubicki, Liz Jackson, Brian Reilly and Armand Maheux. Special thanks to Nance Ruhm, Sue McKimens, Pat James and Libby Rubin from the Squam Lakes Natural Science Center for bringing their discovery table and to many local restaurants for providing lots of delicious food.

The day would not have been complete without Ms. Cedar painting faces, horse-drawn wagon rides provided by Jay Hurd & family, fresh waffles (thanks John Cooley) and a visit from Santa (& Mrs. Claus)! Thanks to EM Heath's for sponsoring the hay rides this year!
In case you missed it, make sure to save the date for the next Holiday Open House- Saturday, November 24, 2012. Hope to see you there! |
A Very Cool Loon Update
By Barb Totherow
Tuesday morning, September 20, 2011, was a gray, drizzly day in Barrington. At around 9:30, I got an unexpected phone call from John Cooley, a guy I'd never heard of. He had an odd story and an even odder request. John wanted me to go down to Rte. 126, search the woods for a loon, and stand guard over it until he could get there.
The evening before, he'd heard that a loon had crash-landed on Nippo Golf Course and was moving, (awkwardly and slowly, as all loons move on land), across the fairway. By the time John arrived from Moultonborough, the loon had gone into the woods. It was dark, and John headed home, figuring the search (and the story) were over.
 But the next morning, he got another call from a woman on Parker Mountain Road (Rte. 126), just across the woods from the golf course. The loon was in her back yard. John immediately prepared for another 75-minute drive to Barrington to see if he could rescue the loon. He had no idea where it had come from, but everyone's best guess was that it was one of our birds on Nippo Lake. The parents had been teaching the chicks to fly for several weeks, and maybe this bird was heading out for winter on the ocean.
John was worried that the loon could head back into the woods and get lost. The woman had to go to work, the Barrington Police couldn't spare someone for over an hour, and John grabbed a list of loon-friendly people in our area. Our name is on the list, and soon I was wandering around the lawn of the house on Rte. 126, searching for a loon! The owner said it had been in her back yard, but in just a ten minute period, it had moved all the way down her driveway and seemed to be heading for the ditch along the highway.
I walked up the road under my dripping umbrella-----nothing. I headed into the woods and poked all around----nothing. Finally, I started back up the grade toward 126, and suddenly, there it was, tucked down in the grass. Clearly not an adult, but really quite big. It had gray/brown feathers and was curled up, its head backward, beak nestled into the down on its back. After a bewildering night in the woods, it must have been exhausted.
I did my job, getting strange looks from drivers heading to or from Barnstead as they passed me, standing by the side of the road in the rain, reading a book. Luckily, I didn't have to corral the loon or work at keeping it from wandering into the woods or onto the highway. It pretty much rested and slept while I read. A Barrington police car stopped to check in and commented that we were only yards from the Isinglass River. He was thinking that if the loon could get to the water, it would be able to have a water "runway" to take flight again. (John said later that the river wasn't enough; a large body of water is necessary to get a sufficient takeoff.)
When John arrived an hour later with a big net and a cardboard box, the loon had just started its journey again. It was lurching along through grass and brush when he carefully encircled it with a towel and got it into the big box. I was trying to help and suddenly the bill flashed out and grabbed the side of my hand. Wow! Shock but no real pain. It's a good thing they don't have teeth!
John took the loon to the Northwood Veterinary Hospital for an x-ray which showed a fish hook in its gizzard, but no lead sinker. Fish hooks usually dissolve, according to John, and since the loon seemed in good condition, he decided to release it back on the pond. When we arrived back home, the loon had already gone swimming up the lake. With binoculars, we could see four loons swimming together up toward the north end. That in itself seemed strange to us as lately, we'd rarely seen all four loons together.
That evening, I kayaked up the lake and found the whole family swimming cozily together. Tuesday morning, I followed one adult with one chick and eventually the other chick swam out to join them.
It's pretty clear that the golf course trekker was one of our chicks, and it's now safe and sound, ready to keep prepping for its winter trip to the ocean.
Susie Burbidge
Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator