April 5, 2011
In This Issue
Rethinking a Waterway at Eight Knots
Climate Ready Estuaries: A Blueprint for Change
Duke Inks MOU with World Wildlife Fund US
Computer Model Charts Environmental, Economic Impacts of Biomass
Report: Transportation Infrastructure Spending and Climate Outcomes
New Center Improves the Bottom Line Through Sustainability
Ecosystem Services Focused Partnership Now Housed at Duke
Rethinking a Waterway at Eight Knots

BoatU.S. magazine features a story on Ocean and Coastal Policy Director Linwood Pendleton's journey along the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway. The research trip served as a way for Pendleton to see what challenges face policy makers in coastal towns, and talk with people about their views of the waterway. Read more at the Nicholas Institute's "On the Waterway" blog.

Climate Ready Estuaries: A Blueprint for Change
The Nicholas Institute has put together a report detailing the findings and recommendations for increasing the Albemarle-Pamlico region's climate resilience. This report offers up-to-date science on sea level rise impacts and serves as a first step in educating the public and decision makers about the opportunities and challenges of becoming a climate ready estuary. 
Duke Inks MOU with World Wildlife Fund US
Duke University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the World Wildlife Fund US to collaborate on research, teaching and the advancement of conservation policy and science. Read More
Computer Model Charts Environmental, Economic Impacts of Biomass
A computer model created by a Nicholas Institute researcher, in partnership with North Carolina State University, provides a detailed visual representation of how woody biomass could be used to meet renewable energy targets in the South. Read More
Report: Transportation Infrastructure Spending and Climate Outcomes

Reinvesting revenue from a transportation fuels carbon fee into targeted infrastructure improvements can achieve small decreases in greenhouse gas emissions while improving transportation conditions and generating significant economic benefits, according to a new report.

New Center Improves the Bottom Line through Sustainability

Jay Golden, director of the Duke Center for Sustainability & Commerce, is highlighted in a two-page story in Gist from the Mill, a magazine by the Social Science Research Institute at Duke.

Ecosystem Services Focused Partnership Now Housed at Duke

The National Ecosystem Services Partnership (NESP), an organization centered on enhancing collaboration within the ecosystem services community to strengthen coordination of policy, market implementation and research at the national level, is now housed at the Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions. Learn more about this effort through their newsletter, NESP Digest.

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