September 28, 2007
In This Issue
New Policy Brief Finds G8 Leadership Critical for Curbing CO2
Who's Affected by 10,000-Ton Rule?
New Partnership Focuses on Corporate Sustainability
In Deep Water
Dealing With Uncertainty in Water Quality
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New Policy Brief Finds G8 Leadership Critical for Curbing CO2

The Heiligendamm Process conceived at the recent Group of Eight summit calls for the G8 countries plus the five largest developing nations to negotiate commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to mid-century levels to avoid dangerous climate change. A new Nicholas Institute policy brief demonstrates that commitments from these 13 nations, particularly the United States and China, can be an important step to keeping CO2 levels in the "safe zone" below 450 ppm, even with a 10-year lag between developed and developing nations. To read the brief, click here

Who's Affected by 10,000-Ton Rule?

Opponents of action on climate change warn that jobs will be lost under a cap and trade system. A new Nicholas Institute policy brief addresses this concern by identifying what type and size of facilities in the manufacturing sector will be, and won't be, regulated under various legislative proposals that target facilities emitting at least 10,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide or its greenhouse gas equivalent per year. Read the brief online here

New Partnership Focuses on Corporate Sustainability 

The Nicholas Institute has joined with the Fuqua School of Business and Nicholas School of the Environment and Earth Science to launch the Duke Corporate Sustainability Initiative. CSI pools the interdisciplinary resources and expertise of its three partners to examine corporate sustainability practices from the perspectives of both business strategy and public policy. Learn more about it here

In Deep Water

At a time when all counties in North Carolina are experiencing some degree of drought, a new report from the Nicholas Institute, "The Future of Water in North Carolina: Strategies for Sustaining Abundant and Clean Water," identifies six long-term strategies for improving the management and conservation of water resources in the Tarheel State. Read it online here.

Dealing With Uncertainty in Water Quality 

A new Nicholas Institute report offers guidance for resource managers and others who are charged with improving water quality in the face of uncertainties in the EPA's Total Maximum Daily Load (TDML) forecasts. The report includes an executive summary for policymakers, along with the detailed conclusions of an expert panel. It's online here.

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