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 Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions - September 7, 2011 

Upcoming Events

September 15

Durham, North Carolina
Join national security leaders, local energy experts and former U.S. Sen. John Warner to discuss the critical links between our country's energy use and national security.


September 30

Durham, North Carolina

The Duke Storm Water Seminar will share the University's efforts to manage storm water pollution, to meet and exceed state and local standards, and begin capturing and reusing rain water as a resource.


October 10

Raleigh, North Carolina
The Nicholas Institute is co-sponsoring a workshop focused on water efficiency at the Jane S. McKimmon Center.


For more information on upcoming events, visit our website. 


In the News

The Environmental Forum, Clearing the Arteries


Jakarta Post, 'Dirgahayu' Indonesia: A Reflection of Accomplishments, Challenges and Strategies 


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Featured Multimedia

Water Wars: Radio Show Charlotte Talks Features the Institute's Bill Holman

Symposium to Focus on Southeast Energy 

SE Energy Conference 2011
The Southeastern United States is faced with several energy transitions in the coming years. Existing energy generation infrastructure is aging. New energy imperatives such as domestic, low-carbon and renewables are increasingly playing into discussions about the composition of our future portfolio. Duke University's Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions is convening a day-long symposium on the Duke campus to discuss these issues, identify crucial information gaps and plot future directions for research and outreach. Register to join us November 16.


Opportunities Available for Students

Each year, the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions offers students the opportunity to work on a variety of research and outreach projects. Several positions are currently available for the 2011-12 academic year, including a new paid assistantship program designed for students in five schools across the Duke campus.  


Seminar Series Kicks Off for Fall 

Join the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions and the UPEP Environmental Institution Fridays at 10 a.m. for a seminar series featuring leading experts discussing a variety of pressing environmentally focused topics.


Paper: Policies for Emission Reduction

The United States transportation sector not only accounts for a significant portion of domestic greenhouse gas emissions, but it is also the fastest-growing source of these emissions. This Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions paper summarizes the potential for emission reductions from policies influencing the transportation sector.  


The Global Water, Sanitation Challenge

Last month, researchers attended World Water Week in Stockholm, which brings together top experts from developed and developing nations to present new research addressing the challenges in providing global access to clean water and sanitation. Read about their trip and the research recently completed on the topic.


Paper: Seeding the Market 

A new policy brief provides an overview of market-based, pay-for-performance mechanisms to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries. 


The Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions helps decision makers create timely, effective, and economically practical solutions to the world's most critical environmental challenges.

Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University,
 P.O. Box 90335, Durham, NC 27708.