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 Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions -December 6, 2011 

Upcoming Events

December 7

Durban, South Africa

Brian Murray will present at COP17 at a session called "Managing Coastal Ecosystems for Climate Mitigation."


February 22-24, 2012

Capella, Singapore  

Linwood Pendleton will be among the speakers at The Economist's World Oceans Summit.

For more information on upcoming events, visit the Nicholas Institute's website. 


In the News

North Carolina Public Radio, Duke Research Dispels Clean Energy Myths


News & Observer, Cap-and-Trade offers Benefits for California and Beyond


Environmental Leader, An Economist's Take on Climate Change


News & Record, Fracking Suggestions 


Ecosystem Commons, Is Marine Protection a Good Investment?


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Featured Multimedia
Financing Watershed Protection
Financing Watershed Protection

Institute Participates in Climate Talks

Political leaders, scientists and policy makers from more than 190 nations continue to gather in Durban, South Africa, this week with the goal of developing a binding international climate change agreement. In their midst is Brian Murray. At the 17th Conference of the Parties (COP17), Murray is engaging in a variety of events and educational activities on behalf of the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. Before leaving for the negotiations last week, Murray participated in an "Office Hours" interview on the state of international climate change policies. 


Seven Safeguards for Hydraulic Fracturing

A new report by Duke University researchers offers several health and environmental measures for North Carolina lawmakers to consider as they debate legalizing horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing for natural gas. The study looks at potential environmental hazards and how lawmakers in other states are factoring health and environmental risks into regulatory approaches targeting the extraction method.


Duke Launches New Energy Initiative 

Duke University is launching an interdisciplinary, university-wide initiative to explore creative solutions to the problems surrounding energy and to help prepare tomorrow's leaders for a world in which producing and consuming energy will present ever greater challenges. The Institute is among those involved.


Sustainability Work Published in Journal  
Jay Golden, director of the Duke Center for Sustainability & Commerce, is the lead author of an article published in the latest edition of the Journal of Industrial Ecology. The study describes sustainability trends in government and industry, as well as highlights common approaches and needs as more
 organizations adopt programs to address the environmental and social impacts of their operations.


Study Debunks Electricity Myths 

A study by researchers at Duke University and the Georgia Institute of Technology, published in the journal Energy Policy, spells out and debunks popular myths about clean energy promulgated by policy makers, business leaders and advocacy groups in the South.


Paper: Financing Options for Blue Carbon

When coastal habitats are destroyed, the large amounts of carbon stored in their soil, referred to as blue carbon, can be released into the atmosphere. In a new report, Institute researchers look at current and potential options to turn this land into income-generating property while encouraging land conservation and reducing the amount of CO2 released from these habitats. 


Holman Reappointed to Seat Advising NC

Bill Holman, director of state policy at the Nicholas Institute, has been reappointed to a three-year term with the State Water Infrastructure Commission.


Paper Sector Distribution Allowances 

The paper looks at design elements and industry characteristics that can affect the distribution of allowances to firms under output-based allocation, focusing on the important United States pulp and paper sector as an example.


The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions helps decision makers create timely, effective, and economically practical solutions to the world's most critical environmental challenges.

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University,
 P.O. Box 90335, Durham, NC 27708.