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 Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions -January 4, 2011 

Upcoming Events

January 9-10

Durham, North Carolina
The Institute's Jonas Monast is among the invited participants at a workshop covering the environmental and social implications of hydraulic fracturing and gas drilling in the United States. 


January 18 

Durham, North Carolina


Prize-winning journalist Andrew Revkin will give a lecture titled "Which Comes First, Peak Everything or Peak Us?" on the Duke campus.


January 27

Durham, North Carolina


Ellen Gilinsky, senior policy advisor in the Office of Water at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, will discuss the EPA's efforts to reduce nutrients and other pollutants from urban and agricultural sources.  

For more information on upcoming events, visit the Nicholas Institute's website. 


In the News

Duke Chronicle, Jackson Urges Consideration of Environmental Issues


Shale Daily, North Carolina Should Weigh Drilling, Fracking Risks


Ecosystem Marketplace, The Year in Biodiversity


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Featured Multimedia
International Transportation Expert Speaks at Duke
International Transportation Expert Speaks at Duke

Duke Data Used to Create iPhone App

bluecarbonappA new iPhone app that helps users visualize their carbon footprint uses data from a Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions study to run portions of the program. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the creators of the application, used average values of the data for coastal ecosystems contained in the "State of the Science on Coastal Blue Carbon: A Summary for Policy Makers" to create the UNEP Carbon Calculator. "The Duke University data was crucial for the development of the app because the Duke University synthesis of the global blue carbon data provided the basis for the calculations made in the app," according to Gabriel Grimsditch of UNEP's Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Branch.  


Provost Approves 5-Year Strategic Plan 

A new five-year strategic plan for the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions at Duke University will strengthen the Institute's ties with the university, focus its research on the University's core competencies and encourage outreach to new audiences. 


Climate Change in the Southeastern U.S.

The Nicholas Institute recently surveyed the largest cities in the Southeast to determine which ones are making voluntary efforts to address climate change. The findings, which cover government structure, local climate leadership, funding sources, and planning and program implementation, are detailed in a new Institute report.


Staff Teaching Courses This Spring

Educating the next generation of environmental leaders is one of the many ways the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions helps bridge the gap between science and policy. During the spring semester, staff are aiding in this mission by teaching six courses across campus. 


Reducing the Cost of CCS Technology

A new report highlights how a software program created at Duke can help minimize transportation and storage costs for carbon capture and storage (CCS) networks in Texas.


Sustainability Center Moves to New Space

The Duke Center for Sustainability & Commerce has moved to new offices in Duke University's Energy Hub. Located in room 102H, the new offices and laboratory space include systems modeling stations, offices for visiting faculty and sustainable infrastructure simulation software. 


Researchers Pen Book Chapters

A new book features two chapters on reducing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions penned by researchers at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. The 456-page book reviews the state of agricultural climate mitigation globally and focuses on the design and implementation of activities to reduce emissions and increase carbon storage.


Happy New Year from the Institute

With warm wishes for 2012 from all of us at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions.


The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions helps decision makers create timely, effective, and economically practical solutions to the world's most critical environmental challenges.

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University,
 P.O. Box 90335, Durham, NC 27708.