Upcoming Events |
Loon Cruise
Aug 26, 2011 @ 3 pm
* Last one of the season
Aug 25 at 7:30 pm @ The Loon Center LPC Annual Meeting Aug 25 at 8:30 pm @ The Loon Center |
Did you Know? |
The first feathers to be replaced during fall molt are the facial ones, closest to the bill. |
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Photo by Kittie Wilson |
Contact Us |
P.O. Box 604
Lee's Mill Road
Moultonborough, NH 03254
Please join us for a "Volunteer Appreciation Potluck" to thank our wonderful volunteers for their time and dedication this summer!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011 @ 6 pm at the Canaan Meeting House, Canaan, NH
Thursday, August 25, 2011 @ 5:45 at The Loon Center, Moultonborough, NH
We will provide beverages, plates and utensils, but please bring a dish to share. Please RSVP to me at volunteers@loon.org or 603-477-2884.
After the potluck, Harry Vogel will present trends in New Hampshire's loon population and a wrap-up of the 2011 season. LPC's Annual Meeting will follow the end of season report on August 25th.
We hope you can join us!
Susie |
July 16, 2011: An Important Day for Loons in New Hampshire
Thanks again to everyone who participated in the annual Loon Census. One hundred twenty-four lakes were covered by 572 observers throughout the state! A total of 517 adult loons, 91 chicks and 13 immature loons were counted between 8-9 am.

July 16th was also recognized by the New Hampshire State Senate as "Loon Appreciation Day" to honor loons and to encourage the protection of one of NH's greatest icons.
Loons have come to be recognized as a symbol of the natural beauty of New Hampshire's lakes and ponds, and as key indicators of environmental quality. Recent declines in loon breeding success and increases in mortality from lead tackle and other stressors have resulted in concerns about the future of loons in the state.
 | Photo by Rachel Williams |
The proclamation was presented by Senator Jeanie Forrester at LPC's Loon Festival on the census day (photo above). The date of Loon Appreciation Day was chosen to coincide with the Loon Census which provides LPC with a mid-season check on productivity, and helps LPC discover previously unknown loons on lakes, track movements of loons, and generate interest and involvement in loons. |
Loon watchers hopeful Squam Lake will turn corner toward sustainable population of Granite State's most revered bird.
By Adam Drapcho (From The Laconia Daily Sun) MOULTONBOROUGH - Summer residents of New Hampshire lakes since the last ice age, loons seem as intrinsic to the landscape as black flies and out-of-state plates. They haven't had an easy go of it, though, enduring natural stressors such as weather, disease, predation and competition. With European settlers came other troubles for the loons, first came water quality issues caused by agriculture or industry, then lead poisoning from fishing tackle and more recently hazards associated with power boating. Despite these pressures, the loons have continued to fly in from their saltwater winter homes to breed at local lakes. However, those who closely study the state's loon population say the bird's reproductive rates have been below the level considered sustainable over the past several years - and nowhere has this decline been as stark as on Squam Lake. Research into that decline has pointed toward an apparent contamination of the lake which has resulted in several harmful chemicals turning up in high concentrations in the eggs which failed to hatch. After six worrisome years loon advocates are beginning to cross their fingers with hope that Squam Lake's loon population might be on the mend. In the fall of 2004, as loons do every year, the 16 pairs that had made Squam Lake their summer home migrated to the Atlantic Ocean. The first sign of trouble came when only nine of those pairs returned, representing a drop of 44-percent of the lake's adult population, a decline not seen since the Loon Preservation Committee began to survey the population in 1975. Nearby lakes did not see similar declines. Even more troubling, those loons who returned experienced what the committee's biologists refer to as "near-complete reproductive failure," with precious few eggs proving viable. To read the full article please click here. |
The Loon Preservation Committee is dedicated to restoring and maintaining a healthy population of loons throughout New Hampshire; monitoring the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and promoting a greater understanding of loons and the natural world.
Susie Burbidge
Loon Preservation Committee |